The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2019: Xuan Xinzong's senior shook

The sudden sound attracted the attention of many people, all of whom saw Xia Ming step by step towards the fifth floor.

However, Xia Ming's arrival on this fifth floor also attracted a lot of people's attention, but Xia Ming didn't stop and went straight to the top.

On this way, Xia Ming felt a lot of surprised eyes, because Xia Ming was still walking towards the top, so this made many people speculate about Xia Ming's identity. How could this guy be so strong that he arrived directly? Sixth floor.

During these surprises, Xia Ming was also quite surprised, because he suddenly found that it was as if there was an invisible black hole beside him. The aura of pressure here did not even care about himself, which made Xia Ming slightly. It's strange, but Xia Ming knows it.

This must be the ghost of the second pig, if not, he would certainly not bear such a huge pressure.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming was excited and ran quickly upstairs, but when Xia Ming came to the eighth floor, he drank aloud and spread it, scaring Xia Ming. jump.

"Who is here, dare to break into the eighth floor of the Xuanxin Pagoda, and live enough."

With a sharp reprimand, Xia Ming's face sank, and he looked at the knife in front of him. The next moment, Xia Ming saw an old man.

The old man was wearing a gray robe. At this moment, he was looking sharply at Xia Ming in front of him. The old man's eyes were like sharp swords. It seemed to cut the air out!

In particular, the momentum of this old man surprised Xia Ming.

"So strong ... what kind of power is this guy?"

Xia Ming looked at the old man in shock, with an unbelievable face. The old man's strength seemed to him to be an insurmountable mountain, which made him breathless.

On this eighth floor, not only this old man, but also several other old people, also looked at Xia Ming in front of him with a shocking look.

"The seniors and juniors are Xia Ming, a miscellaneous disciple, who came to practice the Xuanxin Pagoda." Xia Ming groaned slightly, clenching his fists and said respectfully.

"Miscellaneous disciple? Xia Ming ..."

These old men were all stunned with open mouths, looking at Xia Ming in front of them, as if they were shocked by Xia Ming's identity. Miscellaneous disciples? What the hell? When can the handyman disciples come to practice on the eighth floor of the Xuanxin Pagoda? This is really nonsense. Who doesn't know that these miscellaneous apprentices are just below the early stage of the day after tomorrow. Even entering this fourth level is almost impossible, but this kid is so unexpected.

Come to the eighth floor? If this is said, who will believe it.

At least these old people are not very convinced.

"Are you really a miscellaneous disciple?" An old man couldn't help asking.

The old man's long gray hair was tied up, and Mei Yu revealed a little dignity. This person's name is Hai Quanfeng, and he can also be regarded as an elder of Xuan Xinzong. This elder's position is also very high in this Xuan Xinzong. Of course, this Xuan Xin Tower is not something they can cultivate by practicing. , They also need to contribute, in this Xuanxinzong, everything needs to contribute

Value, if you have a contribution value, you can play casually.

To put it plainly, rich is uncle.

"The juniors are indeed miscellaneous disciples."

After thinking about it, Xia Ming took out the Xuan Xin Ling and waited until Xia Ming took out the Xuan Xin Ling. The eyes of those elders fell on Xia Ming.

"Really a disciple ..."

Many people were shocked. They were all shocked by Xia Ming's identity. Your uncle, this guy, is really a miscellaneous disciple. How is this possible?

"You ... how did you get up?"

Elder Zhang Jian could not help asking.

"That's how I came up," Xia Ming said casually.

"Did you come up this way?"

These elders stayed for a while, and they were all startled by Xia Ming. At this moment, the elder with the sword couldn't help asking: "Don't you feel the pressure of the eighth layer of aura?"


Xia Ming heard the word, and then shook his head slightly. When he came to the fourth floor, he did feel a pressure, but he didn't feel too much pressure behind him. He wanted to come to the rhythm of the second pig. Matter, Xia Ming naturally cannot be counted.


All the people present were stunned and looked at Xia Ming. For a while, they didn't know what to say. Is this guy a human being? How did he come up? Why can't I feel a little pressure? What the **** is going on?

All the elders are confused, and no one has guessed what is going on.

Xia Ming was also a little relieved. The action of the second pig did not seem to attract the attention of these hometowns. The strength of these old guys was not low.

If you can see it, you will cause a lot of trouble.

"Senior, do you think I can go to the ninth floor to practice?" Xia Ming hesitated and couldn't help asking.


Some elders were stunned and almost fell to the ground. They all looked at Xia Ming and couldn't help asking: "You ... do you want to go to the ninth floor for cultivation?"

"Yeah ..." Xia Ming hesitated and said, "I asked the senior who guarded the Xuanxin Pagoda before, and he said that I can go where I can practice, as long as I can go up. "

"..." These elders are all looking at monsters and looking at Xia Ming, your mother, you are still dissatisfied when you reach the eighth floor, and you even want to go to the ninth floor. Who doesn't know that the ninth floor is It is the master of this sect who can practice, but your kid is still not satisfied at the eighth floor, and he wants to go to the first

Nine floors.

For a while, it was a bit speechless.

"You can come to the eighth floor, it is considered as Providence, but you can't go up on the ninth floor." The elder here said solemnly.

"Ah ... why?"

Xia Ming said for a moment, the senior just below didn't say so, but you said that you wouldn't let me go up. Is this a bit excessive?

"The ninth floor is where the monarch practiced. No one should be disturbed without the permission of this monarch. You still practice on the eighth layer."

"But this eighth floor is not as good as this ninth floor." Xia Ming could not help but vomit.

Indeed, he was rewarded, but he did not stipulate where he could cultivate ... It is reasonable and reasonable to go to the ninth floor by himself. Why practice on the eighth floor, is there a good use, is he really a fool?

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