The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1716: Always someone so arrogant


With Xia Ming's appearance slowly, the people present were all able to see Xia Ming's face clearly. When Xia Ming's face was clearly seen, all the people present changed their faces!

Even Deng Tingting was pretty!

"General Xia." Wang Yan hurried over and said carefully: "General Xia, when did you come?"

"When did I come?"

Xia Ming heard the words and sneered: "If I came late, people in the company today might be bullied by someone."

Xia Ming said indifferently: "You go to settle your salary and leave the official residence. You are not suitable to stay in the official residence."


Wang Yan heard that his face had changed so much that he never thought that Xia Ming would fire him. This made his face look bad. Wang Yan hurriedly said, "General Manager Xia, please give me a chance, I will never dare Now. "

"Dare you?"

Xia Ming said coldly: "Since I work here, then we should provide protection for employees, and outsiders are bullying their heads. You even help outsiders, get out."

When Wang Yan saw this, his face was pale. He didn't expect that his own words would make him lose the job, and Wang Yan's face was extremely unsightly.

What should I do?

In desperation, Wang Yan could only choose to leave. He was very reluctant to leave here, because here he knew that the energy of the official residence was terrible, and the people around him were also very respectful to him.

Now that Xia Ming fired him, everything before him would disappear, which made him reconciled.

However, seeing Xia Ming's unequivocal look, he knew that he was afraid to leave today.

Xia Ming looked at Deng Tingting and said, "Are you an employee here?" "General Xia, yes." Deng Tingting heard that, with a little excitement, Deng Tingting was the first time he saw his big boss. Everyone You know, the big boss behind Yiping Yipin is Xia Ming, which is why many people dare not come here to make trouble. Who is Xia Ming, then Xia Lin

The boss of the group is also a national husband. During this time, Deng Tingting saw the national husband getting married, which made her sad for a while, because she also likes Xia Ming, let alone Xia Ming's handsome appearance, and say Xia Ming's humble appearance. She was all excited, and now seeing the side of Xia Ming's domineering president,

Deng Tingting was even more excited.

"Sorry!" Xia Ming said: "You will work here in the future. If someone bullies you, don't be afraid to find it. If it doesn't work out, find me."

Xia Ming's domineering words touched Deng Tingting and hurriedly said, "Thank you Xia."

"who are you?"

Lei Shao looked at Xia Ming, and it seemed that Xia Ming was a little familiar. He couldn't remember it for a while, and then frowned, and said coldly.

"You can call me Xia Ming." Xia Ming said indifferently. "When you come to my shop to make trouble, you always have to give an explanation. You apologize to this girl."

The domineering side of Xia Ming made all the people present all over, and they all looked at Xia Ming in shock.

"Good guy, he is Xia Ming."

"It's really young. It is indeed Xia, it's really amazing, even the Lei's grandfather is not afraid."

"Yeah ... this is President Xia."

All the people present were talking up.

"Xia Ming ..."

At this moment, a person behind Lei Shao suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said, "No, Lei Shao, this person is Xia Ming."

"Xia Ming!" When he heard the name, Lei Shao's face changed slightly, because when he came to Jiangzhou, the family members clearly explained him that no one could offend Xia Ming, and he also I know, Xia Ming was the one who destroyed the Li family in the past. How powerful the Li family was, and as a result

In the end, Xia Ming was not killed.

He never thought that he would meet Xia Ming here.

He used to be arrogant and arrogant in Beijing. It can be said that he is not afraid of heaven. Hearing this hotel in Guanju, he wanted to come here to try something new.

Seeing that Deng Tingting was beautiful, he couldn't help but want to try something. In this capital, he did not spoil the girls. In his opinion, as long as he didn't run into Xia Ming, he should be fine.

It never occurred to me that I encountered it.

However, Xia Ming asked him to apologize to the woman in front of the eyes, which made his face look a bit ugly. What is his identity? That was the grand-prince of the Lei family in Beijing. Although Xia Ming was terrified, he didn't want to apologize to the woman.

Once he apologized, where will he put this face in the future?

For a moment, Lei Shao hesitated.

Xia Ming said indifferently: "I give you three seconds to think about it. If you don't apologize ... you will know the consequences of causing trouble here."

Lei Shao heard the words, his face changed greatly, and he angered immediately: "Xia Ming, don't bully people too much, how can I say that I am also from Lei's family, and I will at most compensate him and apologize that this is impossible."

"Is it impossible?"

Xia Ming heard his words, his eyes narrowed, and then in the depths of his eyes, he passed two cold mansions. With the passing of these two cold mans, Xia Ming's body moved.

When Xia Ming reappeared, he came to Lei Shao's year, and then kicked him on Lei Shao's stomach.


Lei Shao's body slowly flew up, and then fell to the ground fiercely, with a loud bang, and Lei Shao screamed.

"Well ..." Lei Shao screamed.

At this moment Xia Ming said coldly: "Throw this person out to me, if you dare to come here, throw it out to me."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people behind Xia Ming nodded.

Such a scene was shocked by some people.

Lei Shao said he threw it out. This guy is really brave, isn't he afraid of Lei Shao's revenge?

None of the people present were shocked by Xia Ming. At this time Xia Ming looked at Deng Tingting and paused: "In the future, you will be the lobby manager. I hope you will not be like before The same person. "

"Yes, President Xia."

Deng Tingting heard the words and said with joy.

He knew, however, that as a manager here, his income was extremely high for more than a year.

For him, that was a promotion.

Therefore, this also made him extremely happy. Deng Tingting looked at Xia Ming gratefully. For a time, she felt that Xia Ming seemed to be a domineering president. Every woman has the life of a Prince Charming, even he is no exception.

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