The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1757: Gene medicine

Xia Ming took the silver needle off this person, and then looked at the two people around him with a smile and said indifferently: "If you want to say, you can also say it, but you are not begging for mercy, I do n’t want to Will help you remove the silver needle. "

After speaking, Xia Ming looked at this weird man, and the other two weird men were all sweaty, and the pain made them all a bit drawn out.

Xia Ming said quietly, "What is it that makes your strength so strong?"

"Genetic drugs are genetic drugs."

As soon as this statement was made, Xia Ming sank and asked sternly, "What kind of gene medicine?"

"It's a gene-modifying drug." The weird person said in a panic. "As long as this gene drug is injected, we can change the genes in our body, making our power, speed, and response ability more powerful. Can strengthen our genes. "

"Oh shit."

Xia Ming cursed secretly. Needless to say, the gene medicine is from abroad. In China, there is rarely such a thing.

Xia Ming sternly said, "Who are you?"

"We are all people of a company."

"the company?"

Xia Ming heard his words, frowned, looked at the man coldly, and said, "What company?"

"Protective umbrella."


Xia Ming stepped on the weird man's leg fiercely, and this weird screamed, and his bones were broken by Xia Ming in an instant. Weird man looked at Xia Ming in fear, how could this guy be so scary? He even broke his bone with one foot. You must know that their bodies are strengthened people. They are very strong and very resistant. However, Xia Ming even broke his bone with one foot.


This caused him an unspeakable fear of the Huaxia warrior in his heart.

"Do you fool me? Umbrellas? There are such companies in the world." Xia Ming had a black face, no matter how ugly it was, it was ugly. Your mother, and the umbrella company, you ca n’t go to heaven. Umbrellas are the companies in the film that are in graduate crisis.

"It's true, I didn't lie."

Said the weird man in a hurry.

"Are you sure?" Xia Ming narrowed his eyes, indifferently.

"I swear, all I say is true, all true." Weird people also seemed to be scared by Xia Ming, hurriedly.


Xia Ming's face was a little gloomy, Xia Ming sternly said, "So, your company is also studying zombies?"

If this thing studies zombies, it would be a huge trouble for the world, which is absolutely not allowed by Xia Ming.

"No, no, no, no."

This person was terrified: "The specific situation is not clear to us, but our company does not have a monster that only knows to eat people like zombies, but our company is indeed studying genes. These gene drugs can give us strength Becoming the strongest and breaking the limits of humanity. "

Xia Ming secretly kept this sentence in his heart and said coldly, "Then why do you come here?"

"Our leader asked us to hunt down your warriors, but we don't know the specifics."

"Hunt the warrior."

Xia Ming's eyes flickered and he cried out, "He didn't say anything?"

"Sayed, said, let's collect your blood."

"Mr. Xia, they are ..." Gong Mei'er asked palely.

"If I expected it well, 80% of them were to study the Chinese warriors." Xia Ming's eyes flickered.

"Study of Chinese warriors?" Gong Meier was a little confused.


Xia Ming nodded slightly, and Shen said, "The Huaxia warrior has always been a more mysterious existence in the West. If they have studied it, once they practice martial arts, the consequences are really beyond conceivable." Xia Ming's sentence instantly raised the point After Gong Meier and others, for a time, the whole group was all blushing. As Xia Ming said, if these mutants really study thoroughly and learn these things, I am afraid it is really unthinkable. This is for the entire Chinese warrior

It was an extraordinary disaster.

Xia Ming said coldly, "How many people are you here?"

"I do not know either……"

The weird person said with a little panic: "We all came through the big round, and the number of people here did not know the specific number, we were all based on the command line of the leader."

Xia Ming stared at the weird man with no eyes, and did not see any strangeness in the eyes of the weird man. Xia Ming turned his head to look at this palace Meier, but at this moment, the eyes of the weird man suddenly There was a cold mang, and then rushed towards Xia Ming.

"Mr. Xia is careful."

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming seems to have been aware of it for a long time, Long Xiao in his hand turned into a sword, severely chopped it on the head of this weird man, and threw it directly.

The blood squirted wildly. Xia Ming and his party flashed together and drove away. This was still the case, but Xia Ming looked at the blood, but found that the blood was slightly different from the blood of normal people. Because the blood was red and white, it looked very strange.

This should be a weird human genetic change, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming looked at the two people lying on the ground again, both of them rolling their eyes, it seemed that they could die at any time.


Xia Ming's sword penetrated the hearts of the two men, but when Xia Ming penetrated the hearts of the two men, Xia Ming felt that his own Xiao Xiao had received some resistance, which made Xia Ming's face look frozen.

Theoretically, the human heart is fragile, but this heart can prevent its own penetration. Is this still the heart? For a moment, what Xia Ming thought of, a sword waved and cut the chest open.

This eye is a heart, but what is different is that this heart is not an ordinary heart, but a black heart made by a special, there are black things on this heart, this black Things seem to form a protective film on the heart.

"Black heart, how is this possible." Gu Peier pretty face changed slightly, exclaimed.

"Nothing is Impossible."

Xia Ming looked at the heart that was still beating. A sword waved and he was chopped into two pieces. Then the heart stopped beating.

After looking at the three weird people who had died completely, Xia Ming was slightly relieved.

"It's really troublesome."

Xia Ming's eyes flickered a bit, if there were a lot of these weird people here, it is indeed a big trouble, and I don't know what the ultimate purpose of these weird people is.

"What shall we do next?" Gong Meier could not help asking. "Look, find these people and kill them all." Xia Ming Shen said, "If I guess well, I'm afraid many people have already been killed."

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