The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1587: good stuff

Over time, the ten consecutive pumps have been pumped, but Xia Ming's mouth twitched a bit after the pumping. This ten pumps, nothing was pumped.

Perhaps it was because luck was gone, which made Xia Ming couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

"Didi, may I ask the host whether to continue the lottery." Xia Ming looked at the 360,000 honor points in his hand, and hesitated for a while, then thought secretly that he had 360,000 honors anyway. Point, the experience value drawn this time is only five times, but these five experience points are not enough to allow Triple to promote the master

Industry, also have some experience.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming said: "Continue to draw, still ten consecutive draws."

"Didi, the host is in the lottery." Xia Ming saw the pointer on the turntable spin up quickly. At this moment, Xia Ming was a lot easier. There are some things that can't be forced. It's all luck. Force, the less you will get such things, however, sometimes the more you let it go, the more you can

Get something like this.

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, gain experience ..."

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, gain experience ..."


Accompanied by a series of vocal sounds of experience, this made Xia Ming's face twisted together, and her heart was a little depressed. Was it really out of luck? There have been so many draws and nothing has been drawn, which is too bad.

Skills? Special category? Your uncle, give me a series of consumable dry hair. It is useless ...

Perhaps Xia Ming's anger made Heaven feel it. When the pointer stopped for the last time, the sound of the system really shocked Xia Ming.

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, to acquire skills."

As the sound of the system just dropped, the next moment, a golden treasure chest appeared in front of Xia Ming's eyes. As the golden treasure box jumped in front of Xia Ming, Xia Ming became excited.

"Open the chest immediately and see what it is."

"Didi, the treasure chest is opening." As the treasure chest opened, Xia Ming saw a piece of jade, which made Xia Ming stupefied, and then asked: "System, what kind of ghost is this jade? This is What the hell? "

"This piece of jade is an inheritance. Could the host accept the inheritance?"


When Xia Ming heard the news, his eyes almost glared. Xia Ming asked excitedly: "What is the heritage, hurry up and tell me what it is."

"Only know if the host accepts the lineage."

"Immediate inheritance."

"Didi, is being passed on."

The next moment, Xia Ming saw this piece of jade slowly dissipate. At this moment, this piece of jade seemed to be turned into thousands of pieces, and poured into Xia Ming's brain.

A strong memory rushed into Xia Ming's mind frantically, and that powerful memory shocked Xia Ming. For a time, he felt that he felt a sense of dizziness and brainstorming, which made Xia Ming for a while. Startled. You know, your brain is 100% developed. No matter what you learn, it is extremely fast. When you receive information, your brain rarely gets dizzy and dizzy. However, this inheritance today, But it caused him to feel dizzy,

It is conceivable how much information there is. Xia Ming felt the transmission of this information, which shocked Xia Ming's heart. The huge amount of information made Xia Ming a little excited. After all of them were accepted, Xia Ming felt his brain. Feeling a lot, Xia Ming felt the massive letter in his mind

For a while, Xia Ming had an inexplicable urge.


After Xia Ming completely accepted this information, Xia Ming was shocked and turned out to be a pharmacist, which made Xia Ming unexpectedly. According to the information in the information, the pharmacist is a profession that is more powerful than the master of medicine It can be said that it is an upgraded version of the Grand Master of Medicine.

Now that I have acquired a refining pharmacist, I can configure more medicines according to many medicinal materials. These medicines can kill and save people. As for how to use them, it depends on the nature of the individual.

Xia Ming even saw that there was someone in the refining pharmacist who could return the dead for three days ... This kind of occupation was so rampant that it exploded.

"Big hair ..."

Xia Ming said excitedly: "I thought I had run out of luck. I didn't expect that the guy at the system would enlarge my tricks at this time. It really made me look down."

Xia Ming was in a turbulent mood. With the memory of the refining pharmacist, his strength went up and down, but what made Xia Ming a little puzzled was that this pharmacist was not an entry to the master's level, but from 1 to 9 Level, which slightly puzzled Xia Ming. When did the realm change?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming shook his head and said, "System, I am now a non-level pharmacist. If I upgrade once, how many honor points do I need?"

"One hundred thousand."

"Brush ..."

When Xia Ming heard the news, a shudder, almost fell off the sofa, Xia Ming said excitedly: "I rely on, system, what do you say? How much to upgrade?

"100,000 experience points."

"What the hell……"

In Xia Ming's heart, 10,000 Cao Nima came here. One hundred thousand honor points. What is this concept? Right now, the remaining 260,000 is enough to upgrade once.

Xia Ming couldn't help but said, "System, this stuff is too much, right? If I upgrade to the 9th level, it will have 900,000 honor points, aren't you kidding me?"

"This system is never kidding." The system explained faintly: "Alchemist is a tall profession, one upgrade does require 100,000 experience points, because each upgrade will bring a huge amount of memory to the host."


Even Xia Ming couldn't help taking a breath and it was too much. With so many honor points, he was promoted to the top level, which had to be upgraded to the year of the monkey.

For a time, Xia Ming had an urge to cry.

Xia Ming said: "Forget it, help me increase all my experience to the triple strength."

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, triple the effort to upgrade to the advanced stage, and I hope the host will continue to work hard."

"What the **** ..."

Xia Ming heard the words and almost jumped up. Xia Ming asked excitedly: "I rely, what is going on? Isn't it possible to upgrade once for 10,000 honor points?"

"Who told you to upgrade once for 10,000 honor points." The system said lightly.

"I ..." Xia Ming went out directly, yeah, the system didn't say that the 10,000 honor points would be upgraded once. For a time, this made Xia Ming frown, and he never expected ... the experience that he got nine times. It ’s worth three ranks ... it ’s just a prank.

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