The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1753: Now misunderstood

"Accept the mission."

"Didi, the host successfully accepted the task, but also hopes that the host can complete the task as soon as possible, get honor points, and reach the peak of life."

With the sound of the system falling, he glanced at the young man in black not far away, and sure enough, under the attack of the old nun, he steadily retreated.

After a while, a few scars appeared on the boy's body. Fortunately, no bones were hurt. Even so, the boy looked like a **** man, which looked really scary.

"Let's go?" Gong Meier couldn't help it.

"Let's talk later."

Xia Ming looked at the battlefield with a burning gaze. At this moment, the old nun followed the boy in the black robe to the point where it became heated.

"Look at the sword." The old nun stabbed at the young man in black. The sword was tricky and weird. It was not easy to resist. The boy was not the master of vegetarianism. It is obvious that young people are going through hundreds of battles. If they are replaced by other people, I am afraid it will be difficult to face difficulties.


After all, this sword is too weird and weird to meet it. In their opinion, it is dead and harmless.


The sound of Jin Ge's collision sounded loud and sparked, but it looked so dazzling, and then the old nun leapt, and a sword passed over the boy in black.


The juvenile retreated, and when the juvenile fell to the ground, the juvenile couldn't help looking at his chest, the blood was red, and the wound looked a little bit stingy.

The young man stared sharply at the old nun in front of him. The young man's strength was not very strong, probably around the late Xuan level, but this old nun was stronger, probably at the peak of Xuan level.

There is no comparability between the two at all.

But the young man has such a ruthless energy, which makes people feel a little palpitated.

"The demon, you can't escape without holding hands. Today, you can't escape without wings." The young man stared at the old nun without speaking. His hand held the sword in the handshake, and his eyes were sharp. Obviously, he didn't intend to capture him .

"Well, it really is a demon, and you ca n’t change it. Today, I will destroy you and return to justice in this world."

After that, the sword of the old nun fell from the sky for countless swordsmanship, and then severely slashed at the boy. The boy felt the horror and sharpness of the sword, and the sword in his hand was also hurriedly waving.


At the moment when the two collided, suddenly, the sword in the boy's hand did not hold firmly, was knocked off and removed, and then inserted on the ground.

At this moment, the sword in the hands of the old nun was also stabbed towards the boy. The sharp sword meant that the boy's skin was a little painful.

"Bouncing steel balls."

At this moment, a steel ball suddenly appeared in Xia Ming's hands. With the support of Xia Ming's vitality, the power of this steel ball was a lot more. Nowadays, the steel ball has completely become Xia Ming's. hidden weapon.

The old nun seemed to have noticed it. When the steel ball flew towards him, the old nun crossed his sword with his backhand on his chest.


The old nun frustrated, and was struck by this terrible force for several steps, then she stabilized her figure. The old nun stared sharply at Xia Ming, with extremely anger in her eyes.

"It's you ... collusion, **** it."

The old nun was so angry that he did not expect that Xia Ming would hit him at this critical moment, which made him a little angry.

Xia Ming smiled lightly, and did not seem to be angry because of an old nun's words. In Xia Ming's opinion, there is no righteousness or evil in this world. In many cases, the so-called famous decency is even more hateful.

"You can't kill this person, you can't kill it."

Xia Ming's faint words made Gong Mei'er and others all look drastically changed, but they did not speak. Obviously, they can be regarded as supporting Xia Ming's practice by default.

"Bright daylight, collusion with demons, aren't you afraid of being hunted down by the famous decent?" The old nun said angrily.

Judging from the strength of Xia Ming just now, she has judged that Xia Ming is not weaker than her in this strength. In the face of such a person, the old nun is afraid to carelessly. Although he hates demons, But it does not mean that he is a fool.


Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said indifferently: "If anyone dares to come, then it is, as for what you call a decent and decent group, they are just a group of robbers and a group of rubbish."

For these people, Xia Ming did not have any favorable opinion, so he said that the three hidden families, these **** almost killed themselves for the inheritance of their own body.

If he didn't show up at the end, he might have died at the door of his own house. Will there be a decent person in this world? That's all nonsense, so Xia Ming doesn't have a great deal of favor with those who deserve to be upright in the world every day.


The old nun was angry with Xia Ming, which annoyed the old nun.

"You collusion with demonism, and you deserve it. Today, the poor Nepali killed you and killed the martial arts." The old nun sternly said.

Xia Ming looked sharply at the old nun, his eyes flickered, and he said indifferently, "You can try."

Xia Ming stepped forward and stood quietly with his hands behind his back. The fallen leaves fell on Xia Ming's shoulders, as if Xia Ming didn't see it.

At this moment, Xia Ming was standing here quietly, as if fused with the surrounding world. In Xia Ming's body, if there was no momentum, that momentum made people feel a little palpitated.

The old nun also stared sharply at Xia Ming, and seemed to notice Xia Ming's strangeness. The old nun yelled, "Kill."

The old nun slammed the ground and jumped up, then the long sword in her hand turned into a sword light and stabbed at Xia Ming fiercely. This sword was severe and overbearing.

It is difficult to resist in the general Xuan level.

Xia Ming seemed to have not seen the sword of this old nun. This made all the hearts present were tight. Even the boy in the black robe was staring at Xia Ming. He couldn't figure out why Xia Ming would make a shot. help him?

This puzzled him a little.

I am afraid that the boy in black could not even dream of it. The reason why Xia Ming will help him is entirely for system tasks. This is 30,000 honor points. Xia Ming naturally does not want to give up.

In the face of the sword attacked by the old nun, Xia Ming avoided the sword of the old nun on one side of his body. When the old nun saw it, he stepped on the big tree not far away and attacked hard again. Come.


At the next moment, the long sword in Xia Ming's hand also came out, and the two sword pairs came together.

"Ka-chan ..." Almost at the moment of collision, the old nun's sword was cut off by Xia Ming.

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