The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1912: Masters gather

"This snake ..."

Xia Ming took a breath and looked at the big snake behind him in shock. I am afraid that this big snake is ten feet in size and has such a terrifying body. This is just a monster.

These ten feet are about the size of more than thirty meters. Behind them, the Hachi snake is quickly chasing after him, and it is obviously directed at them.

Such a big snake, even Xia Ming, is only seen in his life, this big snake is really terrible.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, when the tail of the eight-kid snake was flicked, a wave of waves was thrown severely, and then a shark soared into the sky, and one of the eight-kid snakes bit his mouth severely, and then this A shark was swallowed into the stomach by the Hachi snake.


Xia Ming took another breath and wondered why he felt so familiar with this snake. The snake seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"No ... I remember seeing this snake last time with the little devil?"

Xia Ming suddenly thought of something, and his face changed slightly, and he murmured, "It turned out to be the snake ..."

In the past in the shrine, Xia Ming saw this snake, but this snake was a statue in the past, but never imagined that this snake exists!

"No, he's rushing towards us." The leader's face changed, and he immediately said, "Can't return to Huaxia. If you return to Huaxia, the Hachichi snake will catch up, and it will inevitably be charred."

"What to do then?" Xia Ming couldn't help but said: "This snake is extraordinary in strength, and we may not be the opponent of this snake together."

"Fuck." The dragon head cursed, and for a while, he couldn't think of a good way. This big snake is too horrible. Currently on this earth, unless a nuclear weapon is used, it would not cause this snake if it were not. Any damage, and on this sea, the use of nuclear weapons, this is the destruction land

The rhythm of the ball, we must know that the sea is the origin of life.

"Let's wish you all."

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared, and Xia Ming set his eyes on him. He was surprised to find that these five figures were the five heads of the Five Schools.

"Big Demon Xia Ming."

At this moment, Wang Qing's complexion sank, staring coldly at Xia Ming.

"Chen Xiao ... you're here again." Bai Huashan also sneered, staring at Chen Xiao, the devil and the five factions were confrontational, they naturally had to be careful.

Xia Ming is also a master of these five factions, and they did not expect them to be here.

"Everyone." When the dragon head saw this, he naturally knew the relationship between the demon and the five major factions, and hurriedly said: "You, now that the eight snakes are born, if we don't stop Huaxia, we will inevitably be battered, and we will be caught by the little devil. Occupy, and also invite you to let go of your prejudices now and deal with these Hachi

Great snake. "

"Yeah!" Gu You nodded slightly, saying indifferently: "This is true. Now that the monster cholera is in the world, today I will naturally aim the spearhead at this Hachi giant serpent. Today, I do n’t care about the evil spirits. relationship."

"So good."

The dragon head nodded slightly, Qing Yun also nodded at this moment. Obviously, he also agreed with this ancient quiet approach, and the others also nodded.

Bai Huashan's face is not very good-looking. He also knows that nowadays, the enemy should be unanimous to the outside world. Although Xia Ming has killed many of his disciples, he is obviously not the time to avenge himself.

Bai Huashan said faintly: "Okay, I will bypass you for now."

At this moment, a group of people stood on this boat and looked at the distant Hachigi snake. The Hachichi snake stood there lightly, motionless and vomiting a snake letter. A pair of scarlet eyes were mixed with endless violence. breath.

However, at this time, two figures appeared next to the big snake, which is a man and a woman. These two people are respectively the heads of the Yamaguchi group and the Sakura group.

"A feather biochemical cloud, summer cherry blossoms."

Wang Qing saw this, and stared at the two in front of him with a dark complexion.

"Hahaha ..."

Yu Biochemical Cloud laughed at this moment, and the laughter was full of indifference.

"The five major schools in China are here, so it couldn't be better." Yu Shenghua Yun said with a smile: "Wang Qing, now I give you a chance to surrender to my Yamaguchi team, we can let you go, if not, Yagi University God is bound to travel through the Central Plains martial arts. "

"These two are ..." Xia Ming frowned, and asked immediately.

"They are the heads of the Yamaguchi group and the Sakura group." The head said solemnly.

"So it is."

Xia Ming has been dealing with the Sakura group. I did not expect that even seeing the founder of the Sakura group here, it really surprised him.

"Giggle ..."

In the summer, when the cherry blossom smiled, Yushou gently stroked all the hair around him, smiled and looked at the people present, and groaned softly, "You guys, why don't you trust me in the cherry blossom group? I have many beautiful women in the cherry blossom group, and I think it will satisfy you . "


Gu Youxie laughed: "Your wolves are ambitions, want to step into the land of my Central Plains, idiots dream, you release these monsters, do you think he will let you go?"

"Huh." Yu Shenghuayun said lightly: "Baqi Great God is the **** of my Great Pirate Empire, but our symbol. All our martial arts origins come from Great Qi God, as long as the Great God eats you, the strength of the Great God It ’s rising, and by that time, who in the world is our opponent?

, Ha ha ha ... "

"Want to turn the world upside down."

Xia Ming heard a smirk, but said lightly: "Only you people, do you think this is possible? Now the Central Plains is full of talents. Even if we are not opponents of this guy, there will still be someone to clean up this Guy. "

"Ha ha……"

Just then, a slightly hoarse voice opened up.

Obviously, this voice was not the voice of the people present. Xia Ming looked at him for a moment, and looked at the eight snakes, not only Xia Ming, but also everyone else.

"There are indeed a lot of good things on the earth." The sound of Baqi Snake sounded faintly. The people present were all startled, and looked at the Baqi Snake ugly.

"But ... the vitality here is too sparse. If it isn't for the strength of this seat, I really don't want to stay in this kind of rubbish." Hachi-chi snake said calmly.

"Speak ... this guy can talk." Wang Qing and others were all changed dramatically. Talking serpent, your mother just became a refined guy, didn't she say that she was not allowed to become refined after the founding of the PRC? Why is there still a refined existence.

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