The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1710: wedding?

"Daming, you wake up too, and let me see. Why don't you and Wan Qing get the evidence?" Xia Mu said with expectation.

Xia mother has been looking forward to it for many years, so far she has not held her big fat grandson. Xia mother is anxious. Most elderly people hope to hug their grandson as soon as possible. This is also the norm. "Yeah! Xia Ming, you are living with my family Wan Qing, I think you should get this card first." Zhao Xinglan also helped, and there are too many excellent women around Xia Ming. Zhao Xinglan doesn't want to be himself Daughter does n’t even have any status, so she wants to be sure

The status of his own daughter, Masamiya.

"This one……"

Xia Ming couldn't help but look at Lin Wanqing and Lin Guosheng again, and paused, "What about your uncle, what do you think?"

"I ..." At this moment, Lin Guosheng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, Xia Ming and Lin Wanqing broke up by themselves. Xia Ming had been mixing for so long. How could he not know the embarrassment of Lin Guosheng, Xia Ming smiled : "Uncle, all the previous things have passed, I think we haven't talked about it anymore

It's necessary to get things done, people always look forward, don't they? "

Lin Guosheng heard the words, nodded slightly, and said softly, "You're right, people always look forward."

At the same time, I was slightly grateful to Xia Ming and Lin Guosheng said: "I have no opinion on you and Wan Qing getting married."

Xia Ming heard the words, and was pleased, looking at Lin Wanqing and whispering softly, "Wang Qing, how about you?"

Lin Wanqing's face flushed, and a little shyly said, "I have no opinion."

"Haha ..."

Lin Guosheng heard the words, and laughed loudly, and said with a smile, "Dear family, we will be in-laws in the future."

"Yeah, in-laws."

Xia Dahai is also very happy. His son has received this certificate, and Lin Wanqing will be his wife in the future.

Xia Dahai hit the railroad while he was hot: "My dear, in my opinion, we might as well choose a good birthday and set a wedding for the two children."


Lin Guosheng nodded. He was also very satisfied with Xia Ming. It felt that only the raw rice was cooked to make it a real fall.

"I have no opinion!" Xia Ming nodded and said, "However, if we are going to hold a wedding, it should be lively."

"It's to be lively, and you can't lose your identity." Lin Guosheng nodded slightly.


Today's Xia Ming is different today. If it is a wedding, it is really a big trouble, because there are too many people to invite, and these people are not ordinary people.

They all exist in this world.

So this wedding must be huge.

"I think it's time to wait for this wedding." Lin Wanqing said suddenly.

Lin Wanqing's sudden changes made the faces of the people slightly changed, and Xia Ming asked nervously: "Wan Qing ... You are ..."

Lin Wanqing took a deep look at Xia Ming, sighed slightly, and paused: "Xia Ming, come with me in the room. I have something to tell you."


Xia Ming did not know what Lin Wanqing meant, followed Lin Wanqing to the room on the second floor and entered the room. Xia Ming couldn't help asking: "Wang Qing, do you have any grievances in your heart?"

Lin Wanqing gave Xia Ming a white look, and said, "It's not all because of you."


Xia Ming was slightly puzzled.


Lin Wanqing sighed: "You have so much romantic debt outside, don't you worry about them? If you marry me, what should they do?"


At this moment, Xia Ming was aggressive, and the whole heart became tense immediately. Obviously, Xia Ming cares very much about Lin Wanqing's opinion!

"Actually, I know everything."

Lin Wanqing sighed, "Do you know when I was unconscious?"

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded slightly.

"Although I'm comatose, I can detect the outside world and know it."


"Jiang Lai, Luo Yuxi, Tao Keco, Chen Xue'e, and an unknown girl!" Lin Wanqing said helplessly.


Xia Ming's heartbeat also accelerated suddenly at this moment. Aren't these girls all close girls? Xia Ming never expected that Lin Wanqing knew all these things. For a time, Xia Ming became extremely nervous.

Lin Wanqing gave Xia Ming a white look and said, "You dead guy, you have caused so many romantic debts, and you don't know to tell me."


Xia Ming heard a bitter smile, how could such a thing be said? The men who dared to speak were all big fools. He didn't want to be a big fool.

Lin Wanqing said softly: "Xia Ming, I don't care how many women you have, but I know that you have me in your heart, that's enough."

"I won't let you lose contact with other people. I know they all really like you. If I changed to me before, I might be really angry, but now I won't."


Xia Ming heard the words, his face changed, and he looked nervously at Lin Wanqing, what did Lin Wanqing say these words, or whether Lin Wanqing wanted to break up with himself, Xia Ming was very nervous. sweat.

"Actually, people have already died once and understand a lot!" Lin Wanqing paused. "We can get a marriage certificate, but ... this wedding cannot be held for the time being, you always have to give these girls an explanation. After all, people When you give your innocent body to you, you ca n’t help but be irresponsible. "

As Lin Wanqing's words came out, Xia Ming's heart warmed up, and at the same time, there was a touch of sorry in that heart, yes, he felt very sorry for Lin Wanqing.

There are other women outside of her, and Lin Wanqing not only is not angry, but also helps to wipe his buttocks, which makes Xia Ming feel that he is more and more owed to Lin Wanqing.

"I'm sorry, wife."

"You and I are all about each other, right?" Lin Wanqing smiled.

"Wife, it's nice to have you!" Xia Ming suddenly felt so lucky and so happy.

"You still talk about your girls, what should you do!" Lin Wanqing said.


Xia Ming didn't know what to do for a while, which caused Xia Ming a little headache.

Lin Wanqing paused and said, "Either so, you can make an appointment, how about we meet each other?"

"This one……"

Xia Ming was hesitant.

After all, this matter is not so glorious. Taking a group of young wives to see his wife, it is an individual who dare not do it, so Xia Ming is hesitant. "You bad guy, I don't do anything to them." Lin Wanqing gave Xia Ming a strange look: "Are you afraid that I can't do it if I eat?"

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