"Your group of immortals, even my apprentices dare to grab, who said that just now, and want to accept my apprentices?"

Jiu Lao was a bit shabby in his clothes, with a strong aroma of wine on his body, and looked a little drunk, but these scary eyes made people dare not look straight.

"Elder Wine ..."

The faces of these people changed, staring at Lao Lao solemnly. At this time, the elder who had just asked Xia Ming's words was also not very good-looking. He never expected that Xia Ming would be a teacher.

And still this wine elder! This wine elder, how can they not know, in terms of understanding, it is estimated that no one knows better than them. This old guy is just a rat feces. Where it goes, how bad it is, and this old product is definitely a junk. One, the key is that this old product is still very powerful, and no one can beat it.


Therefore, these people can only bear with it for a while, and dare not say anything to Jiu Lao.

But I was in trouble when I touched this old apprentice.

For a while, the people present had a feeling of bitterness.

"Hey, old man, who is your apprentice." Xia Ming said a little bit dissatisfied, this old product is really an old hooligan, grandma's legs, while taking care of yourself, and then forcibly worship himself, even if this In fact, even the ancestor was defeated, it is simply a hooligan plus a ball.

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming's remarks made all the elders present who were stunned and almost fell to the ground. All the people present were shocked and looked at the scene.

"I trust, what did you hear?"

"This Xia Ming, the old man is called the old man by wine? Is this Xia Ming lively?"

"Who doesn't know the power of this old man. If you call him by this name, in case of a rush, who can resist it."

For a time, they were all as uncomfortable as eating shit. They looked nervously at the wine in front of them.

After all, this wine is really terrible.

"You little bastard!" Jiu Lao shouted in disregard of his image: "You are all people who have worshiped Grandpa. Does n’t your kidnap confess."

"I bother!"

Xia Ming scolded: "You old and immortal, you still have the face to say that people pay attention to resources, but the old hooligan, even when I was in a coma, let me forcibly worship the teacher, this can not be counted."

"Ga ..."

Xia Ming's words made everyone present stunned. The people present were all mature and sophisticated guys. Xia Ming's words naturally heard some other chills.

It seems that this worship was not what Xia Ming wanted to worship, but was forced to worship?

"Huh!" Jiu Lao scolded: "Your uncle, stinky boy, you have worshiped Grandpa, no matter if you are strong or not, your boy has worshiped Grandpa. Your boy has no desire to repent. . "

"My aunt! You old bastard, old hooligan, wicked stuff." Xia Ming scolded.

Every time I think that I was suddenly unconscious while refining the pharmaceutical solution, and then used by this guy, Xia Ming was depressed.

I was stunned by this old bastard. "Your boy, Wanghe, hey, the old man will speak out today. Your young man is an apprentice to the old man. If you disagree, you must agree, you must agree, because the old man's words come out. Zong, no one dares to accept you as an apprentice. "Jiu Lao looked proudly at Xia Ming

, How you can look at me, said with a smile.


Xia Ming suddenly found out that when the little hooligan encountered the old hooligan, he really couldn't say it. If he could fight it, he would have gone straight up.

The point is, you can't do it. The old hooligan has much more power.

"Okay, you're fierce." Xia Ming gritted his teeth and looked at the old hooligan.

As everyone knows, the elders here are directly dumbfounded. This is the first time they have met. Some people dare to curse the blatant drunk so boldly. Do n’t you know who the drunk is?

The key is!

This wine old man didn't mean to blame Xia Ming at all. What the **** are you ... Is the world going to change? Even wine has changed?

"Well ... shit, you broke through?"

Suddenly, Jiu Lao noticed this thick breath on Xia Ming's body. Jiu Lao's eyes brightened and he asked in amazement.

"Nonsense!" Xia Ming said dissatisfied, "I haven't made a breakthrough if I haven't broken it for so long."

"The middle of the day after tomorrow." After all, Jiu Lao is not an ordinary person. After seeing Xia Ming's strength at a glance, Jiu Lao said with admiration: "It is indeed an old man's disciple. This talent is really awesome, stinky boy. Three months ago, you It ’s still early days. I did n’t expect that after three months, you would break through to the middle of the day after tomorrow.

The sister-in-law can also teach, it is indeed a good apprentice taught by the old man. "

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, Xia Ming had three more black lines on his forehead. It was as ugly as it was ugly. Angrily said, "What did you teach? It is obviously my talent that is okay, is there something bad with you?" child."

"Well, you are the apprentice of the old man, who isn't the old man who taught it? Can anyone teach you this way?" Jiu Lao hummed.


Xia Ming was also a bit speechless by the shamelessness of Jiu Lao. Your grandmother's legs are really not ashamed. He forced himself to stop teaching, and even said that he taught himself.

Even Xia Ming couldn't listen anymore.

However, the elders around these moments were stunned one by one. They all looked at Xia Ming in shock, and the shocked ones could not be added.

They are not because of Xia Ming's attitude towards Jiu Lao. After all, the attitude just shocked them, but at the moment, what shakes them most is another sentence.

Three months ago, early days! Three months later, the day after tomorrow!

How is this possible ... these people almost glared out, and it took only three months to break through a great realm. How is this possible? Who doesn't know that the miscellaneous disciples have no resources at all. Some of them are only the most superficial exercises and martial arts. They can break through the realm of the acquired within three years.

It is really difficult.

Moreover, listening to Xia Ming's meaning, Jiu Lao forced Xia Ming to visit his teacher. Seeing it, Xia Ming seemed unwilling, and Jiu Lao never gave Xia Ming any support.

In other words, these are all cultivated by Xia Ming himself. What is this concept? Three months, one big realm and one small realm, such a speed of cultivation is really terrifying. Even if they have seen too many disciples, they have never seen such a talented disciple.

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