The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1708: Something serious

time flies! Like running water! in a blink! It's been two months!

During these two months, Xia Ming lived in a senior ward in Jiangzhou!

No way, Xia Mu is not very at home at home. If it is in the hospital, there is more or less a doctor to take care of it, which is also afraid of any unexpected situation!

In these two months! Xia Ming knew nothing about the situation outside, and all spent in this coma.

This is why Xia Ming's injury is too serious!

Therefore, this sleep is two months long.

During these two months, Xia Mu and they were all worried.

Jiangzhou Hospital! In a ward!

"Xia Ming!"

At this time Lin Wanqing looked at Xia Ming softly and paused. "Xia Ming, I know you can hear me, I hope you can wake up soon. If you can wake up soon, I can consider marry you."

When talking about this, Lin Wanqing blushed. Although she knew that Xia Ming was not dead, she couldn't help feeling a little worried. After all, Xia Ming was unconscious for two months?

"Xia Ming, if you wake up now, I can allow you to accept the harem!" At this time Lin Wanqing smiled again.

"Sister Qingqing, isn't that true?"

At this time, a girl came in from outside. The girl was young and beautiful. If you look closely at his eyes, you will also find that the girl's eyes reveal a little naughty.

The girl grinned and said, "Sister Qingqing, or ... let my brother-in-law also receive the harem group?"

Lin Wanqing saw this and was surprised: "Yu Han ... why are you here?"

"Of course, my brother-in-law is sick. Of course they are coming here." Chen Yuhan grinned. "Sister Qingqing, I haven't seen sister Qingqing for a long time, you and your brother-in-law."


Lin Wanqing heard the words and sighed. During this time, she was talking to Xia Ming every day, hoping to awaken Xia Ming, but Xia Ming didn't wake up, which made Lin Wanqing a little worried, for fear of Xia Ming Become a vegetative.

"Bright sister Qingqing, is your poison good?" Chen Yuhan asked after thinking about it.

"It's totally fine!" Lin Wanqing nodded slightly.

"That's good!"

Chen Yuhan looked at Xia Ming in front of her and snorted: "Sister Qingqing, how about you leave your brother-in-law?"

"Hugh Xia Ming?"

When Lin Wanqing stayed, he didn't understand what Chen Yuhan was talking about, and said, "Yu Han, what do you think in your head all day long, how can I let go of your brother-in-law."


Chen Yuhan mumbled her mouth, and said dissatisfied, "Sister Qingqing, you may not know, my brother-in-law is just a big carrot."


Lin Wanqing heard the words and smiled, "You are talking about Jiang Lai, Luo Yuxi, Chen Xue'e, and Tao Coco."


Chen Yuhan was surprised, and exclaimed, "Sister Qingqing, do you know?"

Lin Wanqing smiled and said, "I'm not a fool, how could I not know."

"You sister Qingqing ..."

Chen Yuhan blinked his eyes, and looked at Lin Wanqing in fear, it seemed that Lin Wanqing was angry. After all, Xia Fan created so many harems ...

"Actually, if you have died once, what else can you see?"

When talking about this, Lin Wanqing sighed. Xia Ming's relationship with Jiang Lai, Luo Yuxi, and Chen Xue'e and Tao Keco, she already knew.

The ambiguous relationship with Jiang Lai and the relationship with Chen Xue'e are so close. As a woman's intuition, how can she not feel it? only……

She hasn't been dismantling it all along!

The reason is without him, because she loves Xia Ming!

Since I love him, I love everything about him.

But after all, he was a little uncomfortable, after all, no woman was willing to share love with others!

When she saw Xia Ming coming to pick her up on her wedding day, she was moved!

Especially when she learned that Xia Ming tried to save him by all means and experienced countless lives and deaths, she moved again!

With such a man's heart, she felt enough.

As for whether there is a harem! Lin Wanqing no longer cares, because she knows that Xia Ming is all she has, and she is also all Xia Ming has.

What's more, behind every successful man, there aren't always a few confidantes.

Therefore, Lin Wanqing was not angry, perhaps because she felt a lot of things after she died once.

"Sister Qingqing ... Could I let my brother-in-law continue to be this big radish?" Chen Yuhan asked a little tangled.

"If he likes, let him go." Lin Wanqing smiled sweetly: "I just hope he can wake up now."

"Sister Qingqing, otherwise, let your brother-in-law also accept people, OK?" Chen Yuhan said in fear.


Lin Wanqing heard the words, exclaimed, and looked at Chen Yuhan weirdly! "Sister Qingqing, since my brother-in-law has so many girlfriends, isn't it a bad one, not to mention, if I also join the Harem Regiment, so that the two of us can work together against those other goblins? Do you want to keep your position as a maid of honor? "Chen Yuhan said with a smile


"Smelly Yuhan, what does your little head think all day long." Lin Wanqing knocked on Chen Yuhan's head, and said strangely.

I feel a little speechless about Chen Yuhan's unbridled arrogance. If she doesn't know Chen Yuhan's character, I'm afraid she will believe it.

"Sister Qingqing, what did they say is true ..." Chen Yuhan muttered his mouth, dissatisfied.

"It really doesn't work!"

Lin Wanqing chanted: "Yu Han, the main thing you have now is going to school, you are still young!"

"Cut, people are not underestimated."

Chen Yuhan held his chest up. Lin Wanqing looked at Chen Yuhan and looked at himself. This gave Lin Wanqing a sense of failure. I have to say that Chen Yuhan is really a kid and he is just an adult It is really terrible to grow so big.

Compared with Chen Yuhan, he was a few grades down.

For a while, Lin Wanqing didn't know what to say.


However, at this time, Chen Yuhan glanced, and suddenly saw that Xia Ming's index finger suddenly moved, and then the **** moved again. The sudden situation made Chen Yuhan exclaim.

"Sister Qingqing, brother-in-law's manual."


As soon as this remark came out, Lin Wanqing was immediately attracted. Lin Wanqing hurriedly looked at Xia Ming's finger. As expected, Xia Ming's ten fingers moved.

However, at this time, Lin Wanqing saw Xia Ming slowly opened his eyes! The eyes of the two met together ... "Xia Ming ..."

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