The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1741: Annihilation

This Hongyan fruit must start at 50 yuan Yuanshi. Looking at this hot situation, there are no hundred and fifty. Do not want to buy it, this prodigal girl is really not an ordinary prodigal.

Many men here are feeling a little bit sore, and they are going to die.

"I made a hundred yuan of stone."

At this moment, Xia Ming's faint voice sounded open. When Xia Ming's voice sounded, the people around him also exploded.

"I rely on ..."

"What the hell? He turned out a hundred, shit, is this **** crazy? It's doubled."

"The son of a bitch, how else do you increase the price by a hundred?"

"Local tyrants, local tyrants, ask for support."

For a time, the whole scene was scared by Xia Ming's sudden price, but Xia Ming was an old man. It seemed that one hundred pieces of inferior Yuanshi were in front of him, like one hundred pieces.

"Mr. Xia ... you ..."

Gu Peier was also stunned by Xia Ming, one hundred yuan, one hundred yuan upon coming up, which made her feel a little incredible.

This is Xuanyuan Yuanshi, but not one or two hundred million. This guy has such a high price.

"Look at it," Xia Ming said lightly.

"A hundred dollars ... Is there a price increase?"

Bai Bingqing also took a look at Xia Ming in amazement. He was curious about Xia Ming's sudden increase in prices, and was surprised that one hundred pieces of inferior stones were not owned by anyone.

At the same time, Bai Bingqing was also slightly admired. Xia Ming suddenly increased the price by 50 yuan. The people who were present at the scene were shocked. This made the people present a bit frightened and did not dare to increase the price.

"I'll give 110 dollars."

At the next moment, there was another clear voice, the person who spoke was a woman, but this woman was carrying a fight, others could not see her face clearly, but from the sound and the dress, you could see that. This man is a woman.

"One hundred and thirty yuan!"

There was another voice that sounded slightly old, with a bit of mighty power mixed in it.

However, the voice was clearly heard by everyone present.

"It turned out to be the old nun."

"Old nun? Who is it?"

"And said, of course, the old nun who was extinct."

"Extermination of God."

"I rely on, but also extinct Shinny? Why does it sound too much like Extinction Master?"

"Don't say it, this extinct Shini is no different from Extinct Master Tai."

"I've heard this name for the first time."

"However, he is a monk, so why did he come out to compete for this red fruit? Isn't it Hong Chenwei, still thinking about that lover?"

"Don't talk, be careful you are killed by him."


At this moment, many people's faces changed and they hurriedly closed their mouths.


For a while, all the people present were arguing, and apparently they were a little curious about the extermination of Shinny.

"One hundred and five." Xia Ming murmured softly.

"One hundred and eighteen." The woman with a tussle whispered softly.

"Two hundred." The faint voice of extinct God.

"Ha ha."

Xia Ming sneered at the price: "three hundred."

"Wow ..."

This statement directly shocked the people present, even the extinct Goddess and the fighting woman, all looked dumb, and looked at Xia Ming solemnly.

"It's so bold, even three hundred pieces of Yuanshi are suddenly produced, is this guy a tyrant?"

"Grass, I have never seen so many Yuanshi in my life. This **** has three hundred yuan at a time. It is really terrifying."

"I do n’t know your name?" In this other private room, there is a woman wearing a monk robe. This woman has a gray hat and a dull complexion. Next to this woman is a girl. Not very beautiful, but on this girl, she exudes a sense of

There is no power.

Xuan level late!

As for the extinct goddess, he is also a prefecture-level superpower.

Bai Yan carefully said, "Master, would you kill him?"

"Um." Extinct Godi frowned, and raised his hand, begging Baiji not to move lightly.

"Zhuming's low name is not enough," Xia Ming's voice rang out from the room, smiling.

For a moment, the God of Extinction, his eyes flickered, and he said nothing!

Xia Ming suddenly increased the price so hard, and all the people present were shocked.

"Everyone is considerable, but there is a price increase. There is only one Hongyan fruit, which is extremely precious." Bai Bing smiled sweetly, and the smile was as enticing as the beautiful girl.

"Husband, I want it, do I want it."

"If you want a fart, this thing costs three hundred yuan stone. Where does Lao Tzu get you three hundred yuan stone, it will sell you, and it is not worth the three hundred yuan stone."

"Husband ..."

"Don't call me, I have no money to buy."

"Did you have a long face? The old lady wants you to buy a red face fruit and you don't buy it for me, do you not love me anymore?"

"You prodigal lady, where I have so much money to buy this thing, if you don't want to follow Lao Tzu, immediately get away with Lao Tzu."

"You ... you ... how dare you treat me like that!"


For a while, the whole scene was chaotic, and many people felt frustrated about it.

Hong Yan Guo, you can keep your face old, but they don't have that much money to buy.

"Since there is no increase in price, this red fruit will be owned by this gentleman."

Bai Bingqing whispered softly.

For a while, all the people present were silent. Obviously, they did not continue to increase their prices. Bai Bingqing looked at this situation. She also knew that there was no possibility of raising prices.

Bai Bingqing shook his head slightly and said, "In this case, then I declare that this beautician belongs to this gentleman."

Then Bai Bingqing's voice fell, and many people applauded.

At this time, Wu Qianfan not far away was raising his eyebrows, and Wei Guangrong on the side suddenly saw: "Brother, this person's voice sounds familiar?"

"It's familiar," Wu Qianfan said coldly, "because he's Xia Ming."

"Xia Ming? Is that the kid just now?" Wei Guangrong heard his expression, his face sinking, and hated.

"Damn, I'll fight for him if I knew it." Wei Guangrong gritted his teeth.

"Struggle? What contention? Want to buy this Hongyan fruit? This thing is worth three hundred yuan?" Wu Qianfan said coldly.

"Brother, what shall we do?"

"Wait until the martial arts congress, but there will be a lot of people in our Xuantian group, and then they will kill them directly."

"Good idea," Wei Guangrong said in a hurry, hurriedly.

"Now wait for the last baby to shoot, wouldn't it be too bad for this auction?" Wu Qianfan said lightly. "Yes, brother."

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