The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1593: Pit man

"Come out." Xia Ming shouted coldly, and a faint voice spread out, but it sounded so weird all around, especially in this hospital, when the overcast wind came, there was even a dark feeling.


Later, a man came out slowly not far away. Xia Ming looked away and saw an old man who lacked an arm, and this man was an elder Yan who was severed by himself.

"It was you." Xia Ming narrowed his eyes and said softly.

"Boy, I didn't expect it." Elder Yan snorted coldly. "Last time you cut me off, today, I'm going to crush you."

Xia Ming cut off his arm, which made him directly disabled. At the same time, the lack of an arm caused his strength to plummet, so he was extremely angry.

"Ha ha."

Xia Ming chuckled and said indifferently, "You are looking for death."

"court death?"

Elder Yan heard the words and chuckled: "Boy, dare to offend me at Yan Luodian, Shang Po Bi fell Huang Huang, and you must be killed."

"Is it up to you?" Xia Ming chuckled: "Or the one behind you?"


Elder Yan's face was stunned: "How do you know?" "Oh, yes, it really is a hero who is a boy." With Elder Yan's voice just falling, Xia Ming saw a figure wearing a black tights , It looks like the body is very beautiful, and the person ’s eyes are shining brightly

No power.

"So strong."

Xia Ming froze in his heart, and looked at the guy in front of him diligently. This man was definitely a master of metaphysics. Otherwise, he would not have such a strong momentum.

"Boy, why don't you join me at Yan Luodian? If you join me at Yan Luodian, the previous ones will be cancelled." The man in black smiled.

"Elder Soul ..." Elder Yan heard that, his face changed slightly. If Xia Mingken joined them, wouldn't his broken arm be broken in vain?

"Shut up." The man in black frowned and whispered softly: "Otherwise, die."

Elder Yan heard that he did not dare to continue talking. Although both of them were expensive elders, the status of the two of them was self-evident.

Even Elder Yan did not dare to arrogantly confront Elder Soul, because the strength of this Elder Soul has reached the level of mystery, the Elder Soul wanted to kill him, but waved between them.

Therefore, Elder Yan did not dare to talk back to Elder Soul.

Xia Ming heard the words and smiled, "I'm sorry, I haven't heard anything about Yan Luodian."

Xia Ming did not hear of Yan Luodian, but this Yan Luodian has such a master. It is not so easy to come to this Yan Luodian.

Xia Ming stared hard at the man in front of him. If he could escape, he would immediately run away.


Elder Soul looked at Xia Ming with a bleak look. He had such strength in Xia Ming's grade. Even Elder Soul raised his heart of love, but elder Yan smiled coldly.

"Since you are not willing to join my Yan Luodian, you have to cut off the matter of my elder Yan Luodian with you."

Xia Ming smiled and said, "Really?"

"If he wants to kill me, he must have the consciousness of being killed by me."

"Boy, it seems you can't tell the truth." Elder Soul laughed. "Since so, then I will take you."

"Let me down? Are you sure you want to shoot here? Dragon Soul will not intervene?" Xia Ming smiled and looked at Elder Soul, the Elder Soul heard the words, his complexion sinking, he did not expect that Xia Ming would use Dragon Soul to threaten him. he.

Elder Soul laughed and said, "Boy, Dragon Soul is just a warrior who manages Hua Xia. He won't shoot at ordinary people. I want to kill you. Can Dragon Soul manage it?"

"That may not be so."

Xia Ming smiled and said, "What if I am also a Dragon Soul?"


Xia Ming's words greatly changed the look of Elder Soul. If Xia Ming was also a Dragon Soul, it was really a little troublesome, but soon, Elder Soul laughed.

"Boy, you have to say, you are very smart, but if the dragon soul wants to take revenge on you, then you must know that the old man killed him."

The Dragon Soul that Xia Ming said did make the Elder Soul a little daunting, but thinking of Xia Ming's strength, the Elder Soul has full confidence to leave Xia Ming. Therefore, from the perspective of the Elder Soul, Xia Ming is looking for his own way. Elder Soul looked at Xia Ming indifferently. He seemed to want to see the emotion he wanted to see on Xia Ming's face, but he was disappointed. Because Xia Ming's face was calm, there was no mood swing. Therefore, one Elder Time Soul is a little confused, is there any other hand behind this boy?

to make.

"Elder Soul, in this case, the boy can only admit it."

Xia Ming sighed: "However, this is the end, I am willing to join Yan Luodian, and I hope the elders are complete."

"Haha, the current affairs person is Junjie, boy, you are very good." Elder Haha laughed, and the laughter was full of joy. Xia Ming was able to join Yan Luo Dian, which is very great for them. The benefit, such a genius and evil, they naturally appreciate joining.

"What's going on? How do I feel weak?"

Just the next moment, Elder Yan suddenly felt a little tired all over, as if he could not use a little strength, which made Elder Yan's face slightly changed. Then, Elder Yan slowly fell to the ground, suddenly. The situation, even the elder soul, has changed his face.

"what happened?"


The next time, Elder Soul felt that his body seemed to become heavy and weak, as if he were sick, and could not use any energy.

"not good……"

The Elder Soul's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly activated the vitality in the body, suppressing the sense of weakness in the body, but the Elder Soul was shocked to find that he had no energy to activate the vitality. How could this be? His vitality could not be used.

The next moment, the elder soul suddenly looked at Xia Ming, angrily: "Boy, you are the ghost."

"Haha ..."

Xia Ming heard the words and laughed. Xia Ming looked at the elder soul coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Your Yan Luodian really has lost the blood, and even invited you to kill me."

"But unfortunately ... both of you have to die today."


Elder Soul's face was iron-blue, and he wanted to stand up and kill Xia Ming, but he felt his body was weak and powerless.

For a while, even Elder Soul's face was a bit ugly. He knew that he must have been poisoned. If he was not poisoned, it would definitely not be like this. "Boy, what did you do to me?" Elder Soul said sharply.

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