The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1542: whereabouts

Chapter 154 Whereabouts

Xia Ming was motionless and quietly ate the things on the table. For Gu Peer's temptation, Xia Ming kept his heart firmly. Therefore, this charm has no effect on Xia Ming.

Gu Peier looked at Xia Ming in amazement and thought secretly, "Isn't this kid to be an eunuch? Why is there no emotion at all?"

Gu Peer didn't know that there were many beautiful women that Xia Ming had seen, so she said that Jiang Lai and Lin Wanqing are no weaker or even better than Gu Peer.

However, the charm of Gu Peier's body has a fatal appeal to some men, and he is different, because when one person looks more at a beautiful woman, and then looks at other women, they will naturally compare with each other. And more or less immune.

In addition, Xia Ming also knows that the woman who came is not good and came with a purpose. Xia Ming naturally could not write the woman's way.

"How's it? Will my little brother join me in the Sanxian religion?" Gu Peier asked again.

"You can go." Xia Ming said calmly, "I said, I don't want to join any forces, you still don't have to worry about it."

Gu Peer snorted and saw Xia Ming being so unaware that he said, "Brother, do you know how many people are looking at you now? Do you know how dangerous these areas are? Especially at night, the dead are Many, if you do n’t join one of the four forces, you may not live tomorrow. "

Xia Ming heard the words, but smiled flatly, and said, "It will not bother you, please."

"Giggle ..."

At this moment Gu Peer giggled. The laughter was full of joy, like a copper bell, which made people sound extremely comfortable.

Gu Peer smiled sweetly and said, "Brother, don't you feel a little uncomfortable all over you? Do you feel you have no strength at all?"

With Gu Peier's remarks, this changed Yang Wen's face, and then Yang Wen wanted to stand up, but at this moment, Yang Wen felt that there was no trace of strength on his body, which made Yang Wen Wen's face changed greatly.

Because there was no strength to support him, Yang Wen lay on the table slowly. Yang Wen was angry: "Demon, what have you done to me?"

Then, even the light rain fell to the table, and looked so weak and pitiful that it made people feel a little pity.


At this moment, Gu Peier laughed: "I Sanxian teaches to use poison naturally, what you have is naturally a poison specially adjusted by my Sanxian teach. This poison can suppress the vitality in your body and let you Lost strength, how about my brother, is he interested in joining me?

At this moment, Gu Peier stretched out her delicate jade fingers and lifted it towards Xia Ming's chin. The next time Xia Ming grabbed Gu Peier's jade hand, a strong force came, which made Gu Peier exclaim. Then, Xia Ming grabbed his wrist, Gu Peer looked at Xia Ming in shock.

"You ... are you not poisoned?"

Xia Ming heard the words and sneered, "It's just poisonous, it's useless to me."

Gu Peier was shocked. How could this be possible? You must know that his poison is hard to resist even if he is yellow-level, but Xia Ming is not poisoned.

His poison is colorless and tasteless. If he accidentally wins, he will be okay.

Xia Ming said coldly, "Take out the antidote, or it will kill you."

"Little brother ..."

Gu Peer heard the words, giggled, and the laughter was full of charm. The next moment, Xia Ming said indifferently: "Don't use charm art on me, these things don't work for me, now I will The antidote was handed over, and I never blame it. "


Gu Peer looked at Xia Ming in shock. She didn't expect that the pride she was proud of would not work for Xia Ming. Is this guy still human?

Gu Peer bit her silver teeth lightly and wanted to break Xia Ming's hand, but she found that Xia Ming's big hand was like iron tongs, which made her unable to move, which made Gu Peer somewhat angry.

Gu Peer said, "Okay, I'll give it to you."

Then Xia Ming let go of Gu Peer's wrist. The next moment, Gu Peer took a small bottle from her body and said, "Smell this, and you can detoxify."

Xia Ming heard the words and smelt a bit. Xia Ming felt that this should be an antidote. Xia Ming has a high degree of medical skills, so he is also very familiar with these herbs.

Xia Ming asked Yang Wen and Xiao Yu a sigh. At this moment, Yang Wen yelled: "Demon girl, what do you want to do, dare to poison us."

Yang Wen was very angry. He had been very careful, but he did not expect that he was still following the Tao of others.

Gu Peier left her mouth open. This scene was seen in the eyes, but it was a bit distressing, saying, "Is it just that you want you to join the Sanxian religion? They haven't really shot at you. "


Xia Ming sneered and whispered: "You still don't have to worry about it, I won't join any of your forces, so you all leave."


Gu Peier gave a sigh of courage, and gave Xia Ming a dissatisfied glance, saying, "Brother, sister will come to see you, but you have to be careful during this time, because some people will hit you."

Gu Peer walked out of Wumen. At this moment, Yang Wen was relieved and couldn't help but said, "Xia brother, what shall we do next?"

"Wait for news." Xia Ming said calmly.

"Xia brother, the four forces will definitely not let you go, they are likely to send someone to kill us." Yang Wen could not help but say.

"What's going on?" Xia Ming asked with a frown.

"Xia brother, your talent is very good, such a young grade has reached this level. I am afraid that the four major forces want you to join them, but ... if you join one of them, it will be very important for this force Great advantage, so several other big forces will jealous of you, so ... if they are really angry, they will inevitably come to kill you and kill you in the cradle. "

Even what Xia Ming said was slightly dignified, even Xia Ming said, "It seems that it can only be done as soon as possible."

Now that Luoyuxi is on this island, he has to go to Luoyuxi. Luoyuxi is his friend because he has been in trouble. If Luoyuxi has a length of three or two, he will feel a little unhappy .


Yang Wen nodded, and said, "Xia brother, let's put some news out."

"No need." Xia Ming shook his head and said, "I'm afraid they already know that we are here. I think they will come to us soon."

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