The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1562: Poisonous possession

Chapter 1562

Xia Ming was swimming towards the shore in the sea. Fortunately, his physical strength was sufficient. For him, it was nothing. Even the top special forces could do it. For Xia Ming, , Naturally a piece of cake.

Xia Ming swims for an hour, but has not seen the shore, but he knows that he can reach this position.

"Well, there seems to be movement over there."

At this moment, Xia Ming saw a rapid ripple in front of him, which caused Xia Ming to frown slightly. Generally speaking, such a clear ripple would not appear on the sea, as if someone had cast a stone. That kind of ripples.

Xia Ming frowned slightly, then opened the see-through eye, and when Xia Ming opened the see-through eye and looked forward, this made Xia Ming startled.


Xia Ming looked at the scene in shock. There were almost a dozen big sharks in front of him. Even Xia Ming couldn't help but your mother rushed past 10,000 grasses.

If it's just one, Xia Ming is naturally not afraid. With his ability to kill one, it's not a problem, but the key is that his grandma has a dozen.

Even Xia Ming had to be careful.

Although he is a warrior, this big shark is about the same as a monster and weighs two tons. If he comes over all of a sudden, he will have a broken muscle.

"It's really enough."

Xia Ming feels that as long as he touches the sea, he will get blood mold. The last plane accident also occurred above the sea, and it happened twice, and now it is at sea again. When this happens, Xia Ming has a natural feeling of hatred against water.

"No, you have to figure out a way."

Xia Ming's brows froze tightly. When he saw the shark madly heading towards him, Xia Ming was also tight. These sharks are similar to the blind. Although they have a pair of eyes, they ... rely on the sense of smell to smell Their sense of smell is very sensitive, and they can smell the odours far away, especially for **** tastes.

"Fuck, it's really blood mold."

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Ming cursed secretly. He felt that if he wanted to be unlucky, there would be as much unlucky. It was like being in a state of faintness. Even this kind of thing could be encountered.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, pulled Long Xiao out, and began to move forward cautiously. His purpose was also to hope for a stable past without alarming these sharks.

However, he was obviously disappointed.

Because the shark swam directly towards Xia Ming when it came over, which changed Xia Ming's face.

"What's going on? Why do these sharks attack me directly?"

Xia Ming is a bit strange. It stands to reason that if there is no **** taste, these sharks would not be able to attack themselves at all?


The next moment, Xia Ming saw a scratch on his leg, and unfortunately, blood happened to coagulate on this surface. This moment, Xia Ming knew instantly.

"I rub ..."

Xia Ming cursed, it was clear that his own blood attracted these big guys, which made Xia Ming feel a little bit sore.

The next moment, a shark swiftly bite at Xia Ming. Xia Ming's face sank and he hurriedly avoided the attack. As Xia Ming avoided, Xia Ming slashed at the shark. Passed.

Long Xiao can be said to blow hair and break hair. Although this shark is rough and thick, it looks a little weak in front of Long Xiao.

As Xia Ming stabbed into the shark's body, the shark shook his body with pain and pain, blood flowing down the wound, and Xia Ming was also hit by a fly.

The blood also stained Xia Ming's clothes, but the sharks around them quickly bite at the shark, and in the blink of an eye, the shark was killed.

Xia Ming's face sank when he saw this situation.

Although a shark died, he was stained with richer blood, and these sharks could chase themselves until they killed themselves.

As for escape?

Xia Ming didn't even think about it.

At this moment, you are already surrounded by sharks. It is too difficult to escape. If this shore is not far away, you can try it, but there is a distance from the land. No matter how fast you swim, you can't compare to this natural overlord.


At this moment, Xia Ming suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly took out a bottle of something. Then Xia Ming opened the small bottle without any hesitation, and a faint gas wafted.

Because it is in water, it is difficult for the gas to flow out, but soon these gases are combined with oxygen in the water.

Then, these sharks also smelled this smell. For a moment, all these sharks lost their support and even floated, which made Xia Ming ecstatic for a while.

"It really works."

Xia Ming had an urge to laugh. Suddenly Xia Ming found that these sharks were too sensitive to smell, which may not be a good thing.

What he used was the reward that he had drawn. It was a sorrowful breeze, but the poison appeared only in Tianlong Babu. Any smell of it would make people feel weak and weak.

This is the efficacy of this poison.

Originally, Xia Ming took this bottle of poison just to try one. It never occurred to him that this bottle of poison actually worked, which made Xia Ming's indescribable joy.

Xia Ming looked at these sharks and thought about them, and then put them into the Qiankun ring. There was water in his Qiankun ring. These sharks could not die naturally, but they were weak and weak.

After collecting these sharks into his own ring, Xia Ming swam quickly forward. On this way, Xia Ming did not meet the shark again. It is estimated that there is such a shark group nearby, and it happened that they were caught by himself .

Four hours later, when Xia Ming reappeared, he had already reached the shore and reached the shore, and he was slightly relieved.

"It's finally here."

Then Xia Ming took out his Variety Star King and turned it into another person. If he is not a person who is very familiar with Xia Ming, I am afraid he will never recognize him.

Xia Ming ran quickly in one direction according to the address Lin Tian had prepared for him.

When he arrived at the destination, Xia Ming stated his identity, and he was heading towards the Ouyang family and got on the plane. This also made Xia Ming a little relieved.

Because this time he was considered to be the horse honeycomb, and then, the most troublesome, he must arrange his family, because he does not know whether these people will do anything to his family.

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