The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1750: Chen Tu

"It's over ..."

Gong Meier slowly closed her eyes. With this palm, she could not avoid it, she was almost determined. For a while, she was anxious, but Gong Meier had no other way! But for a long time, Gong Meier didn't feel the feeling of being beaten. This made Gong Meier slowly open her eyes, and when he opened his eyes, Gong Meier found that there was a tall and straight The figure slowly appeared in front of her. This figure looked a little thin,

Thin, but on this thin and thin body, there is an indescribable sense of security.

Gong Meier is a little foolish.

"Who are you ..." Chen Tu stared at Xia Ming solemnly, with unprecedented heavyness. At the beginning, he also saw Xia Ming, but did not take Xia Ming to heart, but never expected that this guy should Blocking his own blood slaughter, his blood slaughter is a poison palm, Xia Ming and himself slammed a move

, This guy, there is no poisoning.

how can that be.

"Xia Ming." Xia Ming said lightly, "If you are in front of me, you have to ask me if you want to kill them."

"You're something, and you dare to run wild in front of my blood butcher."

Chen Tu's eyes are red, and he has a fiery personality. Now that Xia Ming is so pretentious in front of him, how can he not be angry? Chen Tu looks at Xia Ming angrily, and there is a strong sense of murder in his eyes.

"Blood Slayer."

One palm of Chen Tu slammed violently towards Xia Ming. This palm was mixed with Chen Tu's powerful power. Obviously, Chen Tu did not retain anything this time.

Xia Ming stared at this rushing Chen Tu, slowly shaking his head.

"Sir, be careful."

Gong Meier was shocked and said in a hurry. Under these eyes, Xia Ming slowly stretched out his right hand. Under these eyes, Xia Ming punched fiercely. This punch, Gujing had no waves, it seemed that there was no fluctuation of vitality. Obviously, Xia Ming used pure physical power, and did not use yuan at all.


However, if you observe this carefully, you will find that Xia Ming's fist surface is slowly covered with a layer of light golden color. This light golden color is very light, and most people don't notice it.

"court death!"

Chen Tu felt Xia Ming's contempt and was even more angry.

"Hmm ..."

When the fists touched each other, at this moment, it seemed that they were all settled. Gong Meier and others all opened their eyes wide and stared nervously at the scene.


Chen Tu's body flew upside down suddenly, and on the way, he also spit out a mist of blood, which was filled with **** smell and filled with a fishy smell.

"how is this possible……"

Chen Tu opened his eyes wide and stared at Xia Ming stubbornly, with intense disbelief and fear in his eyes.

"My blood butcher, how could this be."

Chen Tu couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He was a master of the late Xuan level, with great strength. With the blood butcher, even the late Xuan level had been killed.

However, in the face of Xia Ming, Chen Tu was shocked to find that Xia Ming had endured himself without saying a word, and there was nothing at all, how could this be possible.

He has lived so long and has never encountered such a terrible boy. This boy is really terrifying.

Xia Ming was secretly surprised. After his strength was improved, his green dragon golden body formula was also improving rapidly. Now his green dragon golden body formula has reached the level of mysterious perfection. A try of this mysterious blue dragon golden body tactic is just how powerful.

Unexpectedly, even Chen Tu couldn't resist his attack, and the effect was pretty good.

Now he is confident that with the help of Qinglong Jinshenjue, he will be able to fight against the master of Xuan level.

"Who the **** are you? Where are you from?"

Chen Tu stared nervously at Xia Ming, terrified. If Xia Ming was not a martial arts person, he would not believe him if he was killed. I am afraid that only martial arts people could cultivate such a stunning and brilliant young man.

"There is no way."

Xia Ming smiled lightly, and then his eyes fell on the three mysterious masters not far away. Gu Peier was forced by these three mysterious masters to retreat in succession. If it was not for their hard support, I am afraid that Lost.

Xia Ming glanced at Chen Tu lightly, and said softly, "You must have killed many people, don't worry, I will solve you today."

"not good!"

When Chen Tu saw Xia Ming, his face was horrified. He knew that Xia Ming had moved his heart, and yelled hurriedly: "I want to quit the game."

As Chen Tu's words just dropped, Xia Ming also came to Chen Tu and shot it with one palm, but the next moment, Chen Tu's figure turned into a ghost image and disappeared directly into place.

This changed Xia Ming's face.


Suddenly, even Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking. This Chen Tu even said that he ran away. This Budo Mountain is really a magical place, so that a big living person can live alive. The disappearance is truly mysterious.

"Oh shit……"

Outside of Wudao Mountain, a wolf-like figure appeared, Chen Tu looked angry, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

"Asshole, don't let me meet you next time, it will inevitably frustrate you."

Chen Tu was so angry. He thought these people were soft persimmons, but he didn't expect them, but he kicked them on the iron plate.


At the next moment, several figures appeared again. When these figures appeared, Chen Tu's heart tightened. When he saw that the two figures were his own, Chen Tu was slightly relieved.

"Why did you come out?" Chen Tu whispered.

"Fuck, that guy is too scary. It's just a sword. The three of us, one died and two hurt." One of them said a little later.

"What ... one death and two injuries."

Chen Tu's face fused, which made Chen Tu uncomfortably uncomfortable. One sword caused three late masters of Xuan level, one death and two injuries. What kind of realm has this **** reached? Could it be that the mystery is not complete?

At this moment, revenge is almost hopeless.

"What do we do? It's been eliminated so soon, I am afraid it is difficult to get the foundation of the heavens inside." One of them couldn't help it.

"Go! You can't stay here any longer." Chen Tu cut off immediately.

This person is so horrible. If he saw it, if they had a killing intention, they would not even cry, so they must leave Tiandao as soon as possible, and they must not continue to stay here. It is not safe here.

Thinking about how cruel and **** his blood slaughterer was at that time, only he chased after others, but he did not expect that one day he would become a dog of the bereaved family.

He is unwilling, but what can he do? Continue to stay here, that is to find the way to death. "Okay, we set off immediately."

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