The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1906: Grandpa was arrested

The middle-aged man arrested Xia Ming and his team, and soon came to this round. In this round, Xia Ming couldn't help but said, "Well, father-in-law, don't you just say that you want to use hot springs?"

Xia Ming had a feeling of being pitted by Lin Guosheng, with a black face, said.


Lin Guosheng also said depressed, "Where do I know things will turn out like this, this is the place where you can soak in hot springs and massage."

Even he didn't expect that things would turn out like this, but he wanted to say that he was waiting for someone to come out to the hot spring, and didn't find this.

But the point is, whoever believes this, because they have been arrested, they can be described as gaining money.


Xia Dahai is also a bit depressed. He is an honest man and has never taken a bath. This is the first time he has taken a bath. Xia Dahai also feels like a dog.

"So what shall we do now?" Xia Dahai couldn't help asking.

"Call it. I have a good relationship with Wang Jianlin, and it's much easier to pass Wang Jianlin." Xia Ming said helplessly.

"Then you get in touch quickly." Xia Dahai couldn't help it.

"Hey, is there anyone?"

Xia Ming's three were locked in this room, and no one came over. At this time Xia Ming couldn't help screaming twice, and then came in from outside, and said impatiently, "Whatever you call, give me silence. . "

"Brother, can you lend me a call? How about I give you ten thousand yuan?" Xia Ming couldn't help it.


The law enforcement officer sneered: "I tell you, since I came in, I will stay here honestly. If you dare to play tricks, be careful I want you to look good."


Xia Ming can't wait to mad at this person. Xia Ming couldn't help but said: "I know your director Wang Jianlin. Now that you let us out, I can ignore the thing just now. Otherwise, I want you to look good."


The man sneered: "Still know our director? I still know our governor. You do n’t see who you are, dare to say something here. If you know our director, you will be arrested? Boy, you Just stay here honestly. "

"Hey, the young people do not do well now. They have to find this. They have many sexually transmitted diseases this year, and they are not afraid of their own diseases. These two old ones are also true. They are both old and not honest. "

After that, law enforcement officers left here. As for several people in Xia Ming, their faces turned blue.

"Get out?"

Xia Ming thought about it and finally shook his head. Although he was not afraid, his father was still here.


When Xia Ming lived in this house, in this villa, at this moment, Xia Mu was sitting on this sofa. At this time, Zhao Xinglan couldn't help but said, "What's going on? This afternoon Now, why didn't the three of them come back? "

"Yeah." Mother Xia was also a little worried: "It's been a day out and I haven't returned yet. The three of them don't know if they will return the money."

"Mom, what are they going to do?" Lin Wanqing asked curiously.

"They went to help your dad ask for money." Zhao Xinglan said.

"Beep ..."

Just then, Zhao Xinglan's cell phone rang, and when Zhao Xinglan turned out to be Lin Guosheng's phone, he picked up the phone. Then, Zhao Xinglan's pretty face became extremely cold and frosty.

This sudden change frightened Lin Wanqing and Xia Mu.

"There is something wrong." Zhao Xinglan said with some gritted teeth.

"What's the matter," Xia asked quickly.

"It's not Lin Guosheng asshole!" Zhao Xinglan said with gritted teeth.

"What's the matter? Mom?" Lin Wanqing also saw Zhao Xinglan being so angry for the first time, and was a little curious for a while.

"Your dad and Xia Ming were three of them and were caught by the people in the bureau." Zhao Xinglan bit his teeth and creaked.

"Has been arrested?" Lin Wanqing was startled and said in a hurry: "Did it happen to the three of them? Didn't Xia Ming know Wang Jianlin? How could he be arrested?"

"Three of them were unsuccessful and were caught in the bureau. Now we are asked to take money to redeem people." Zhao Xinglan said.


Xia Mu and Lin Wanqing heard a furious anger.

"These three guys, I said why they didn't come back for a day. It's very good, my courage is getting fatter." Xia Mu was also a little angry and extremely angry.

"Would you like to pick up Xia Ming first?" Lin Wanqing's face was also a little unsightly. There are so many beautiful wives in the family who are not satisfied, and they are going to provoke other people. What if they cause illness? do?

"Take it?" Zhao Xinglan said coldly, "Let them live in the bureau for a lifetime."

"Mom, the ugliness of the family cannot be advertised. It is not a solution for us to drag this way. After all, Xia Ming and they know a lot of people. If this thing is passed on, it will not have a good impact. It is better to pick them out first and then teach them "Lin Wanqing thought for a while and said.

Lin Wanqing hasn't lost his mind, so he can't help but get Xia Ming out of them first.

"Okay, let's pick them up now."

Then Xia Mu nodded his head, just dressed, left here, and ran quickly towards the bureau.

After the three of them came to this game, they suddenly attracted a lot of people, and all of them looked at them in unison.

"Hello, we are here to redeem people." Zhao Xinglan took a deep breath and said immediately. "Who are you coming to redeem?" A staff member looked at Zhao Xinglan. Although Zhao Xinglan was almost fifty years old, because of good maintenance, the whole person looked similar to about twenty years old. Xuan Nu Gong given to her, as well as Xia Mu, because she cultivated

Xuan Nu Gong, the whole person is a lot younger.

This has a lot to do with Xuan Nu Gong.

"Lin Guosheng, Xia Ming and Xia Dahai."

"Hmm ..."

As soon as this remark was made, all the people present were stagnate on the spot, all looked at Lin Wanqing with a few brushes, and all eyes were unbelievable.

Lin Wanqing's three pretty faces all have a hot feeling, as if it feels very shameful.

"What is your relationship with them?" The civil servant asked dullly.

"I am Lin Guosheng's wife, he is Xia Dahai's wife, and she is Xia Ming's wife."

As soon as the sentence "出口 ......" came out, the people present were even more embarrassed, and they almost fell to the ground, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

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