The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1706: Seriously injured

Zhang crazy! overbearing! domineering!

This is the faucet!

As soon as the words of the faucet came out, the whole scene was silent, and countless eyes looked at the faucet in front of them, with a lot of fear and fear in their faces.

For a while, Yang Feikong's face was iron-blue, and he opened his mouth but was afraid to say anything! Although their Yang family is a hidden family and powerful, but ... their Yang family absolutely cannot provoke such existence. If a heavenly powerhouse wants to destroy their Yang family, it only takes one hour to make her Yang family. All died, so! Although Yang Feikong was angry, but ...

… But dare not be angry!

The head of the dragon glanced at everyone present. No one in the field dared to say a word. At this time, Liu Tianxuan stood up and smiled: "Since the dragon head comes out as a guarantee, then I will give the dragon head a face, we The Liu family quits. "

"let's go!"

The words fell, Liu Tianxuan and Liu Qingtian and others left here.

"Fuck." Yang Feikong and Kong Wen both cursed, and felt shameless about Liu Tianxuan's approach. However, Liu Tianxuan did so at this time, and undoubtedly wanted to leave a good impression in the heart of the dragon head, so that the dragon head would not later Their Liu family shot, the dragon head is not the reason their Liu family can offend


At this moment, the two also took a breath and condensed, "Since that is the case, then I will go first."

After speaking, Kong Wen also left, and the people around him left at this time, nonsense. If you don't leave at this time, when will you leave? Is it still waiting for the leader to fail.

At this time only Yang Feikong was here, and Xia Ming killed his son. This feud was not shared, how could he leave so safely! Therefore, Yang Fei was unwilling.

At this moment, the faucet looked at Yang Feikong lightly, but Yang Feikong said solemnly: "Dragon, Xia Ming killed my son, this revenge will not be revenge, and no one will swear. Today I can let Xia Ming go, but I still hope that you Don't shoot! "


The faucet looked at Yang Feikong lightly and said proudly, "If I have to control it."

"Dragon, I admit that you are powerful and have reached the realm of heaven. But ... I am not a vegetarian in Yang Feikong. If you really want to destroy my Yang family, I am afraid that the dragon soul is also in danger." After finishing, Yang Feikong There was a little madness in the eyes.

The faucet heard the words and looked at Yang Feikong coldly. For a time, the whole scene was also quiet at this time, waiting for the faucet quietly.

The crowd smelled an unusual smell, which made everyone present feel weird.

"Ha ha!"

The faint sneer of the faint stern, a powerful momentum was oppressed towards this Yang Feikong, the terrible momentum caused Yang Feikong's body to sink, as if it were heavy, which made Yang Feikong extremely shocked.

"Is he really crazy?"

Yang Fei stared blankly at the faucet, looking dignified.


But at the next moment, the faucet moved, and Yang Feikong didn't respond at this fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of Yangfei Kong, and then the faucet took a hard shot!

This palm is mixed with a powerful force, and that kind of power makes everyone present a bit suffocated.

"not good……"

"Homeowner ..."

People around were also exclaimed, anxious. The speed of this faucet is really too fast, which made them reflect that they did not respond. The faucet has already come to Yang Feikong. Yang Feikong hurriedly activated the vitality in the body, and turned all the vitality into a palm, which was a hard shot. Going out, Yang Feikong was nervous at this moment

Pole, he dare not take the slightest care.

You know, this is a super power in the sky. This level of power is not what he can imagine.

"Hmm ..."

Under these countless eyes, the faucet and Yang Feikong slammed each other severely. This palm was fierce and overbearing. When the two palms collided, a terrible aftershock of waves burst out, which made everyone present. It was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, they saw in horror that Yang Feikong's body flew down fiercely, with a loud bang, Yang Feikong's body hit the ground fiercely, smashing the ground deeply. pit.


A spit of blood spurted out, and Yang Feikong was directly injured at this moment, and everyone present was shocked to look at the faucet, shaking his heart.

"So strong ..."

"It's terrible. Is this the strength of the heavenly powerhouse?"

"There is such a gap between the prefecture level and the heaven level. It is indeed a superpower of the heaven level."

"The prefecture can't even get a move, which is too scary."

At this moment, all the people present became hot, and countless people looked at the faucet together!


Yang Feikong coughed up another blood. Yang Feikong stared nervously at the faucet. He didn't expect that the faucet actually shot. Is this guy crazy?

Yang Feikong looked at the faucet nervously.

"Yang Feikong, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

The cold sound of the dragon's head spread, which made Yang Feikong feel like falling into an ice cellar, for fear that the dragon head would kill him.

"I know there is someone behind you, but ..."

The faint sneered, "If you think I'm afraid to kill you with the people behind you, you can try."


Yang Feikong secretly wiped a cold sweat, he already felt the thick killing intention of the dragon head, he did not think that the dragon head would dare not kill him.

He knew that if the leader really wanted to kill him, there would be no hesitation.

It's ridiculous that he also wants to threaten the leader, which makes Yang Feikong secretly regret it, but at this moment, Yang Feikong also becomes more eager for the heavenly level, heavenly level ...

If they could be promoted to heaven, would the dragons talk to themselves like this, but now ...

Threatening people in front of the heavenly powerhouse is no different than trying to die.

"Dragon head, I am talking a lot today, I still hope that the dragon head is strange."

Yang Feikong directly served soft. At this time, it is not good to be soft. If you don't, you will kill you. Compared with being killed, it is more cost-effective to serve soft.

"go away."

The faucet glanced at Yang Feikong lightly and said blandly.

"let's go!"

Yang Feikong waved his hand, and then left the place with the people present. It was just a moment of effort, and all those who besieged Xia Ming left.

"Xia Ming ..."

At this moment, an exclaiming came, and many eyes looked at Xia Ming in unison, and after seeing Xia Ming's appearance, the people present were all nervous. "Hurry him into the room."

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