The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1724: monster

The next moment, someone ran towards Xia Ming. Xia Ming's face changed, his face changed slightly, and he took a picture.


With a muffled sound, Xia Ming stepped back a few steps, this was able to stabilize his body, Xia Ming's face changed greatly, Qin Ze was also nervous.

"So strong."

How strong Xia Ming's strength is, Qin Ze is very clear. However, Xia Ming slaps with this guy, but now he has taken a few steps back. Doesn't it mean that this group of guys are almost the same as Xia Ming in strength? Is it?

Qin Ze was nervous and looked at the weird man in front of him, nervous.


Xia Ming cursed secretly, and Long Xiao in his hand beheaded at this weird man. This weird man hurriedly escaped Xia Ming's sword, but the next sword, Xia Ming took the man's head directly.

Blood spurted everywhere.

"Go away," Xia Ming whispered.

"How do we go?" Qin Ze was also anxious. The strength of these mutants is too strong, especially not far away, there is also a weird man with outstanding combat ability. This weird man is even more powerful. It is horrible to be indifferent to that animal husbandry.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, and quietly, he took out the sharks that he had previously earned into the Qiankun ring. Xia Ming saw this and whispered: "Jump on the shark and go."

The words fell, and Xia Ming jumped onto the shark first. This scene was seen by Qin Ze, and his eyes almost stared out. Qin Ze looked at this Xia Ming in shock.

"I have an old grass."

Xia Ming went on a shark? Just kidding? Who doesn't know that this shark is one of the overlords in the sea, this thing is very cruel, Xia Ming even rides a shark, your sister is just looking for death.

"What are you looking at, don't jump down quickly." Xia Ming shouted.


Although Qin Ze was frightened, he chose to believe Xia Ming, and then jumped on the shark. But the sharks were slippery. Fortunately, they were all warriors. Worry.

At this moment Qin Ze put on his loud voice: "Elder Mu, you jump on this shark, let's leave here quickly."

With Qin Ze's roar, then Mu Tianping and others turned around and saw that Qin Ze was standing on the shark at this moment. This scene shocked them slightly.

They don't understand, why didn't the shark attack them? Although puzzled, Mu Tianping still listened to Qin Ze's words, and his body shape fell on the shark.

Fortunately, not many people came here this time. Otherwise, these sharks are not enough.

As others fell on the sharks, they ran quickly towards the distance. At this moment, on this big wheel, there was blood on the ground. Obviously, they were killed by these weird people. Already.

"Boss, run away."

A weird man ran over quickly, carefully.

"Run a few."

The head of this weird man is bland.

The look of the weird leader is slightly different from others, because the weird leader has a weird object on the right eye. This object does not look like an eye, but it is embedded in the weird eyeball. It feels scary and scary.

"Run a few."

Bain looked calm and said indifferently, "Every time you run, you run. Even if this guy speaks, it may not have much effect. Their game is about to start immediately. Do n’t act rashly during this time, don't be noticed by them. . "

"Yes! Chief."

"Act as planned," Bain said.


Then the pedestrian controlled the big wheel and ran in a distant direction, while Xia Ming and his group stepped on the shark and quickly advanced toward Tiandao.

Xia Ming looked dignified and did not dare to take the slightest care, but their danger had not yet passed.

"Xia brother, how did you do that?" Qin Ze asked at this moment.

"What did you do?" Xia Ming said suddenly.

"Of course it is this shark." Qin Ze could not help but said, "Xia brother, you shark is too powerful, and extremely obedient, how do you tame them?"

Qin Ze looked at the sharks at his feet and admired Xia Ming very much. He knew that Xia Ming was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so tame that even sharks could be tamed. Is this your mother, a little exaggerated?

Not only Qin Ze, but even Mu Tianping and others are slightly puzzled.

Yeah, after all, sharks are not humans, but cold-blooded animals. This thing doesn't have any wayward nature. To put it plainly, it is to eat hungry, eat and pull, nothing else.

"The ancestral craftsmanship will not be told to you," Xia Ming said casually.

Xia Ming didn't want to reveal his secret to him. This tame beast is only using the nutrient solution given by the system, but this is absolutely impossible to say.

If you report it, you will not be able to keep it by then.


Qin Ze was slightly disappointed. At this moment Mu Tianping said softly: "Brother Xia, thank you this time."

"You're welcome." Xia Ming smiled.

Xia Ming can clearly feel that Mu Tianping's attitude towards him is much better. Obviously, this time he saved Mu Tianping and made Mu Tianping recognize Xia Ming a lot. However, why does Xia Ming need others' approval? If people live in this world, if they listen to the words of others and live under the words of others, then how can people live? In many cases, as long as it does not violate the law and discipline, under its own responsibility, it can be done according to its own heart.

You need to care too much about what others think.

Life is your life, not a group of people with you.

This is also the motto of Xia Ming's life.

"However, we are not completely safe now, and there is still a danger waiting for us," Xia Ming whispered.

"Is it dangerous?"

Qin Ze heard a word, his face changed slightly, and hurriedly said: "What danger." "Beyond this island, there is a natural barrier. This natural barrier has a natural disaster. One careless thing is to die and die. The way to return home, this natural barrier is generally difficult to trigger, and it is inevitable that there will be times when it is not triggered. There are always three or four times in a year.

Incidents, many people die every time. "

"So, we can only sit back and relax if we pass this natural barrier safely. Otherwise, we can only wait for death."

Xia Ming's words made Mu Tianping's people all dignified. They have also heard that there is a natural barrier on the periphery of this island, but they don't know how powerful this natural barrier is! Unexpectedly, this natural barrier is a natural disaster. If it is a natural disaster, it is really impossible for humans to stop it.

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