The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1974: War of genius

"This Ye Ming has even learned Sanpin Wuxue Piao Ye Palm, it is incredible!"

The emergence of such martial arts aroused the cheers of Taoism. Even in this ancient continent, martial arts are extremely precious existence. Martial arts and exercises are also difficult to find. Many casual trainings are lacking. These two things cannot be cultivated to a higher level.

But these gates are different, because these gates are all inherited! As long as the inheritance is immortal, this master will continue to flow.

"Brush ..."

In the next moment, Ye Ming's palm seemed to have a phantom, and he knew it frequently and very fast, as if it were the Thousand-Handed Guanyin, which made people wonder if a palm shadow was true or false.

When Xia Ming saw this situation, his complexion was gradually dignified, but Xia Ming was slightly puzzled that this class of martial arts was Sanpin martial arts? This is too bad, right? He felt that any one of the sword seals and the flying fairy swordsmanship he practiced was better than this martial art.

In fact, Xia Ming has fallen into a misunderstanding. All the martial arts he obtained are obtained from this system. As for this reality, such martial arts are rarely found. If it is not for the children of the powerful forces, it is difficult to learn this. Martial arts and exercises.

After all, Xia Ming is too rich.

Most of the people who have entered the Xuanxinzong family are from poor families. Some disciples in the family are definitely not outsiders. Their talents have suffered from the cultivation of the family since they were young. This strength is naturally very fast! Even worshipers who worship the ancestors will not be treated as outsiders.

Only if these net households are born will they come step by step.

Ye Ming was able to learn these three grades of martial arts through his own infinite efforts. If not, these three grades of martial arts would not be learned.

As for Xia Ming ’s Ben Leiquan study, it ’s just a martial art. It belongs to the bad street, but compared to this floating leaf palm, it is not a little bit worse.

"Xia Ming, you can die under my palms, and you are proud."

When Ye Ming saw Xia Ming who was forced by himself to have no way back, he couldn't help but smile. At this moment, his palms were full of vitality, and the vigorous vitality was transformed into a palm shadow, which directly covered Xia Ming. Come in. The palm shadow came over, Xia Mingding looked with dignity, this sky-shaped palm shadow looks like the floating leaves, it seems to float lightly, but in this palm shadow, it reveals the heart-wrenching meaning, kind It feels like the aggression tiger waiting for the enemy and giving the enemy a blow


Xia Ming took a deep breath and stared staring at the rolling palm shadow. This palm shadow was imaginary and unpredictable, and Xia Ming couldn't tell, which one was true.

This palm shadow fell on Xia Ming almost in the blink of an eye!

"found it."

Xia Ming was almost hit by Jaina, and Xia Ming's eyes moved suddenly. Regardless of the shadow of the palms around him, he fisted his fingers into a fist. The punch was like a tearing welcome. In the end, he slammed into that palm. Were together.

"Triple energy!"

At this moment, Xia Ming couldn't help yelling, a more powerful force was released from this fist.

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming's fist fiercely hit Ye Ming's palm shadow, and a powerful wind broke out like a wild wind.

"It turned out that he found it." Ye Ming's face also changed slightly, staring at the fist that collided with him, but I don't know why, Xia Ming's fist also came with a great force. That strength, even compared to him is not weak at all, isn't this guy in the early days of the heavens? How can it suddenly change

So strong.

"Abandoned him." I thought here, Ye Ming's vitality changed instantaneously, Xia Ming had been watching Ye Ming's every move, so when Ye Ming's vitality changed, the director also turned his palm into a claw. When Xia Ming discarded his wrist, Xia Ming realized his vitality and his hand was like mud.

In general, it was actually not caught by Ye Ming.

"Hmm ..."

However, immediately after that, Ye Ming struck her fiercely on Xia Ming's chest, and Xia Ming was kicked and kicked. This sudden situation aroused Daodao exclaimed.

"Xia Ming was taken off."

Many people saw this scene, and Han Qianyu and others were nervous.

"Brush ..."

Xia Ming's body receded, leaving a long scratch on the platform of life and death. Xia Ming's feet slammed on the ground, and then he jumped up, then stood firmly on the spot and stabilized his body. shape.

Xia Ming looked at this foot in the chest. Fortunately, his golden body was so strong that he didn't suffer much trauma. Xia Ming gradually became more dignified to the warriors in the realm of the day after tomorrow.

The Acquired Realm really is awesome. If it were an ordinary martial arts warrior, it would be a long time ago.


When Ye Ming saw this situation, his heart was full of anger. He thought that what can be won with a wave of his hands was never thought of, but it was dragged on and off. Strength, I am afraid, have already begun to doubt.

"It turns out you only have that strength."

Xia Ming sneered, indeed, if it was just this strength, it would not be possible to win him.

"court death!"

Ye Mingman was full of flames of anger. Immediately the soles of his feet suddenly slammed the ground, and then one side of his body appeared on the left side of Xia Ming in a blink of an eye. This kind of trembling, if not ordinary people, could not react, and then in countless ways Under his eyes, he slaps his palm against Xia Ming's head fiercely.

"It's time I shot."

Xia Ming didn't want to continue anymore, but gave a cold voice.

"Qinglong Jinshenjue, Qinglongquan."

The next moment, Xia Ming was covered with a touch of golden mang, but what was different was that this faint golden mang seemed to be gradually changing.

This is Qinglong Jinshenjue.

Qinglong Jinshenjue, even today's Xia Ming, is only practicing to the second level. This Qinglong Jinshenju has a total of three layers, and each level requires a large amount of experience.

Even Xia Ming didn't improve to the extreme.

However, in this Qinglong Jinshenjue, he realized a martial art, that is, Qinglongquan.

Once Qinglongquan is used, it contains powerful power, which is enough to instantly kill a master in the later days.


The low voice sounded on the stage of life and death, and Xia Ming's body was directly taken two steps by the shock. As for Ye Ming, he was also taken a few steps back by the shock.

At this moment, there was a sound of breath-taking air between heaven and earth, and countless horrified gazes all looked over the platform of life and death. In the eyes, shock and panic were mixed. "how is this possible……"

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