The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1713: State fermentation

"Do you want to marry a daughter-in-law ... if you want to marry a daughter-in-law, you better not do it!" Hu Xinyi said silently.

Xia Ming is also a little depressed, paralyzed, isn't he just getting married? Why did you cause so many things? Can't you get married yet? He ’s a normal person? Why can't you get married?

But who made him a public figure?

Then in the bureau, people in the city called Xia Ming one after another. This was naturally a congratulation. Then I asked Xia Ming what to do with it. This caused Xia Ming a headache. Your mother ... everyone else was happy when they got married. Fortunately, when it comes to getting married, why is it so messy to get married?

"Damming, this mixed boy, why did you provoke so many women!" Xia mother said angrily, of course, Xia mother was more happy, of course, there are so many girls who like Xia Ming, of course she is a mother I'm proud, but this sentence is for Zhao Xinglan.

This happened to the young couple as soon as they got married. As Xia Ming's mother, she naturally wanted to express her views. "Mom, don't say Xia Ming like this." Lin Wanqing hurriedly said, "In fact, he didn't provoke it, because he was too famous, and young and promising, which made countless girls treat him. All have good feelings, so he will be regarded as an idol, idols are married, they naturally have in their hearts

Some distressed. "

"It's late, you're still talking for this stinky boy!" Xia Mu heard and said, "This stinky boy doesn't do the right thing every day, he knows that the flowers are messy."

Xia Mu paused and said, "Daming, you have to get me married well in this matter. I don't want to see Wan Qing suffer any grievances. If my daughter-in-law has suffered any grievances, be careful I treat you Discounted legs. "

Xia Ming heard a word, stunned, and said immediately: "Mom, you are really my mother ... Yeah, just married, I lost my human rights?"

"Ah ... your dad, I have never had human rights!"


Mother Xia heard this and immediately said, "I said Xia Dahai, are you thinking about your first love again? Do you want to take that woman to the door?"

"My wife has waited for you to drink and wait for you to eat, but it still doesn't work. You still want to drop."

As soon as Xia mother said this, Xia Dahai's face changed, and she hurriedly said, "No, no, I have never thought of such a thing."

Xia Dahai also knows that he has spoken wrongly, but Xia Dahai is also anxious in time, and said, "My in-laws are still here, so don't make a fool of yourself."

Mother Xia heard the words and felt the same, snorted, turned her head to see Lin Wanqing, after Zhao Xinglan and Lin Guosheng looked at each other, they looked at each other.

But in the eyes of the two, it was with a little envy.

The two of them have never mixed their mouths like this, and they are busy and incapable of dealing with each other. They have never been like Xia Dahai. The two have mixed their mouths. This is also a way of emotional communication.

Therefore, they are slightly envious!

"Daming, quickly think about how to solve this, this matter has to be solved!" Xia Dahai immediately said.

"Dad, let me post a Weibo." Xia Ming thought about it.

"It's okay to post a Weibo!"

Xia Dahai nodded slightly. At this time Xia Ming took out his mobile phone, then opened his own Weibo, and wrote on this Weibo: "After more than 20 years, I finally found my love, I got my wedding photo! I hope everyone can bless me! But even if I am married, I still live with you

Are you right in your heart? "

As soon as Xia Ming's Weibo was issued, within 100,000 minutes, there were 100,000 reprints, comments, and Xia Ming's Weibo was killed.

"Husband, why are you so ruthlessly abandoning us?"

"Yeah husband, why did you abandon us like this? Husband is we are not cute, are we not beautiful enough?"

"Husband, we hate it so much, why haven't we pursued you? Otherwise, we would be willing to pursue you even if we just posted."

"Husband, we are so sad!"

"Huh, it's a man, and it's also a man, why all the sister papers are so sad for you."

Some people said enviously.

Xia Mingyi's marriage attracted so many people's attention, which made countless boys very envious and jealous.

Yeah, they are all men too, why is the gap so big?

At this time, there was also a big star reprinting: "Bless general manager Xia."

A big director said: "Blessing Xia Zong, with his head turned old, and he will always be united."

A famous actor said: "Xia Zong is married? It really is beyond my expectations, who is it, I want to pursue Xia Xing since I started so early."

"Well, isn't it just getting married? It's so messy on the Internet. Marriage still affects so many people. The character of this person needs to be considered."

"Consider your mother, are you here to get the heat?"

"My Cao, if you are so successful, you have to wait for the slaughter."

In a blink of an eye, this person's Weibo was slaughtered, and all kinds of abusive sounds were utterly cursed at this person. It was only a small matter. This person's Weibo did not temporarily choose to close because It's too scary.

Xia Ming looked at these comments, and was slightly helpless, which caused Xia Ming to have a slight headache. He did not expect that he would be so welcome.

For a while, the entire network was still out of control. After all, this incident appeared too suddenly, which made many girls unacceptable.

"I didn't expect you to be quite welcome."

At this time Lin Wanqing poured a glass of red wine for Xia Ming and smiled, "It's been a day of trouble."

"Hey ... wife, who made me look so handsome." Xia Ming sighed. "Smelly! Show off!" Lin Wanqing gave Xia Ming a white look, and said silently: "This matter continues in this way, I'm afraid it will cause some bad things. I heard that someone jumped off the building for you at the time. It was saved, but if this continues, once a life is lost, this

I'm afraid it's not so good. "

"I don't know how to quell this thing now." Xia Ming couldn't help but said: "This thing is already known to everyone, and how to explain it is also covered up. If this period of time can persist, it will take a long time Now, I think these things are naturally hidden! "

"It's just that this is the most difficult time."

Both Xia Ming sighed, and then Xia Ming looked at Lin Wanqing in pajamas. This caused Xia Ming to be agitated. Xia Ming drank a glass of wine and hugged Lin Wanqing gently. Lin Wanqing saw what Xia Ming looked like and knew what Xia Ming wanted to do.

Lin Wanqing said helplessly: "Not today."

"Ah ... why?"

Xia Ming asked a little tangled.

"Come here ..." "..."

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