The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2015: Win or lose

"Fang Lei ..."

When they saw this familiar figure, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, all looking at Fang Lei in shock, and then everyone was relieved and relieved.

It seems to have been expected, after all, Fang Lei is the third best player in the yellow list. This is the third year in the yellow list, but not everyone can be defeated.

"Sure enough, Fang Lei won."

"Haha ... let me just say, the yellow list is third, how can this guy at the peak of the day be able to defeat."

"It is indeed Fang Lei. This combat power is really terrible. If it enters the outside door, it will definitely fly into the sky. When it breaks into the Xuanbang, it may not be impossible." "Yeah ... before the yellow list Third, it will almost certainly enter the mysterious list. "

"Hmm ..." The rumblings of each other's rumors resounded, everyone was very lamented, and at the same time felt a bit of silence for Xia Ming. His strength was so strong. If he challenged the top ten, Xia Ming could almost be promoted to the yellow list. It is worth mentioning that people in this yellow list can always be challenged at any time.

But it can be challenged once a month.

Of course, if you refuse to fight, it's okay, but not more than three times.

This is also to maintain the survival of the fittest, so that these people also have an urgent sense of tension. Only by doing so can they promote the progress of these geniuses at all times.

"Right, what about Xia Ming?"

Everyone suddenly thought? This Fang Lei appears here, so where is Xia Ming? You can't kill Xia Ming all of a sudden?

"You said that, yes, where did Xia Ming go? Shouldn't it be blasted by Fang Lei?"

The sound of doubts echoed each other at this moment!

Outside the field, Han Qianyu looked nervously at this scene, and seemed to be worried about Xia Ming's comfort. In this other place, Bai Bingqing's eyebrows were raised and his eyes flowed. He didn't know what he was thinking about.

Chu Ruoxuan murmured: "He ... doesn't seem to be dead ..."

As Chu Ruoxuan's voice just dropped, at this moment, Fang Lei also looked diligently forward, and sure enough, a figure gradually appeared in front of the crowd. When the figure appeared under the eyes of everyone, the pupil was also Suddenly shrank.

"Xia Ming ..."


The appearance of Xia Ming attracted countless attentions. All of them were stunned and looked at the figure in front of them, all shocked by Xia Ming.

"Xia Ming ... it's okay ... how could this be ..."

The horror sounded through each other, everyone present was stunned and looked at Xia Ming in front of them, all shocked by Xia Ming.


Fang Lei was also a bit shocked, this Xia Ming ... is there nothing? How is this possible ... just that blow, even the masters in the early days of the day after tomorrow couldn't resist it, and they might even be killed on the spot, but Xia Ming didn't have a thing, this guy ... how did he do it.

Thinking of this, Fang Lei was also shivering.

Xia Ming grinned: "It is indeed the third in the Yellow List. This strength is indeed terrible, but ..."

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's eyes flashed like a star: "Your attack is over, it's time for me to attack, you must be careful."

As the words fell, Fang Lei's body tightened instantly, and he looked at Xia Ming nervously at this moment. At this moment, he never dared to underestimate this new disciple. Although he is a new disciple, this combat power is really It's terrible.

"The Magic Seal of the Great Barren Town!" Xi Xiaming's voice fell, and his vitality condensed. Suddenly, the complex seals of the Tao were changed. These seals were extraordinary, and then everyone saw it. This light seal seemed to be incarnate as A mountain, this mountain is as high as a thousand feet, a terrible force is soaring into the sky

Come down!


At this moment, Xia Ming's footsteps floated, Ling Xu used it, and the printing of his hands changed to the extreme. This martial art was unfolded by him, and the momentum was trembling.

"Tianwei, Sanyin Town."

When this remark came out, it was as if Tianwei had emerged, and the monstrous vitality was wavy and undulating, so that there was a horror all around, and the exclamation sounded each other.


These days of mighty power, for a while, made the people who were present a little bit boiled, the kind of palpitating power, also burst out from the body of a small life.

"Tianlei method." Xun felt the power of Xia Ming, such a fierce atmosphere, it is really terrible, even Fang Lei had to use all his strength.


Heaven and earth seemed to be shaking assassins. Everyone was silent, as if they had lost their hearing, and then they saw a violent wave of destruction that whistled from the sky.

Then centered on these pairs of bumps, blasted away!

"call out!"

At this moment, the two figures were also severely hit, and their bodies shot backwards. Finally, they hit the ground fiercely, smashing the ground into a deep pit, and in this deep pit, Faint vitality fluctuations.

Obviously, these two people have also been affected.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all looking at the two figures, and when they saw the two figures clearly, their bodies were also stiffened here ...


The pupils at the scene shrank, and they saw that on this ground, Fang Lei was kneeling on one knee, supporting his body with his right hand, and the blood was spraying everywhere. The shirt was also tattered, his face was pale, and his breath was weak. It was a minor injury.

In the end, their eyes slowly gathered on Xia Ming's body, and their pupils suddenly enlarged. I saw Xia Ming slowly stood up, and he showed his somewhat strong body, but the face looked slightly hairy. White, this is caused by excessive consumption.

But looking at Xia Ming's injury ... It is obvious that Fang Lei suffered more severe injuries, while Xia Ming suffered almost no damage, that is to say ... this test.

Xia Ming won.


Shocking cheers sounded loudly at this moment, and countless people all looked directly at Xia Ming.

"You lost!" Xia Ming's faint voice spread, and everyone present was shocked.

"I lost."

Fang Lei took a bitter look at Xia Ming: "I did not expect that I would be defeated by a newcomer to you, and I lost my conviction."

Xia Ming grinned, then flicked a finger, and a pill bottle appeared in front of Fang Lei. Xia Ming grinned: "This is a healing fluid, not strong, but it can just relieve your injury."

"Thank you!" Fang Leiha laughed, stood up with a slightly shaking body, and drank this bottle of medicinal solution Gulong casually, a strong medicine fragrance filled his whole body, a very comfortable feeling, He almost moaned. This is a very good solution, Fang Lei is also a little surprised.

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