The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1924: New World (1)

Xia Ming shook his head and said, "My injury is almost better, and now my strength has taken another step."

"Yes, it has reached the prefecture-level consummation, only one step away, you can be promoted to the rank of heaven, good." At this moment, the dragon head smiled aside.

It's just that Xia Ming is used to calling the faucet.

"It's okay." Xia Ming smiled and said, "It's all luck."

"Luck?" Han Qianyu shook his head slightly, smiling, "There is no luck in this world."

"Hehe." Xia Ming smiled and didn't explain anything.

"By the way, Xia Ming, do you think about it?" Han Qianyu asked suddenly at this moment.

"Think well." Xia Ming nodded solemnly.

"What are they talking about?" Tao Coco asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Who knows what kind of maze they are playing." Luo Yuxi said dissatisfied.

"That's right, I didn't come out for a month, so I played a mystery when I came out. I really hate it." Jiang Lai also said with some temperament.

"Xia Ming, what are you talking about?" Lin Wanqing stood up at this moment and asked curiously.

"There are indeed some things to discuss with you."

At this time, Xia Ming's complexion also became dignified. Now that so many people are gathered here, this is the best. Xia Ming looked at the people present and said, "We all sit down and talk."

Then the group sat down. At this time, Xia Mother and Xia Father were a little curious, not knowing what Xia Ming was doing.

However, Chen Yuhan grumbled with a small mouth, a little dissatisfied.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up and say anything you have." Chen Yuhan hummed.

Xia Ming glanced at the people present and paused, "You guys, to discuss with you here today is actually my step into the new world."

"Now everything on the planet has been resolved, and there is not much room for progress on the planet, so I want to step into the new world and explore the higher world."

A word from Xia Ming puzzled everyone present, and he couldn't help but ask: "Daming, aren't you feverish? What new world? Are you going to take a rocket to other planets?" Xia Ming looked at This puzzled mother, some cried and laughed, said helplessly: "Mother, in addition to the earth in this world, other planets are still inhabited, but other places are somewhat different from the earth, because there Is the world of warriors,

Wu Weizun's world does not have the current high technology. "

"What? Is there really another world?" Chen Yuhan was talking, Chen Yuhan opened his eyes wide and asked curiously.


Xia Ming also slightly aspired, and immediately said: "In addition to the earth in this world, there are indeed other worlds, so I want to explore what kind of world this other world is, if given the opportunity, I will come back and take you there too. "At this moment, all the people present were silent. Obviously, they did not speak. Mother Xia took a deep look at her son, although she said that she was a little bit reluctant, But she knew that her son had grown up. Sometimes, as a mother, she should not restrict her son.

Way out.

Mother Xia sighed: "Daming, have you thought about it, if you leave, what will they do in the evening?"

Xia Ming heard the words and looked at the women towards Lin Wanqing and paused: "Although I can take them now, but it is too dangerous to take them now, and I do n’t know about the new world yet. , So we ca n’t take them out of here for now. "

"However, it only takes me a few years. After I set foot in the New World, I will come back here to pick you up again." Charmington paused: "It's just that I'm going to be wronged during this time. You live on Earth. "

"Xia Ming, is there any danger?" Lin Wanqing asked with some worry.

Even if Lin Wanqing was talking about Xia Ming and Xia Hai, both Xia Ming and Xia Hai were nervous. Obviously, the two old men did not want Xia Ming to encounter any danger.

"No," Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and said, "Now that my strength has reached the prefecture level, it is difficult to kill me if you want to kill me."

In fact, Xia Ming didn't know what kind of world the new world was, and he was slightly curious about the new world. Therefore, Xia Ming also said it was not good.

Xia Dahai sighed at this moment: "Daming, if you want to go out, we don't care, we also know what your purpose is, but as a father, I still hope that when you are in danger, think of them at night and think of your parents. "


Xia Ming nodded solemnly.

At this moment, all the people present were clear. Obviously, Xia Dahai was supporting Xia Ming and others to leave here. At this moment Lin Wanqing also looked at Xia Ming and said softly: "When are you going to leave? ? "

"In a few days, when I have solved everything on earth, I will leave."

Xia Ming thought about it and said, after all, his loved ones are still on this earth. Before leaving the earth, he must protect his loved ones safely. Only in this way can he leave in peace.


Lin Wanqing nodded slightly.

"Sister-in-law, will you take us with you?" Chen Yuhan looked at Xia Ming pitifully and couldn't help asking.


Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said, "I do n’t know what it looks like in the new world. If you follow me, it is easy to encounter danger, and ... if you want to step into the new world, only after you have been promoted to heaven The altar can leave the earth and enter the new world. "

"Huh ... smelly brother-in-law."

Chen Yuhan looked at Xia Ming with a bit of dissatisfaction. At this moment, Chen Yuhan can be considered a master, because Chen Yuhan also reached the realm of the late Xuan level.

Even Xia Ming was a little curious. How could these wives and their aunts practice so fast? This practice speed is just as fast as taking a train.

Even the speed of cultivation is not so fast.

Although curious, Xia Ming did not ask.

"Then take care of yourself." Xia Dahai sighed.

"Yes, Dad."

Xia Ming nodded solemnly. At this moment, Xia Ming looked at the people present. At this time, Xia Dahai said: "Just right, while the staff are gathered today, let's have a good meal today. ? "

"Okay, that's a good idea. There weren't all the gatherings today before. Let's have a good meal today."

Immediately Lin Guosheng nodded. "All right, I'll book the restaurant."

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