The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1908: Trouble again (1)

After an hour!

In this living room, there are three figures kneeling quietly here. The whole person is sweating and the whole person is almost exhausted. But on this sofa, there are three figures sitting here quietly. Watching TV.

And from time to time, this gurgling sound seemed to be happy. "Lin Guosheng, do you want to be lazy? Are you kneeling again?" At this time there was a sound of coquettishness. Lin Guosheng shivered and knelt in haste. Within this hour, they had all kneeled three times. With half an hour left, it would be over, and if I kneel again at this time, that ’s true

It's a big loss.

... At the same time as Xia Ming was kneeling on the keyboard by three people, Lu Yuqing was begging for help everywhere, a difference of exactly 1.5 million, but Xia Ming was going to increase tenfold. This is 15 million. Although He also has his own company, but ... this 15 million goes down, even he is big


Lu Yuqing asked all the acquaintances throughout Jiangzhou City. At the end, after hearing Xia Ming's name, they all left the relationship with Lu Yuqing immediately.

At this moment, Lu Yuqing really knows what is called a bowl centrifugation, and the whole person seems to have collapsed.


Just then, Lu Yuqing's ringtone rang, and Lu Yuqing hurriedly connected to the phone: "Hey, Zhang, will you help me?" The phone sighed and said helplessly: "Lao Lu, this I ca n’t help you, I advise you not to find anyone, even if you go back to the Beijing headquarters, no one can help you, now you obediently take 15 million to go Apologize to Mr. Xia, beg

It's his forgiveness, if he doesn't forgive you ... you can prepare for yourself. "

With this remark, Lu Yuqing's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly said, "Lao Zhang, who is this person? Is it really so terrible?"


The old Zhang sighed: "Don't blame the brothers for not reminding you. Today the brothers reminded you. I hope you don't mention the brothers in the future. Your kindness, I can still count it back."

Speaking of which, Lao Zhang said, "You haven't been to Jiangzhou for a long time. Maybe you don't know something about high society. Now you can't get in touch with it."

"But you should know the name of the chairman of Xialin Group."

"Xia Ming!" Lu Yuqing suddenly blurted out.

"Yes!" Zhang Zhang paused. "This Xia Ming is the chairman of Xia Lin Group. Now Xia Lin Group occupies the automobile industry, mobile phone industry, and various cosmetics industries. Has reached a terrible trillion-dollar property, which is a well-known deposit in this world.

in. "

"Even if he is worth a trillion yuan, can no one cure him?" Lu Yuqing asked unwillingly.

"Hehe!" Zhang Zhang laughed and said, "At least this person is not you, don't blame me for not reminding you. In this entire city of Jiangzhou, no one can help you. In this entire city of Jiangzhou, Mr. Xia said a word 10,000 times better than the number one, but you are Mr. Xia ’s father, Mr. Xia

If you have n’t chopped you, even if it ’s good, you should think more about it yourself. I ’m going to hang up with your brother. Do n’t call me in the future. "

"Beep ..."

The next moment, there was a beeping call on the phone. Lu Yuqing held the phone and looked at his phone blankly. A sense of panic filled his whole body instantly.

At this moment, Lu Yuqing was also really afraid.

They usually spend money to do their kind of business, but this time he directly misappropriated all the other money and opened a new project, but he never expected that Xia Dahai turned out to be Xia Ming's father, really cao Nima.

Your grandfather, the boss of Xia Lin Group, how good is it to think about Qingfu at home? It's okay to be idle, what contractor do you come out of, his grandma's head?

"It seems that Mr. Xia can only be forgiven as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Lu Yuqing no longer hesitated, and hurriedly began to sell some of his own property to collect money to send to Xia Ming.


As for Xia Ming at this moment, the three of them knelt for an hour, but they were not exhausted in this hour. Even the masters of Xia Ming and other prefectures were almost unbearable.

"Well, you guys, take a break." Lin Wanqing whispered softly at this time.

"Thank my wife." Xia Ming was pleased, got up quickly, ran to the sofa next to him, and sat down with one buttock. Xia Ming took a deep breath, he felt his legs were a little sour.

"Wang Qing, you ca n’t get used to them like this, this man has to let them suffer a little bit, and then they will know why, otherwise, you get used to them so sooner or later, they will rebel."

Zhao Xinglan and Liu Mei raised his eyebrows immediately.

"It's almost time," Lin Wanqing said slightly helplessly, "I can't always let them kneel like this, after all, it's not a problem."

"Say, why do you guys go to that kind of place? They are still looking for that." At this time, Zhao Xinglan looked at Lin Guosheng and said indifferently.

"We just went to the hot spring, and we didn't expect it to turn out like this." Lin Guosheng smiled bitterly, and he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

I took my in-laws with my son-in-law to 嫖 ch, and I was arrested. If I went out, where would my old face be left ... After hearing the explanation from Lin Guosheng and others, Lin Wanqing and they believed, and they also Know your husband and what kind of person she is, but they still let Xia Ming kneel for a long time. The purpose is also to let them remember things and let them know what

You can do things, you cannot do anything.

"By the way, aren't you asking for money? Why ran to the hot spring again?" Xia Mu seemed to notice something wrong: "Did you go to the hot spring for money?"

"We're asking for money ..."

Xia Ming hurried.


Just then, the bell rang outside, and as the bell rang, Xia Ming frowned: "Who is coming?"

"Butler Chen, open the door and see."

Chen Xiao has been in this room all the time, including Xia Ming and they are kneeling here. Chen Xiao didn't speak, showing nothing like it. Obviously, Chen Xiao knew what he should do and what he should do. Shouldn't do it.

Xia Mu then stood up and looked outside, and found that she was actually a middle-aged man. Xia Mu wondered: "Daming, who is this man, how have you never met?"

"I'll take a look." Xia Ming stood up and walked outside.

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