The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1567: set off

Those who have seen a pit girl, have not seen such a pit girl, this old boy would have done nothing wrong in the last life, this kind of ridiculous idea can also be conceived ...

This is the head of Ouyang's family. Cao, how can it be like a rogue.

You can do betrayal.

Xia Ming prepared a bit. After getting a new identity, he went to the rice country. This time, Xia Ming was excited. This has been a lot of time. Finally, there is a glimmer of hope, that is, a glimmer of hope. .

Six keys must be found as soon as possible.

When Xia Ming reappeared, he came to the rice country, which is a big country with great strength and can be said to be a well-deserved world overlord. However, the country of China is not as good as the security of Huaxia. To say that law and order is still the safest, China does not control firearms. If it is not good, it will be killed by a single shot. This is definitely not alarmist. It happens every year. Things happen, but often times

Covered up.

But this hegemonic status is unshakable.

Xia Ming came to the rice country again, but Xia Ming still changed his appearance to avoid revealing his identity.

Xia Ming murmured at the International Airport: "If you want to find Little Dalton, I'm afraid there is still some trouble."

Dalton is not what anyone says if you want to see, after all, this guy is the future heir of the Dalton family in the future, and it is unimaginable.

Some people are not even qualified to meet, but they have weaknesses. This guy is very fond of girls. It is said that he likes Alice very much, especially this Alice is still a member of the Dalton family.

When thinking of Alice, this reminded Xia Ming of a little girl. The little girl is not big next year, but those eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts. The most terrible thing is that this little girl looks only a teenager, a dozen It's really scary to have such ability at the age.

Xia Ming also really didn't want to deal with this little guy, because this guy was so fine, he was just a sly little fox.

"By the way, and Pete."

Xia Ming's eyes lighted up. He immediately pulled out his cell phone and called Pete. When Pete connected the phone, Xia Ming hurriedly said, "Pete, there is a very important question to ask you now, can you Make an appointment with Little Dalton. "

"Xia, did you call me to ask someone for news? Xia, you know, my heart is broken." Pete, who was far away from the tower defense, showed a bitter face and made a heartbreaking Look.

Xia Ming rescued him twice, which made Pete extremely grateful to Xia Ming, and he also regarded Xia Ming as his closest friend.

"No more nonsense, I'm working now, you tell me quickly." Xia Ming hurried.

"It could have been difficult to see now."

Pete became serious after hearing Xia Ming's words, said.

"What's going on?" Xia Ming frowned and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know," Pete said. "This guy, Dalton, has been very low-key and he hasn't closed his door at home. He doesn't know what he's thinking."

"If I meet, I guess only Alice has the chance."

"Alice again."

Xia Ming heard a brow, and Alice was a member of the Dalton family. It was too difficult for her to match. Xia Ming couldn't help asking: "Is there no other way?"


Pete also shook his head and said, "Alice is the little princess of the Dalton family. She is so happy that even Dalton loves Alice. If you want to see him at this time, I am afraid that Alice. "

Xia Ming frowned, and for a time, Xia Ming was a little silent.

"Xia, what are you looking for for Dalton?" Pete asked curiously.

"You don't need to care."

Xia Ming gritted his teeth and hung up the phone. This caused Pete on the other side of the phone to be a little scratched. Peter didn't think about it after hanging up the phone.

Xia Ming contemplates secretly. If he wants to see Little Dalton, he must find Alice.

"However, since Dalton knows the key, he doesn't know if he knows that the key is related to the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang of China. If he knew it, it wouldn't be an ordinary task.

But it's true to think about it. Anyone who has something about the treasure in their hands, I'm afraid they'll be all right? It is even more impossible for him to give things to others.

After all, everyone is selfish.

"It seems I can only try it."

Xia Ming took a deep breath. In this rice country, he didn't know many friends, only Pete was the most important one. As for the others, they were half-baked. It would be impossible to ask them for help.

"By the way, I should have Alice's phone number."

It was then that Xia Ming suddenly remembered that she had memorized her mobile phone number at that time. In this case, it would be better.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took out his mobile phone, hesitated, and then dialed out.

"who is it."

The end of the phone reminded me of a copper bell-like voice. It was crisp and sweet. After hearing it, there was an impulse to touch.

That kind of pure voice makes people listen.

Xia Ming heard this familiar voice, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Is it Alice?"

"Xia, it turned out to be you."

Immediately after, Alice's surprised voice came from the other side of the phone, which made Xia Ming startled slightly. It had been so long. He didn't expect that Alice remembered him?

This surprised Xia Ming a little.

There is only one side between them. In theory, this kind of hard to remember each other can only be remembered if Xia Ming has such a good memory.

Unexpectedly, Alice remembered him.

Xia Ming immediately said: "Yes, it's me."

Xia Ming didn't hide either, but said it in a generous manner, and smiled, "Alice, where are you, I think I need to talk to you."

"Talk to me?"

On the other side, in a manor house, the manor covers a large area. In a castle on this manor, there is a girl lying on the bed with two little feet standing upright. The little girl looks beautiful in white stockings , The girls legs close together, can not see the slightest gap.

The little girl was holding a mobile phone in her hand. At this moment, she was a little surprised. Xia Ming has always been paying attention. How could such a talent not be noticed, especially the mobile phone he created, and even opened a new one. It's a door that has attracted countless people. Although many people are studying Xia Ming's mobile phones, they have made no progress, especially Xia Ming's use of this anti-counterfeiting technology has reached its limit, making it impossible for people to start.

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