The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2006: select

After all the top ten miscellaneous disciples have recovered, their eyes are mixed with a little joy and excitement.

Because next is the time to challenge the yellow list!

If they can enter the yellow list, their identity will also increase!

However, if you want to enter the yellow list, you still need to rely on your own strength.

"Please Yellow List!"

Just then, I don't know who screamed!

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance. A huge black shadow shrouded the world, and a loud noise crashed, and the black shadow landed on the ground steadily.

At this moment, the ground shook fiercely. Xia Ming was shocked and looked at it suddenly, but it was a huge stele that caught the eye.

The stele is dark and faint, but if you look closely, the stele is engraved with one name after another. There are about a hundred people around.

These are all golden yellow, but they are so obvious!

After the countless days of the pride of Xuan Xinzong looked at the stele, they were all excited, and these people looked at this scene passionately.

Yellow list!

Yes, this stele is a yellow list!

The Yellow List is the weakest list in the world, but these lists are also very important, because he represents a person's potential.

In this ancient continent, since ancient times, strength has been respected. The better a person is, the more resources and cultivation can be enjoyed.

If such people grow up, they will inevitably become a towering tree.

The appearance of the Yellow List shocked a lot of people, and even Xia Ming stared directly at the Yellow List, slightly shaking.

"Why the great yellow list, how come from the sky ..." Xia Ming said with some dignity.

"This is made of a special material. He was moved by a large mana." Han Qianyu said suddenly.

"Come here with great mana."

Xia Ming couldn't help taking a deep breath and brought it with great mana. What a terrible mana it was. Who was this person? Could it be that person?

Xia Ming's eyes gradually turned to this not far away, there is a figure here, the figure looks indifferent, it is the king Mosi.

"Xia Ming, who do you want to challenge?" Han Qianzhen could not help asking at this time?

"Think well." Xia Ming smiled.

"That's good." Han Qianzhen said solemnly: "It's better to choose a little later, and then go a little bit, these yellow list people are not fuel-saving lamps, they all have their own cards."

"Ok, I know."

Xia Ming smiled, but a pair of black eyes flickered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Yellow list is here." Wang Moxi's faint voice wavered. At this moment, all the people present were shocked, and they looked at this Wang Moxi. The eyes of these pairs were with a little fiery. "Ten of you can choose the person you want to challenge in this yellow list. If the challenger fails, he will not be able to continue the challenge. If the challenged person fails, he will be kicked out of this yellow list. If the challenger succeeds, he can continue to challenge Challenge up to three times. "Wang Moxi's faint voice rippled

Now, the rules are very clear.

In other words, those who challenge Xia Ming can challenge three times, but the premise is that they cannot lose the challenge. If they lose, they will have a chance.

"I see." Wang Moxi said lightly.

"Yes, the disciples understand." Wang Qingdong and others all said in a deep voice.

"Very well, who are you to challenge now." Wang Moxi's indifferent voice opened up, which made Xia Ming and them all startled.

"Let me do it……"

This one came out, but it was a teenager. The teenager was wearing a blue and blue shirt, his face was bland, his eyebrows revealed a confidence and fiery.

This boy is called Yu Shan!

Yu Shan is also an old disciple among the miscellaneous disciples. Now Yu Shan is the last year. If he cannot enter the Yellow List in the last year and is supported by resources, he is likely to be kicked out. This Xuan Xinzong, after all, has only three years as a probationary disciple.

Yu Shan also wants to fight here.

He is three years away from this last year. If he can break into the yellow list, he will have the opportunity to be promoted to the outside door. Otherwise, he can only leave in a humble way.

"I want to challenge the 100th Liu Tong."

"One hundred Liu Tongs."

When he heard the name, Xia Ming frowned and looked at Yu Shan, slightly surprised that Yu Shan challenged the hundred.

At this time, Han Qianyu couldn't help but whispered: "This time is in trouble. The best one was snatched by Yu Shan. Xia Ming, next time you go, choose the 99th place."

"Uh ..." Xia Ming froze, isn't this too good? Choose the ninety-ninth place? This does n’t seem to be challenging at all. Han Qianji also seems to see Xia Ming ’s strange eyes. Han Qianji ca n’t help but say, “As long as you enter one hundred, you will be supported by the corresponding resources. Choose 99th Name

If you do n’t shame, if you do n’t believe it, you see, no one around here is laughing at Yushan. "

Han Qianyu's words fell, Xia Ming looked at it suddenly, and sure enough, the people around him were all respectful and did not show any sarcasm.


Everyone attaches great importance to the people who challenge the yellow list, and also very much respects the people on the yellow list!

"Are you thinking about it?" Wang Moxi asked lightly.

"Think well." Yu Shan dignified, "the disciples will challenge the 100th Liu Tong."


Wang Moxi nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell into the distance. I don't know when, but there were many teenagers sitting cross-legged in the distance. These teenagers closed their eyes and seemed to be quietly recuperating.

"Liu Tong is out."

With the fall of Wang Moxi's voice, suddenly, in this set of young people sitting here, one of them suddenly opened his eyes, opened his eyes, a flash of brilliance elapsed, and then turned into a light Quickly lightning appeared on the ring not far away.

At this moment, Liu Tong grinned and chuckled, "It's been a long time since no one dared to challenge me. You are the first."

Liu Tong looks very ordinary, with long hair and a black dress with some patterns embroidered on the clothes, but this face is not very good-looking, which at first glance looks a bit scary.

Yu Shan stared diligently at Liu Tong. The figure in front of him was Liu Tong, which ranked 100th, with strong strength. One year ago, Liu Tong was promoted to the 100th place with a strong attitude! The reason why he chose this one hundred is also to pick up the persimmon, so the more people behind, the easier it is to be challenged.

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