The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1950: Xuan Xinzong (2)

"What's going on? Why did you leave early?"

"Did something happen?"

"I'm afraid ... if not, we wouldn't be called so urgently."

"I guess it's because of 100,000 miles of purple gas. I'm afraid that this 100,000 miles of purple gas has shaken a lot of martial arts ..."


All kinds of discussions also echoed each other's undulations. At this time, Zhou Huang said coldly, "Stop your mouths, and hurry up now."

With Zhou Huang's words falling, many people closed their mouths in unison, and did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Brush ..."

Then the next group of people swept frequently, and turned into a follower Zhou Huang who was as fast as lightning!

In these few days when he was on the road, Xia Ming also had a thorough understanding of what is the real ancient continent. Such a scene, Xia Ming has been a little uncomfortable so far. Although he has killed many people, this cruel means But rarely seen.

In this way, he has seen some families killed, and even the children have not let go. Some of the children were dug out of their binoculars, while others were slapped into the flesh with slapping scenes. Xia Ming who was watching was also a little scared, which was really cruel.

Fortunately, this week's rush did not last long, Xia Ming finally came to this Xuan Xinzong.

Just stepping into the range of Xuan Xinzong, Xia Ming was deterred by the mountains of Xuan Xinzong. Xia Ming also felt a little incredible. Xuan Xinzong was so large.

Such a gate is much larger than the capital city on the earth!

"It's finally here."

Reaching Xuan Xinzong, Rao and Zhou Huang were slightly relieved. Although they said that no one dared to provoke Xuan Xinzong in the process, but the matter was not absolute.

Fortunately, he has reached Xuan Xinzong, and he is relieved.

At this moment, Zhou Huang said, "Now the Xuan Xinzong has arrived. I will take you to the place where the disciples are selected. Whether or not to enter the Xuan Xinzong will depend on your own ability."


All the people present nodded slightly, and then Zhou Huang's figure moved forward as fast as lightning, and Xia Ming and others followed.

When they appeared again, they came to a huge performance martial arts field, which was large and could accommodate 100,000 people at a time. It is conceivable how big it is here.

Xia Ming landed on the ground steadily. Suddenly, I saw a lot of people, many of them are sky-level martial arts. From the eyes of these people, we can see that these people are eager to try. Obviously Are all here to join Xuan Xinzong.

"So many people?"

Xia Ming was slightly surprised. He took a deep look at the people present, and his eyes were mixed with a bit of bogey.

None of these people are simple.


A slight screeching sound broke the tranquility of the scene. At this moment, all the people on the stage of the martial arts calmed down and looked distantly into the distance.

In the distance, there is a figure standing in the sky, Xia Ming saw this situation, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Standing in the air, this is not something anyone can do, this old man, a deep strength.

In the eyes of Xia Ming, he was an old man. The old man, dressed in a gray robe, with his hands behind his back, looked at the people indifferently. "Today is the day when Xuan Xinzong selects mixed-service disciples. He and other are able to obtain Xuan Xin's orders. It can be seen that Er and other extraordinary strengths, but ... Xuan Xinzong's selection disciples are harsh. This group also has to choose a group of people out of the crowd.

Being selected depends on your strength and talent. "

As soon as this remark came out, many people were eager to try. Obviously, they all wanted to see if they could stay in Xuan Xinzong. If they could stay in Xuan Xinzong, they would have nothing to worry about.

Xia Ming also looked at the old man quietly, and seemed to be waiting for a reply.

"Next, I will announce the selection rules."

As the old man's voice fell, many people looked at it in unison. At this time, the old man said indifferently: "This first pass is for willpower. If you can stick to the incense without falling, It's a pass. "


Xia Ming frowned. How could this willpower test? What does this old man mean?

Not only Xia Ming, but also everyone else is a little curious, how to test this willpower?

"Okay, everyone, get ready."

The old man did not explain how to test willpower to the people present, so many people were puzzled.


Just as the crowd was still talking about them, suddenly a powerful force shocked the world, and gathered madly towards this side. The terrible coercion was suppressed, and all the people present were changed.

"Hmm ..."

At one time, many people fell to the ground instantly, some of them could not reach the ground, but they were also pressed to the ground instantly. For a while, there were sorrows and screams, and many people were roaring and screaming.

However, only Xia Ming, standing aside, still, a pair of eyes, squinting, looking at the old man in front of him, Xia Ming was slightly shaken.

"So powerful coercion, what kind of realm is this old man ..."

Xia Ming looked relaxed and comfortable, and was not affected by the coercion of this coercion. He really wanted to say that it was because of the magnificence of his jade emperor that he would not be coerced by the old man.

Who is the Jade Emperor, but he is the figure who controls the sentient beings of the Three Realms. His imposing momentum is not comparable to this old man at all.

So Xia Ming was able to remain unmoved under such momentum.

However, Xia Ming was deeply curious about the strength of the old man.

At this time, the old man's eyes also brushed across everyone present, the old man frowned, and looked at the people slightly dissatisfied.


When the old man's eyes flickered from Xia Ming's body, the old man made a suspicion, looked at Xia Ming in surprise, and looked carefully.

Xia Ming also noticed a detective's gaze, was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly looked at the past. At this moment, Xia Ming happened to be opposite to the old man's gaze.


The old man suddenly looked at Xia Ming in surprise: "I actually noticed my inspection. This kid is really interesting, but ..."

Saying this, the old man frowned, and murmured, "This young man is in his twenties, but only in the realm of the early days of heaven. What is going on?"

In the old man's cognition, in his twenties, he has already entered the innate, and Xia Ming has only the early days of grades. Such a talent makes Xia Ming somewhat confused.

"Does this person have a talent?" Thinking of this, the old man no longer observes Xia Ming. In his opinion, there is no need for Xia Ming to continue to pay attention to such talents, and there is little possibility for such a person to improve.

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