The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1794: Probation order

"Now that the Budo pond is all clean, it is time for us to go back." At this moment, Xiaoyao Wang sighed and said solemnly.

"It's really time to go back after coming out for so long." King Shura nodded slightly.

"It was really luck to be able to enter the Budo pool this time. If all the people who were not the three major families at that time gave up, it would really be a trouble."

"Indeed, if all the three big families are here ... I'm afraid this Budochi may not be able to win us."

The people present nodded deeply. The strength of the four big families is not what they can imagine. The four big families are very strong, and definitely not what they can provoke, but what makes them slightly puzzled is that it does not mean that the Zhuge family has also entered the Wudao Mountain. ? Why did one come down, but never met

The Ge family?

Of course, everyone thinks about it.

If the people of the Zhuge family don't come, then it is of course the best. The people of the Zhuge family are all perverts, because their intelligence is too terrible, and they have an intelligence that is almost a demon.

One can imagine how daunting this Zhuge family is.

At this moment, King Xiaoyao looked at Xia Ming, paused, and pulled out a token from his arms, saying: "Little brother, here is my order from Xiaoyao, I will give it to you, and I hope Little brother, don't dislike it. "

King Xiaoyao passed the Xiaoyao order to Xia Ming. Xia Ming looked at the Xiaoyao King, but the people present were a little shocked.

"It turns out to be a probation order!"

"It is rumored that ... the four big kings have four big tokens, and each token represents their identity. It is said that the person who owns the token or the next king?"

"What ... is this token so precious?"

"King Xiaoyao is so optimistic about this kid, but think about it, he is young, is he in his twenties? It is really incredible that he has reached such a state today."

"Yeah ... if I changed it to me, I'm afraid I will give this token to this person." The people present obviously all admired Xia Ming and secretly wanted to pay Xia Ming and Xia Ming is so young that he has reached the prefecture-level realm. In the future, the achievements will be unlimited. Moreover, the pool of water in this pool has been absorbed by more than half of Xia Ming. In the future, Xia Ming will have almost 80%.

Success rate promoted to heaven.

At this time, it is absolutely not bad for them to pay a good master.


Xia Minggang just wanted to speak, and Xiaoyao Wang smiled and said, "Little brother, this Xiaoyao order doesn't mean you to join the demon, I just hope this token can help you." "With this token , You can let the people of the demon do anything, but I don't need you to join the demon, just when the devil is in trouble, I hope you can help gently then just fine, of course, you If it does n’t help, it does n’t matter, this token, I just

I want to make a good relationship with you. "

Wang Xiaoyao's words made all the people in this room take a breath and took a breath. Wang Xiaoyao took out such a precious token, just to make friends with Xia Ming ... I'm afraid I can't believe it!

"So, the boy is disrespectful." Xia Ming smiled and took the token and put it in his pocket. Xia Ming naturally knew what Xiaoyao Wang meant, and it was better to be able to pay him at this time. It was better to wait until Xia Ming was promoted to heaven, and Xia Ming naturally had his own meaning. Everyone is afraid of it, then the cult must have his superiority


So Xia Ming accepted the token without hesitation. As for whether the opponent is a demon, Xia Ming did not care, because he did not see any negative emotions from King Xiaoyao and Shura, that is, Sometimes, demonism is not necessarily a bad person.

As for the extinction of the old nun, why the old nun hated the devil so much, Xia Ming is unknown, but now he is not afraid of this extinct old nun.

With the strength of extinction Lao Ni, but in the middle of his own life, even with the power of extinction sword, even the masters in the late stage can compete.

But he still has Long Xiao.

"Good!" Wang Xiaoyao laughed and said, "Little brother, since this is the case, then the two of us will leave first."

"Huh!" Xia Ming clenched his fists.

"I'm leaving!" With the shout of King Xiaoyao, the two left the Budo Mountain in succession. At the same time, the other people also gave Xia Ming a token, hoping to make a good relationship with Xia Ming. Xia Ming naturally refused to come, and accepted these tokens. Xia Ming knew what these people meant,

Why doesn't Xia Ming have his own ideas?

So Xia Ming wrote down all these people's tokens and information.

At this time, the entire Wudao Mountain was only Xia Ming, Qin Ze, Mu Tianping, and Qu Huashang. "Mr. Xia, thank you little girl here."

"Thank me?"

Xia Ming heard the words, stunned, smiled, and said, "It's just a hand."

Qu Huachang paused and said, "Mr. Xia, when you leave here, you still have to be careful. People in the remaining three families may deal with you."

Qu Huashang was a little worried. People from the three major families dealt with Xia Ming, even though she was a little moved. You must know that the people in these three families are all masters. These masters are enough to make any master be moved.

"I see." Xia Ming nodded slightly, naturally the people of the three major families would not let him go, so why would he let the people of these three major families.

"The little girl left first, hoping that the day when she would meet her husband again." Qu Huashang whispered softly.


Xia Ming nodded.


The next moment, Qu Huashang's figure slowly disappeared into the Wudao Mountain, at this time Xia Ming took a deep breath and murmured: "This time, there is still a big trouble ..."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming suddenly looked at Mu Tianping and said calmly, "You leave here now."

Xia Ming did not explain anything, but Mu Tianping's face remained unchanged, because he could detect that Xia Ming was indifferent to him, but Mu Tianping still clenched his fists slightly, and Xuan level left here.

At this time, Xia Ming looked at Qin Ze and said calmly: "Mu Tianping is very deep-minded and should not be with him in the future."


Qin Ze also nodded slightly, but did not say anything specifically.

"You leave here, too!" Charmington paused.

"Xia brother, how about you?"

"I'll wait and see!" Xia Ming said calmly.

"Aren't you going out with me?" Qin Ze couldn't help but say.

"You can't go out with me!" Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said calmly: "Those in the three major families must be waiting for me outside. Once I go out, they will inevitably kill me together. If you are with me, you will suffer spread."

"But Brother Xia ..."

"Let's go!" Xia Ming said calmly. "This ..." Qin Ze finally nodded, and seemed to think something ordinary!

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