The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1988: Yao Lao

Yao Lao glanced at Xia Ming, and there was a little indifference in his expression. At this moment, everyone's eyes were all looking at Xia Ming. The people present couldn't help swallowing and swallowed back. One step, watching this scene nervously.

In this one hundred treasure hall, if you can't provoke it, I am afraid that it must be a drug old. This drug old is a very strange old man, and this character is also very unique.

Why do you say that! Because when some people were talking to Yao Lao, they were not beaten by Yao Lao, and some were even abolished.

Therefore, many people are afraid of Yao Lao. After coming to this treasure hall, they must not talk to Yao Lao. This is why these people are so gloating.

Talking to Yao Lao like this now, this is just trying to die.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Yao Lao narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Ming with a smile, a pair of slightly cloudy eyes, but they kept passing by.

Xia Ming smelled it, he was slightly puzzled, he looked at Yao Lao puzzled, and some did not understand what Yao Lao meant.

Xia Ming asked curiously: "Seniors, juniors come to Baibaotang to exchange things, aren't seniors the stewards of Baibaotang?" As soon as he said this, all the people present were instantly exploded and horrified Looking at Yao Lao in front of them, they have all heard that before that, there was such a disciple. After saying this to Yao Lao, he was directly swept away by Yao Lao. The most unlucky thing is that this disciple never

Can enter Baibaotang.

Now, Xia Ming is talking about this stubble again, isn't that uncomfortable.

"Hahaha ..."

But at the next moment, Yao Lao suddenly laughed. This smile made the atmosphere of the whole scene more tense, but the next words were to stun the people present.

"You are very good, let's say, what do you want to exchange." Yao Lao asked directly.

"Hmm ..."

As soon as this sentence came out, the people around him almost fell down, all staring at the scene in front of them, so incredible.

"This ... what's going on?"

"Yao Lao ... Yao Lao didn't teach Xia Ming, this shouldn't be ..."

"Did Xia Ming know Yao Yao?"

"This ... this is really ..."

All the people present had their mouths open, and they looked at this scene inconceivably, with unexplainable shock.

"Thank you senior."

Xia Ming was ecstatic for a while and hurriedly said, "Senior and juniors have two hundred contributions here. What can you exchange?"

Xia Ming's words surprised Yao Lao slightly, and immediately said, "You are a new disciple, and you have two hundred contributions?"

"Um, it's a senior." Xia Ming nodded slightly.

At this moment, not only Yao Lao, even everyone else looked at Xia Ming curiously. The newcomer disciple who has just arrived has 200 contributions, which is impossible ... Everyone knows that contributions are very rare Generally speaking, everyone gets the contribution value through doing tasks, and once again gets something. The two hundred contribution value may not be much to outside students. After all, they are often in this place, and they can save some.

, But for a newcomer mixed-service disciple who just started, this is equivalent to a huge sum.

They also did not expect that Xia Ming actually had two hundred contributions.

At this time, Yao Lao took a deep look at Xia Ming and paused: "Boy, I have medicinal fluids, elixir, weapons, etc., but although you have a lot of 200 contributions, if you exchange these things, , But it's not enough. How about I show you a clear way? "

"I'd like to hear the details." Xia Ming heard it, and it felt good to listen, simply clenching his fists, said respectfully. "In this Xuanxinzong, there is a trial tower. This trial tower is called Xuanxin Tower. In this tower, you can wash yourself with Reiki. The old man looks at your body and there are some signs of spiritual transformation. Cultivation in this tower will be more beneficial to you, but of course, do not do it in you

. "

"Brush ..." Xia Ming heard the words, his eyes lighted up, and he looked at Yao Lao, Xuan Xin Tower, and Reiki washing ... Xia Ming had a faint understanding of what Reiki is. Level of energy, there are some signs of reincarnation in his body, although it is just a little bit, but he can feel

Come out, this little bit of soul transfer has multiplied his strength several times.

If you can have aura to wash yourself, this is the best thing.

"Dare to ask the seniors, how does this Xuanxin Tower need to enter?"

"Contribution value," Yao Lao said lightly.

"I don't know, how much is needed?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Xuanxin Pagoda has nine floors, each of which has a different level of aura. There is a spiritual gathering inside. As for your two hundred contributions, you can only practice one day on this second floor.

"one day?"

Xia Ming froze, never thinking that this practice would be so expensive? Two hundred contributions a day? He did this task, but it took several days.

Xia Ming hesitated for a while.

In the end, Xia Ming thought about it and hugged his fist: "Thank you for your guidance, the younger grateful."

"Boy, the old man don't want your gratitude, if one day, you can do a little help for the old man." Yao Lao looked at Xia Ming and said with a smile. "If it is useful to get the juniors, the juniors will go back and do their best." Xia Ming smelled it, hesitated a little, and some people didn't understand. What kind of ghost is this medicine old? He knows his strength best, but Yao Lao wants to help himself, which seems to be a bit wrong.


What can I do for myself?

Although puzzled, Xia Ming agreed.

"That being the case, the boy will retreat first."

Yao Lao waved his hand, and Xia Ming turned around and left here. He basically lacked nothing. However, the advice given by Yao Lao was also the best. Xia Ming did not go to see other things. He felt Yao Lao Should not pit him.

With Xia Ming's departure, all of the people in Baibaotang were staring at Xia Ming with a stunned look, their faces were so incredible.

How is this possible ... this boy has nothing at all, just go out like this? This is Yao Yao, shouldn't this be?

For a while, all the people present looked at Yao Lao Qi. At this time, one could not help but walked towards Yao Lao, came to Yao Lao's body, clenched his fists, and said respectfully: "Senior ,younger generation……"


"Hmm ..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yao Lao waved his hand, and there was a strong force. This strong force directly lifted the person. This person even had the ability to react, and just flew out of Baibaotang. . "Wow ..."

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