The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2043: Advance to the outer door

A muffled sound resounded, the boy's body suddenly stunned, looked at childlike in shock, however, the back of the chair next to childlike was directly scratched by childlike.

"During this time, find someone to suppress Xia Ming and Han Qianyu. I don't want to see them both." The innocent voice was like the voice of a devil in hell, and it was extremely cold. After hearing this, the boy couldn't help it. There was a shiver, as if the whole body was a bit cold.

"Yes, Brother Innocent." The teenager hurriedly fisted.

"Go!" Said childlikely. The boy clenched his fists again and left here carefully. When the boy left, there was a little bit of killing in his eyes, and then he grinned: "It's really getting more and more interesting, Han Qianji ... you disappeared like this For a long time, I have become an inner disciple,

In the past, the grievances between you and me always had to be done. I'd like to see how you mix in the Xuanxinzong. "

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between Tongzhen and Han Qianzhen. However, in this entire Xuanxin sect, only Xia Ming and Han Qianzhen walked recently. Tongzhen also directly hated Xia Ming. What Xia Ming has experienced can be described as There is no delusion.

Look at Xia Ming at this moment!

After Xia Ming's practice was completed, he returned to his place of residence. Xia Ming saw Han Qianyu. At this moment, Han Qianyu was holding something and seemed to be holding something, which made Xia Ming slightly confused.

"Dragon, what are you doing?"

Xia Ming looked at Han Qianji. Han Qianji held a stone pillar in his right hand and a stone bowl in his left hand. He was holding something, which slightly puzzled Xia Ming.

"Xia Ming, are you out of customs?"

Han Qianxuan said immediately.

"Well, just out of customs."

Xia Ming nodded slightly and took a deep look at Han Qianyu.

"Dragon, you haven't told me, what are you doing?" Xia Ming asked curiously. It seems that Han Qianzhen is a little different. What's different is that he really can't tell.

"Refining medicine ..." Han Qianyu couldn't help it.


Xia Ming stayed on the spot directly. He looked at the stones in Han Qianyu's hands and looked at the stone bowl. Xia Ming was a bit of a chicken, and said, "You just use this stuff to make medicine? Who told you?"

Han Qianyi smiled bitterly and said, "I am just playing with it myself. I want to try if I can get the essence of this liquid. You know, I do n’t know how to do this. Everything is a masterpiece of the pharmacist. "

"What do you do for refining medicine?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Of course, I want to improve my strength." Han Qianyu said, "You are practicing so fast, and now you have surpassed me. If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with you in my life."

With Xia Ming, Han Qianyu is under tremendous pressure all the time. Only with Xia Ming can he know where these terrible pressures come from.

This mother ... is so terrifying. Have you ever seen a person who jumped three times in a month? Your uncle, this practice speed is just like flying.

Even Han Qianzhen was a little envious.

Therefore, Han Qianyi found some elixir and was ready to study it to see if he could use the elixir to improve his strength.

Of course, he also knows that the power boosted by this elixir is somewhat unstable, so he is not just relying on medicine to improve his strength. Xia Ming was speechless. At this moment, he finally understood why Han Qianzhen was refining his medicine, which made Xia Ming cried and laughed a bit. Xia Ming paused and took out three vials from the Qiankun ring. He paused and said, "Dragon, you don't need refining, good spirits.

The medicine is all spoiled by you. I have three bottles of spirits here. These three bottles of spirits can improve your strength. "

Xia Ming thought for a while and said, "I will come to you when you run out, but be careful when you eat. These three bottles of spirits are for one month. Don't get it."


Han Qianyi heard it, and his expression was shocked. He immediately looked at the porcelain bottle in Xia Ming's hands. This made Han Qianyi all move, spiritual fluid, is this spiritual fluid?

Han Qianji accepted the reiki unceremoniously, opened the cover, and felt the aura contained in the reiki, which made Han Qianji a little excited.

"Xia Ming, thanks."

This spiritual fluid has great benefits for him now. With these three bottles of spiritual fluid, he even has the confidence to sprint the state of the day after tomorrow after this month.

"By the way, I want to be promoted to a disciple, I don't know where to go?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

Han Qianyi groaned a little and said, "With your current strength, you are indeed qualified to be promoted to an outsider, and this outsider has a slightly richer reward. If you want to be promoted to an outsider, you have to go to the promotion hall. Once they pass the assessment, they can be promoted to outside students. "

"Assessment? Is there an assessment for promotion to the outside door?" Xia Ming asked, incredulously.

"That is of course. If not assessed, wouldn't anyone be able to enter the outside door?" Han Qianyi said silently.

"Where is Shengshengtang?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Not far from Law Enforcement Hall, you find Law Enforcement Hall, which is basically equivalent to finding Sheng Sheng Hall."

"I know."

Xia Ming nodded, looked at Han Qianyu again, and then stepped away from this place, and the direction that Xia Ming was going to was the direction of Shengshengtang.

Xia Ming is also quite familiar with the map of Xuan Xinzong, so it was easy to find this promotion hall. Compared with this law enforcement hall, the promotion hall is much quieter.

After all, there are too few people to advance. As for the Law Enforcement Hall, the existence of justice is presided over, so this seems a little lively. Xia Ming stood outside the Shengshengtang and took a deep look at the Shengshengtang. The words of the Shengshengtang are hanging outside the door. These three words seem to have gone through vicissitudes. Xia Ming was also slightly surprised. Obviously, this plaque has been a long time.


If not, this simple atmosphere will not be exuded.

Xia Ming groaned a little, just stepping forward to the Shengshengtang. After Xiaming came to the Shengshengtang, Xia Ming found that there was no one. For a time, Xia Ming slightly Some speechless.

"Is there anyone here?"

Xia Ming's voice echoed in this promotion hall, however, as Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, a very dissatisfied voice came. "Who is it, come here for the assessment, and talk to Minger later."

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