The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1554: Mysterious ancient tower

Chapter 1554 Mysterious Ancient Tower

Xia Ming took this quaint ancient tower. Although he also studied it when he got this ancient tower, he didn't study it too much, because the ancient tower was too mysterious. Even Xia Ming didn't research what it was. Ancient tower.

However, when Xia Ming opened his see-through eyes to look at the ancient tower, it seemed as if there was a vague force blocking his see-through eyes, which is why Xia Ming bought this ancient tower.

The ancient tower looks ancient, mysterious, and I don't know how long it has existed. This ancient tower is bronze, and it seems to be made of bronze.

Charmington paused and thought to himself, "What if this ancient tower was flooded with water or burned with fire?"

Thinking of this, Xia Ming said, "Enter the ring of Qiankun."

The next moment, when Xia Ming reappeared, he came to the Qiankun ring. Since he got the colorful stones of the son-in-law, his Qiankun ring has also undergone tremendous changes, which can let people enter the Qiankun ring. Definitely an artifact in the artifact.

Xia Ming entered the Qiankun ring, thought about it, and then threw the ancient tower into the sea. In this Qiankun ring, it has the size of three mountains and five mountains. Between these mountains and mountains, there is a lake. The lake is clear and looks like Very beautiful, Xia Ming lost some lotus seeds in the lake, and now there are some lotus flowers on the lake.

After the ancient tower was thrown into the water, there was no movement. After waiting for five minutes, Xia Ming did not see any movement of the ancient tower. Xia Ming in doubt waved his hand and took the ancient tower back into his hand. In the Qiankun ring, Xia Ming can be said to be heaven, and everything in the Qiankun ring will move at will.

As long as he has a thought, he can reach it.

Xia Ming took this slightly wet ancient tower, and looked curiously. The ancient tower was still bronze, and there was nothing unusual. For a time, Xia Ming felt a little strange.

What is going on in this ancient tower?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming waved his hand and found some trees. Then he picked up a lighter and set the fire on. After lighting, Xia Ming threw the ancient tower into the firewood and burned it for about ten minutes. Xia Ming Take it out, but was surprised to find that Guta had nothing at all.

Although the fire is not very large, in general, the ancient tower will be burned to black, but this little tower has nothing at all, not even a dark place.

Even Xia Ming was a little surprised.

"What kind of tower is this? Don't be afraid of water or fire, are you going to drop blood?"

Xia Ming thought of this, and was excited, yes, in the novel, many of them are confessing their blood, does it mean that his ancient tower is still a treasure?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming was also slightly agitated, and quickly picked up the little tower, made a small opening in his hand, and dropped it on the little tower.

However, Xia Ming was somewhat disappointed that when his blood dripped on this little tower, there was no movement at all, which made Xia Ming a little depressed.

The blood fell on the small tower like this, and the small tower did not absorb it. Obviously, the so-called dripping blood is so special.

"What the **** is this thing?"

Xia Ming couldn't help pouring the eight wastes in his body into this little tower. The little tower had no movement at all. For a time, Xia Ming was speechless.

"It seems to be researching in the future."

What did Xia Ming think of and asked: "System, if I sell this little tower to you, how many honor points can I be?"

With Xia Ming's voice clearing, the system's voice echoed in Xia Ming's mind, listening only to the system saying, "According to the system budget, this little tower can be exchanged for one million honor points."

"one million?"

Xia Ming heard that for a moment, now he draws a prize and needs 10,000 honor points, which can be described as sky-high price. I did not expect that this small tower can be exchanged for 1 million honor points. Even Xia Ming has some shock.

According to the urine nature of the system, it will definitely not be able to buy and sell at a loss. Although it can be exchanged for one million honor points, if it is purchased in the system, it needs at least two million honor points.

Maybe two million may not be available.

Xia Ming couldn't help asking: "System, can you tell me what treasure is this little tower?"

I'm so curious about this thing. No matter who knows that the thing in your hand is a treasure, you don't know what the treasure is. Who it is changed to, and my heart is itchy and panicky.

"This system has no right to inform." The system said flatly.

"I wipe! Your uncle." Xia Ming said angrily.

There was no sound in the system, and Xia Ming was ignored at all. For a while, Xia Ming thought helplessly: "Let's put it first, it won't be redeemed for honor point."

In desperation, Xia Ming put away the ancient tower again. Xia Ming looked at the injury on his chest, and his injury had not healed. At that time, the injury was too serious. If it was not his own life, I am afraid he was dead. Yes, but this hurt his muscles for a hundred days, even he was a bit weak.

"Yes, isn't there a mall system?"

Thinking of this, Xia Ming was excited and said in a hurry: "System, open me the mall system immediately."

"Didi, the mall system is open."

Then Xia Ming saw this familiar mall system. The mall system changes every day, some may change a lot, some may not change much, but it changes every day, which is for sure.

Xia Ming quickly browsed the things on the mall system. Soon, Xia Ming browsed a gold sore medicine. When Xia Ming saw the gold sore medicine, even Xia Ming was shocked.

"Special version of gold sore medicine can continue to connect bones and bones, and it can be cured in only ten minutes. The price is 60,000 honor points."

When Xia Ming saw this 60,000 honor point, even Xia Ming couldn't help but took a breath. This **** thing was too expensive and too expensive. Such a bottle of gadgets cost six Million.

Sixty thousand can draw six times ...

When Xia Ming saw this, he hesitated a bit. Although he was injured, he could gradually get better if he healed himself. With his physical fitness, he could be intact within a few days.


Now he is on the island, and he is under threat of life all the time.

If this gold sore medicine is not needed, he does not know what kind of danger he will suffer, and if he can cope by then.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming gritted his teeth and couldn't help but said, "System, do I still have 90,000 honor points?"

"Yes," said the system coldly.

"Help me buy the gold sore medicine." Then Xia Ming passed his meaning directly to the system, said.

"Didi, the host is buying gold sore medicine, may I ask the host whether to buy it."


"Didi, the host successfully purchased."


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