Slowly passed by overnight.

On this night, Xia Ming couldn't sleep at night, because his heart was always worried, and he didn't know why, he always felt that something would happen to Huaxia.

However, although he did not sleep all night, Xia Ming was still energetic.

The next morning, Alice came to the hotel and came to Xia Ming. Xia Ming also knew that Alice had come, she simply left the villa and went downstairs to eat.

This hotel also serves breakfast, but lunch is not provided.

"Xia, I slept well last night," Alice said with a smile to Xia Ming.

"Not bad," Xia Ming nodded, and said, "Miss Alice, I don't know when you plan to take me to see your brother."

"It's not the time, and it's two days to wait." Alice looked at Xia Ming with a smile. Xia Ming was not angry, she smiled and said, "So where are you going to play now?"

Alice paused and said, "Actually, I don't know where to go, why don't you say one?" Xia Ming heard that his brows were tight, and he was not so familiar with the rice country, so he said that there was nothing good about it For places to play, Xia Ming took a deep look at Alice. The chick's eyes seemed to be able to see through the heart. It was definitely not easy, but now she had to pass

She was able to find the little Dalton, otherwise he would have left.

As for holding Alice, Xia Ming didn't think about it. He didn't know what position Alice occupied in the Dalton family, and Alice was not malicious to herself, and she was embarrassed to go.

This is not because Xia Ming is soft-hearted, but because people cannot kill for the sake of killing. Xia Ming does not want to hurt innocent people.

"I'm not very familiar with rice." Xia Ming shook his head and said, "You think about it."

Alice heard the words, nodded, and then said, "Let's go, I'll take you to an exciting place."

Xia Ming heard the words, took a deep look at Alice, and then said, "Where?"

"You'll know when you get there."

Xia Ming looked at Alice and didn't speak, but later she went to Alice's car. Alice's car was a specially modified Ferrari. It was big red and looked cool, but in Xia Ming's opinion, It felt a little out of step with Alice's style.

After all, Alice looked young.

With this cool sports car still attracted the attention of many people, however, these people can only see the rear of a car ...

Led by Alice, the two of Xia Ming marched towards a mountain, which made Xia Ming a little confused, but Xia Ming did not ask.

Soon, the two of Xia Ming came to this mountain. When they arrived on the mountain, Xia Ming saw a lot of people here, which surprised Xia Ming. These people were driving luxury cars. It seems that there is a party here, which slightly puzzled Xia Ming.

"What are you doing here?"

"Take you to see speed and passion." Alice smiled. "Let's go and see."

Xia Ming followed Alice and walked towards the inside. There were many people here, black, white, and others. Xia Ming was a little strange to these people and didn't know them.

"Hi Alice, it's been a long time."

The next moment, a man with a short hair and a height of 1.8 meters looked at Alice. This man was wearing a leisurely, black shirt, which perfectly showed the muscle lines of his body, and looked like a very burly man.

"Jack, how are you?" Alice greeted familiarly.

"Alice, you haven't been here for a long time. Are you bringing friends to play today?" Jack looked at Xia Ming and was a little surprised. Obviously, Alice would not bring a Chinese person here.

"Yes." Alice smiled. "This is Xia, my good friend."

"Hello, man." Jack looked at Xia Ming and smiled. "My name is Jack."

"Hello there."

Xia Ming shook hands and smiled slightly. Xia Ming felt a little speechless about Jack's name, Jack? How does it sound like picking up ...

"I'm glad to meet you. Will you drag the car too?" Jack asked.

Xia Ming heard the words and froze for a while, but apparently did not expect that Jack would ask him this way. Xia Ming smiled slightly and said, "Be it."

"That's great."

Jack seemed happy to find a partner, "You will be with us then."

Xia Ming didn't understand what Jack said, and Xia Ming nodded. At this time, Jack didn't talk to Xia Ming any more, but put it on Alice's body.

At this moment Alice smiled and said, "I don't know what the goal is this time?"

"This time the goal is a diamond, but the diamond is very big." Jack smiled. "If anyone can get this diamond back, he can win."


Alice nodded and said, "When will it start?"

"After an hour," Jack laughed.

"That's great."

With a smile, Alice seemed to be very interested in this matter, and Jack said at this time: "Alice, you play here first, I'll tell you."

"Okay, Jack."

As Jack left, at this time Xia Ming couldn't help but look at the crowd here. I have to say that the women in Mi Guo are really open. All of them are women only wearing underwear. Some people walk in a straight line ...

But I have to say that there are many beauties here.

"Alice, where is this place?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Have you heard the Speeding Party?" Alice said with a smile.

"Speeding party? Isn't it a racing car?" Xia Ming asked in amazement. Of course, Xia Ming is very familiar with racing. He is a master car racing himself.

Therefore, I was not so surprised to hear the Speeding Party, just a little curious.

"Then what did he just tell you?" Xia Ming asked again.

"Of course today's task." Alice said with a grin.

"Today's task? What task?" Xia Ming glanced at Alice in confusion, without understanding what it meant.

"A diamond came over today, and of course our goal is for this diamond." Alice said with a smile.


Xia Ming frowned, unable to help but said, "Robbery?"

"Almost." Alice said: "Our goal is not robbery, but car skills. The person who can rob this diamond will get the first place, but the first place has a reward of five million dollars. "Five million? So many?" Xia Ming asked in amazement.

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