The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1998: Beginning of Handymanship (1)

When Xia Ming stepped into Xuan Xinzong, Xia Ming was engaged in cultivation. In the next few days, Xia Ming did not bubbling!

However, after these five days, Xia Ming finally left the cultivation place!

On this day, the sun shines!

The entire Xuan Xinzong was wrapped in this sunlight, but Xuan Xinzong gradually showed some signs of boiling.

Every few months after recruiting new disciples, a miscellaneous match is held. This miscellaneous match is not an ordinary match, because it can let you shine and even get some high-level attention!

Although this kind of opportunity is slim, after all, not every high-level person will appear to screen disciples. It depends on luck!

but! The chance is better than nothing! What's more, this big comparison has huge benefits, that is, entering the yellow list, once entering the yellow list, there will be endless benefits! This cultivation resource alone, you have a lot more than others. This cultivation speed is naturally faster than others, just like the poor and the rich. Before becoming a rich, he will also be a poor person. Of course, he may not be poor in this generation, but he has gone up to dozens of generations.

you try.

However, if the poor wants to become rich, it will take a huge price and effort. When he becomes a rich, he can enter the circle of the rich, and the rich is getting richer.

In addition, everyone is a teenager, and after all, there is some competition and excitement. In addition, there are many cute and beautiful school sisters and sisters in front of everyone. Everyone wants to show some eyes. If not, I can get these school sisters. Sister's favor, maybe even for a period of dew.

In order to achieve bright results in this mixed service, many disciples have made great efforts!

In a big mountain of Xuan Xinzong, there is a vast field, which is a cultivation field. This cultivation field can accommodate 200,000 people at a time, and it does not seem crowded. It can be imagined that this wide field is in the end How big.

And here is the floor paved with special materials. Generally speaking, it is not easy to be broken. Of course, in terms of the financial resources of Xuan Xinzong, naturally it is not much.

Around these, there are layers of stairs, a bit similar to the stadium on the earth, and someone can watch from above.

At this moment, these people are talking about something, whispering whispers together, like a bronze bell, mixed with the youth and vitality of young girls.

Huge training ground with many people! As for the participation in the miscellaneous competition, not everyone will participate in it. After all, so many people participate in it, but they can't be selected at all. It is impossible to finish the miscellaneous competition. This year has passed. Too likely.

The so-called miscellaneous rivalry might as well be a yellow list battle!

There are a hundred of them on the yellow list! Everyone is amazing! The people who can enter the Yellow List are all geniuses. Similarly, there is another saying in the Yellow List.

That's an outside candidate!

Entering the yellow list is almost equivalent to a foot step into the ranks of the outside door! Over the years, ninety-nine percent of those who entered the Yellow List will step into this door.

Therefore, entering the yellow list is also equivalent to entering a knocker on the outside door!

Of course, in general, these newly-commissioned disciples will generally not participate in this kind of competition. The reason is nothing, because they simply do not have that ability!

No one who can be a Yellow List is a leader. However, the acrobatic disciples who have just arrived have no martial arts and no exercises. They are naturally inferior to these people, even if they are between the same level. of.

This huge training place has a large population, but it is very distinct!

But in this other place, there is a figure, anxious!

This man, dressed in green robes, was walking around the room! Looks a little anxious.

"Why haven't you come back, why haven't you come back!"

Han Qianyu walked around in this room, with unexplainable depression! Today is the time of the miscellaneous service. However, Xia Ming has not shown up all the time, which makes Han Qianyu anxious.

This miscellaneous ratio is also very important for Xia Ming! It is also extremely important for him. If they can enter the yellow list, they will also get huge improvements, at least in this practice resource, they will be greatly improved!


At this time, we rang out loud, but the reflection was a thin figure wearing a black robe, but the breath emanating from this figure became stronger and stronger.

This person is truly Xia Ming!

The appearance of Xia Ming shocked Han Qianyi's body. Han Qianyi hurried over and took Xia Ming's arm. He couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, where have you been, why did you come back so late?"

"What's wrong? Something?"

Xia Ming froze and looked at Han Qianyu in surprise.

"Today is a time for mixed service, have you forgotten it?" Han Qianji couldn't help it.

"I know." Xia Ming said helplessly: "So am I not coming back?"


Han Qianyi gave Xia Ming a cry with a smirk. Your grandma's legs are really the emperor is not in a hurry. The elder is here just like the ants on the wok. He can be good, not slow. It's really annoying.

"Then let's go to the scene quickly. It will take a while to get here!" Han Qianyu said in a hurry.

"Huh! OK! I'll change my clothes first." Xia Ming thought about it.

"Also change a fart ..." When Han Qianyi heard it, it was a burst of fire. It all burned his eyebrows. You still have time to change clothes. What a great deal of heart, Han Qianzhen didn't have time to change clothes for Xia Ming. I ran towards the outside, and after the two came to this practice, they were already half a little

After hours.

The two came to the practice ground. At this seat, some disciples were already talking.

"It looks like this year's top ten list is hard to shake."

"Yeah, two years ago, the prince has never changed since he took the top spot on the list."

"It's not only the first that has never been changed, but even the second and third, it has not been changed."

"Yeah, but when it comes to Don Juan, it is really nostalgic."

"Yeah ... Tang Yun is the goddess among our miscellaneous disciples. If she could marry this girl home, it would be worth everything."

"I feel that Miss Bingqing is more beautiful. Tang Yan is beautiful, but it is far worse than Miss Bingqing." "Fuck, who doesn't know that Bingqing is beautiful, but Miss Bingqing just arrived The disciple disciple has become an insider disciple in just a few months. Now it has attracted high-level attention. It is really unattainable. "?" Yeah ... Ms. Bingqing is like an ice cube. Yes, it really makes some people look far away. "

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