The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1545: Vs. Butler

Chapter 1545 Battle with Wu Butler

The housekeeper Wu came out with a dark look and came to Xia Ming. Xia Ming dragged Luo Yuxi behind him and stared at the housekeeper Wu.

The strength of Wu's housekeeper, I am afraid, has reached the level of yellow level consummation. Even Xia Ming dare not to underestimate such strength.

"Xia Ming ..."

Luo Yuxi pulled La Xia Ming's arm nervously, looked at Wu butler with some anxiety, and then looked at Xia Ming.

"I'm fine."

Xia Ming said calmly, "You go and stand next, and let me solve it next."

"Otherwise, you go quickly ..." Luo Yuxi worried.

"Do not!"

Xia Ming shook his head, with a pair of eyes with firm eyes. When Luo Yuxi saw Xia Ming's eyes, this made Luo Yuxi tremble, Luo Yuxi carefully walked towards the door, this At that time, Xia Ming looked coldly at Wu steward and others.

"Boy, hand over the keys to the old pagoda and the stone, I can let you leave here, if not ..." Speaking here, the steward Wu said coldly, and the threat was self-evident.

"I want the ancient tower and the stone." Xia Ming heard and sneered: "If you want to, take it by your ability."

"It seems you don't see the coffin nor cry. If so, don't blame me for being very hot."

As soon as the voice fell, Wu's steward moved, and he leaned sideways and grabbed Xia Ming's shoulder. Xia Ming saw this, and sneered. If he was just the ordinary peak of Huang, I'm afraid he was really in front of Wu. There is no fighting back, but unfortunately ... he is not an ordinary yellow peak.

"Eight Immortals."

Xia Ming stepped aside and avoided the attack directly. When Wu's housekeeper saw Xia Ming's flexibility to avoid the attack, Wu's housekeeper was a little surprised.

"Somewhat interesting," Wu steward sneered, "but that's all."

At the next moment, Wu's housekeeper punched Xia Ming again. This punch was powerful, and in this style of fist, there was a touch of vitality.

If the average person was hit, I'm afraid this punch would be enough to kill him.

Seeing Wu's housekeeper punching at him, Xia Ming gave a cold drink.

"Dynamic King Kong."

The surface of Xia Ming's palm seemed to be covered with a faint layer of golden light. This faint light was inconspicuous, but if you look closely, you can still find it.

The palm of Xia Ming's palm was erupting constantly, and that kind of power made people feel a kind of solitude.

The next moment, Xia Ming patted the past with one palm.


The fists collided, an invisible gas, the shock spread, and that gas made Wu's housekeeper take two steps back directly, and Xia Ming did the same, only two steps back to stabilize his figure.

Housekeeper Wu looked at Xia Ming in surprise.

Not only Wu butler, even Zhao Tianlou was surprised. He didn't expect that Xia Ming could block Wu butler's palm, which really surprised him.

You know, the strength of Wu's steward is the level of Huang's consummation. Xia Ming and Wu's housekeeper have done a trick. Regardless of the top and bottom, does Xia Ming's strength also reach the level of Huang's consummation?

Xia Ming looked at the steward Wu solemnly. Although they said that they touched each other, no one fell into the wind, but Xia Ming knew that this Wu steward might be promoted to become a perfect level of Huang. The strong, even Xia Ming, dare not care.

"No wonder it's so arrogant ... but ..." When speaking of this, the housekeeper Wu sneered: "If you just have this strength, then you are doomed today."

"No injuries."

The Wu steward sighed and gathered the vitality of his body on his fists. The Wu steward ran a non-injury punch in a strange way.

This uninjured boxing is also a martial art, and the uninjured boxing is powerful and overbearing. That was what he had inadvertently gained in those years. With these uninjured boxings, he has no idea how many powerful enemies he killed.

Feeling the power of this fist, Xia Ming didn't have the slightest intention. The eight waste gas in Xia Ming's body gathered wildly on the palm of his hand.

"Uninjured fist, first punch, fist injury."

With the yell of Wu steward, Wu's steward's body moved, and Xia Ming banged with a punch. This punch, even Xia Ming, heard the sound of whistling fist, this terrible power Road, even Xia Ming's face is fusion.

"Dynamic King Kong."

The martial arts learned by Xia Ming are relatively single, so at present they can only be used to fight the enemy.


The two fists collided, and the two took a few steps back. However, at this moment, Wu's housekeeper was shocked.

"This boy ... After the Ming Dynasty Huang peaked, his combat power was comparable to that of Huang Huang. How did he cultivate?"

Even the housekeeper Wu was extremely surprised. You must know that he has been promoted to the yellow level for many years. Over the years, he has been polishing his strength all the time. However, because of his physical weakness, his blood has already been in his body. Gradually dissipated, no longer as good as in the prime of life.

Therefore, it is difficult to break through this mysterious realm.

Of course, but this does not mean that his strength has deteriorated. On the contrary, the grinding over the years has made him stronger and stronger, but he has encountered two tricks with this boy, and this boy has not fallen behind.

Although it is said that there are some arrogant sons who can kill people beyond the ranks, but after all, it is a minority. I never expected that this situation happened to Xia Ming.

"Uninjured boxing, second boxing, boxing style."

The steward Wu yelled and punched Xia Ming again. The power of this punch was more powerful, and he didn't believe that the kid's combat power could really be as good as Huang's.

Xia Ming hurriedly retreated with his powerful explosive power, but Wu's housekeeper completely blocked Xia Ming's retreat and said coldly, "I see how you retreat."

Then Xia Ming felt that he was whistling towards himself again. Xia Ming didn't dare to have the slightest intention. Xia Ming patted it with a palm and then sang loudly.

"Congenital finger."

A burst of energy rushed towards Wu's housekeeper with lightning, and the violent energy surprised Wu's housekeeper.

"Break it for me."

The butler of Wu steward hit the invincible finger with a punch, and the steward of Wu looked at Xia Ming in front of his face with a shock, and the murmur sounded at this moment.

"Exhausted energy, boy, who the **** are you?"

Yes, it is the release of vitality. You must know that even the masters of the mystery can not release the vitality. This release of the vitality requires a strong vitality as a support. Generally speaking, if the vitality of a warrior is released, it will make the vitality stronger. Infinite weakness, they can also release the vitality, but they cannot guarantee that the strength of the external energy is still there.

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