The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2031: Strong

"Sorry! Xuan Xinzong will not hand over a disciple for no reason!" Mo Feng said lightly.

"Brush ..."

As soon as this statement came out, all the people present were looking at Mo Feng's decision. Their eyes showed an incredible look. It was strange to look at the scene in front of them.

"how is this possible?"

"No ... how did the elder make such a decision? Didn't he sacrifice Xia Ming?"

"This ... It is simply unwise for a disciple to negotiate with Da Xia Guo in the middle of the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, elder, you have to decide carefully ..."

The people present were all sending voices to Mo Feng, Mo Feng frowned, ignored these voices, and his eyes fell on Xia Linlang.

Xia Linlang's body was stiff, staring at Mo Feng with a stern light in her eyes, and some gloomy words: "Elder, is this your decision?"

"Yes!" Mo Feng said indifferently: "Xuan Xinzong's disciples are not bullies. If not, why is my Xuan Xinzong's face so bad? Not to mention ... This thing is wrong with the 15th Prince My disciples have released him once. However, the fifteenth prince sneaked behind my disciples.

It ’s a matter of reason and reason. I also want to ask Da Xia Guo, what does it mean to insult my disciples so arrogantly? Also asked Da Xia Guo to give me a statement of Xuan Xinzong. "


Xia Linlang resisted the anger in his heart and took a deep look at Xia Ming. Although he really wanted to kill Xia Ming, he couldn't do it now because it was Xuan Xinzong. Once he shot, he might not get out of this mysterious heart. Case.

"very good!"

Suddenly Xia Linlang laughed loudly, and the smile was dark, and she looked at Mo Feng indifferently, and said softly: "Since this is the decision of your great Xia Kingdom, then the Prince has left." Come, walk slowly towards the outside, at this time the people brought by Xia Linlang also followed Qi Qi, and then Xia Linlang's voice sounded through the Xuan Xinzong, softly: "Xia Ming ... I hope you have always been Don't go down the mountain in this Xuanxinzong, if it appears, it will be your death

!! "

Xia Ming heard the words, smiled, and his faint voice spread, with a little sneer mixed in the voice: "Then wait for your visit."


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from outside. If you look at the ground, you will find a palm print on the ground. The bluestone under your feet is stepped on instantly, as if the cobweb spread out. It was a meter across the blink of an eye. about. Xia Mingxuan looked at the back of Xia Linlang's departure. There was also a little pressure in his heart, but what surprised him was that the elder would protect him. If he was replaced by another elder, it is estimated that Sacrifice him? After all, who is more advantageous between him and Daxia Kingdom?

It is clear at a glance.

Unexpectedly, this elder chose to defend him, which was really a bit unexpected for Xia Ming. Xia Ming was going to hide in the Qiankun ring. Now it seems that it doesn't need to be.

At this time, Elder Mo Feng looked at Xia Ming, smiled, and said, "Xuan Xinzong will not give up any disciple, you can rest assured, now you can go back to practice."

Xia Ming took a deep look at the elder Mo Feng, nodded slightly, and hugged his fist. "Thank you elder, the disciples resigned."

Xia Ming left the conference hall. After Xia Ming's departure, the whole scene was a little messy. Obviously, these people were all dissatisfied.

"The elder ... how can you do that?" The people present couldn't help but say, "Isn't this going to negotiate with Da Xia Kingdom, it's not a wise choice for our Xuan Xinzong."

"Yeah, elder!"

These elders are all dissatisfied with Mo Feng's approach. In their opinion, Xia Mingcai should be sacrificed at this time. It is unwise to negotiate with Daxia Country for an outside disciple, but this is not the case. Did it.

It really makes them a little difficult to understand.

"My decision has been made. If not, you can ask Zong's main statement." Mo Feng looked at the people coldly and whispered softly.



As soon as this sentence came out, all the people present changed their faces slightly! I didn't expect the suzerain to intervene at this time. Who is this Xia Ming? How could the suzerain get involved?

The presence of the people was extremely dignified. If the suzerain intervened in this matter, even if they had any ideas, it would no longer matter.

"Let's leave, too." Mo Feng waved his hands lightly. The elders saw this, nodded slightly, and their body shape changed into a streamer that disappeared as fast as lightning.

As these people left, the two elders also took a deep look at Mo Feng, and when they were in shape, they disappeared here. At this moment, only Mo Feng and the wine old were left in the whole hall.

At this moment, Mo Feng frowned and said heavyly, "Elder Liquor, what you just said is true?"

Jiu Lao heard the words and sneered: "If it's not true, I'm afraid you have given up my apprentice?"

Mo Feng heard the words and remained silent. Indeed, if it was not true, Mo Feng would give up this Xia Ming. After all, it was a wise choice to exchange Xia Ming for the good relations of Da Xia Kingdom.

Jiu Lao said indifferently: "What I said is true. If something happens to my disciples today, Xuan Xinzong will certainly lose a talented disciple, but ... the old boy Yao Yao recently wanted to accept this kid Then! "

After speaking, Jiu Lao did not wait for Mo Feng to speak. When his body moved, he disappeared into a streamer and disappeared in this place. In the entire hall, only Mo Feng was left. Mo Feng was silent here , And finally sighed slightly.


At the same time, Xia Linlang who left Xuan Xinzong had a gloomy complexion. There were hundreds of people behind Xia Linlang, and Xia Linlang's eyes showed a little killing.

"His Royal Highness, shall we find someone to look at this kid?" Someone suggested at this time.

Xia Linlang nodded vulgarly: "Find someone who has a good day after tomorrow. When this guy comes out, he will kill me."

"Yes, His Royal Highness." A few of them immediately departed, and then stopped here.

"His Royal Highness, is this Xuan Xinzong crazy? Why did he negotiate with our Daxia Kingdom for a miscellaneous disciple? Would you like to hinder Xuan Xinzong?"

Xia Lin Lang heard it, and said lightly: "No need, you can interact as you please. Send someone to look at Xia Ming. If he comes out, kill him. As for Xuan Xinzong, it is not appropriate to negotiate."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." At this time, Xia Linlang slowly looked up at the sky, her eyes flashed, mixed with a bit of sharpness, and murmured: "It seems that you are not easy ... but ... some time later It was during the Hundred Wars, and no one could save you then. "

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