The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2002: Soaring all the way

With Xia Ming's faint voice, Tan Gong couldn't bear the consequences. He immediately spit out blood and passed out.

Xia Ming glanced at Tan Gong indifferently, with a little smirk in his mouth.

"With this in mind, I dared to come out and practice, and it turned out to be flowers in the greenhouse."

Xia Ming is very transparent about this world, so he understands the rules of this world. Being strong and respectful, you have the ability to speak.

This Xuan Xinzong is a sect, but some families have paid a huge price for their children to enter the Xuan Xinzong. However, some people have grown up from the greenhouse. Naturally, they do not know that the heart is sinister. Outside How powerful the killing is.

The strength of these people is naturally a lot worse.

Xia Ming solved this Tan Gong with a trick. The eyes of the people present who looked at Xia Ming also changed, especially when the girls around them looked at Xia Ming, there was more of a kind in the beautiful eyes. fiery.

"Xia Mingsheng."

After the results came out, Xia Ming leapt forward and jumped off the platform. At this time, many people gave way to Xia Ming. Xia Ming was also relaxed. He ran aside and looked for it. A chair is just sitting down.

The distant prince and Lin Jiantian and others saw that Xia Ming resolved this Tan Gong so easily, but they were slightly surprised.

"Have you shot him just now?" Fang Lei rubbed his hands with excitement, as if the cat had seen a mouse, and was extremely happy.

"This guy's physical body seems to be very strong." How sharp Lin Jiantian's eyes were, and he saw a few things in an instant, Shen said.

"Hey, my old side likes this opponent the most. If only I could fight with him." Fang Lei said with some hope. "Indeed, this guy's physical body seems to be very powerful." The prince also admired, "This person has just used the strength of the arm to transfer the strength of the whole body to the arm. This kind of power is probably more than a direct punch. More ferocious and terrible, just don't know what it is

Martial arts is really amazing. "

"It is true that I have also seen such a rigid martial arts for the first time. Such martial arts are quite good, but it is just a bit too rigid. If you meet a strong person, this kind of confrontation will only make you. Injury. "Lin Jiantian nodded slightly, analyzing.

If Xia Ming were here, I don't know if he would laugh.

What he has just used is the traditional Chinese skill he has learned before, which is eight pole fist, and what he has just used is the most famous one among the eight pole fist, called Tieshanji.

Before, Xia Ming has cultivated this vitality, Tieshan lean is no longer commonly used. After all, this iron hill lean needs the physical body as a foundation, and it also needs to concentrate its strength on his chest. If he is not careful, he will Hurt yourself.

However, Xia Ming was surprised to discover that in this ancient continent, everyone is based on the cultivation of spiritual energy and rarely deals with physical problems. Therefore, to a certain extent, everyone's physical body is not so outrageous. .

However, Xia Ming is different. Because he has cultivated the Qinglong Golden Body Technique and his physical strength is extremely strong, he will dare to use such a trick. However, it is such a trick, which is straightforward and defeats Tan Gong directly.

At this moment, it was not only the prince who was a little surprised, but even the three men on the south's theme were all slightly surprised.

"Yes, the disciples recruited this year are going to be stronger than the younger ones." Zhao Wou-ki stroked his beard and laughed.

Seeing this, Wang Moxi and Liu Mo nodded slightly.

"This little guy's strength is quite good, but he has practiced such a mighty body, but he has delayed his practice, the path of cultivation, and the spiritual energy, so that he can truly move the mountains and reclaim the sea." Liu Mo just glanced lightly and stopped paying attention.

Xia Ming's body is very strong, but in Liu Mo's view, Xia Ming is trying to find the last solution, which is undoubtedly a waste of his time and energy.

The powerful physical body may play a great role in the early stage, but with the improvement of strength, this is the final cultivation of Reiki. If you can cultivate this innocent body, it will be even more powerful.

It's just the cultivation of the flesh. This achievement is ultimately limited.

"The grade is a bit bigger, but this toughness is still good, but it's a pity ..." Zhao Wuji also shook his head slightly, no longer paying attention to Xia Ming, Wang Moxi saw this, and also understood the meaning of Zhao Wuji. Although Xia Ming is outstanding, unfortunately, Xia Ming's grade is too big. If Xia Ming is the same age as Tan Gong, he is also an extraordinary genius, and he will definitely get the attention of Zongmen. Is too big, this grade has limited his growth path, in them

It seems that Xia Ming's achievements ... are always limited.

If Xia Ming is aware of this idea, I don't know if he will sniff it.

Xia Ming was waiting patiently under this stage. After a while, a figure appeared from behind Xia Ming. Xia Ming seemed to be aware and turned quickly.

After seeing the person clearly, Xia Ming said in surprise: "Dragon, why are you doing this?"

Xia Ming saw that the clothes on the dragon's head were broken and looked ragged as if they were a beggar. There were some scars on the body.

"I just fought." The leader said casually, "How are you? Did you win?"

Xia Ming glanced at the faucet silently, fighting to make the clothes into this virtue, how fierce your uncle was, Xia Ming shook his head slightly, but said nothing, but followed the words of the faucet and said, "I It's over. It's been a long time here. "

"It's over? So fast?" Han Qian wondered.

"Yes, that's how fast!" Xia Ming helplessly spread his hands.

"It is said that your opponent is Tan Gong. How many moves did you use to defeat Tan Gong?"

Han Qianyi obviously also heard the name Tan Gong, so he couldn't help asking.

Xia Ming looked at Han Qianji, and slowly stretched out a finger. At this time, Han Qianji was slightly relieved and said, "It was ten tricks, but it's okay. After all, you can kill the masters in the early days and defeat ten Bow, if you want to, you can dash the Yellow List. "

"Not ten moves, one move."

Xia Ming heard Han Qianyu's words, and his mouth twitched, he couldn't help reminding.

"Oh! It's not ten, it's one ..."

The voice just dropped, and Han Qiandi looked at Xia Ming suddenly, staring at Xia Ming with a stunned face, with an incredible expression on his face, saying, "You ... what did you just say? How many moves did you use?"

"A trick!"

Xia Ming couldn't bear to hit Han Qianyu, but he couldn't help saying it.

"Look." After Han Qiandi heard this sentence, Han Qiandi could not help but almost jumped up, staring at Xia Ming with a stunned expression, his face was incredible.

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