The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2045: Weird boy!

For a moment, Liu Tianyun, who was still very proud, was at this moment, but his face was a bit ugly. Obviously, he was beaten by Xia Ming!

I was just proud of being able to perform the assessment, but where did I know that in the blink of an eye, the other party even said that he had passed the assessment, or even did not need to be assessed at all? This is simply nonsense! "Thank you so much for your seniors." Xia Ming touched the tip of his nose, but he was a little speechless. He didn't expect that this would happen, and he smiled a little bit, but it ’s good, and it saves time Assessment, now his strength is the state of the day after tomorrow, this

It is not difficult to evaluate.

"Hmm!" The promoted elder nodded slightly!

"Senior, that junior will retreat first." Charmington paused.

"it is good!"

The promoted elder nodded, while Xia Ming paused and left here. After Xia Ming left the promotion hall, he heard the voice of the promoted elder.

"A few of you, come and evaluate."

Obviously, the promoted elders are assessing these people.

After Xia Ming left Shengshengtang, he didn't rush back to his residence, but patiently walked around this Xuan Xinzong. Xia Ming was shocked by the vast area of ​​Xuan Xinzong.

In particular, the scenery here is extremely beautiful, letting people see and relax, and the sky and earth here are full of aura. Cultivation here can even increase life expectancy, which makes Xia Ming have unexplainable excitement.

This is the first time he has carefully observed the Xuan Xinzong after he came to it.

Xia Ming was casually visiting this Xuanxinzong. Unconsciously, Xia Ming came to an unfamiliar place. What made Xia Ming slightly strange was that it seemed to be a little different.

Because in this kind of place, there is even a trace of death, that kind of death is very strange, and even staying in such a place for a long time will also affect a person's life!

Looking at the scenery of this place again, Xia Ming found that the flowers and trees here are full of a gray atmosphere, so it looks like a slump, as if to die at any time!

As for the flowers, it seems that they can wither all the time! The heavy breath made Xia Ming's complexion gradually gradually.

"What the **** is this? Why is it so strong?" Xia Ming looked a little heavy, and his heart was a little dazed.

For a while, Xia Ming had an urge to leave here, because it was so weird, but I do n’t know why, he didn't leave! "Xuan Xinzong is also a top martial art, why is there such a weird place?" Xia Ming kept thinking, this kind of place is really weird. It stands to reason that a martial art will never have This kind of dead place, after all, no one knows whether this thing is good or not

Bad, is the gadget bad?

"Brush it ..."

As soon as Xia Ming was contemplating, he suddenly heard a rustling voice, which was very strange, as if someone was polishing something.

"there's noise?"

Xia Ming frowned, and murmured, "Who will it be? This place is full of lifelessness, even in such a place." Xia Ming hesitated slightly, walking along the source of the voice, and Xia Ming's deepening, Xia Ming's deepening gradually, the deeper this is, the more surprised Xia Ming is, because there are many small animal corpses on this ground, these corpses have a gray breath, this breath, let people

Feel heartfelt panic and fear.

This thing is really terrible.

If you are in a bad mood, I am afraid that you will flee here immediately and dare not come again. With Xia Ming and Xia Ming's deepening, Xia Ming was surprised to find that in the depths, it was a thatched house that came into view. This thatched house was built on a hillside, and there was a fence around it. A fence encloses the thatched hut, and in the fence there is a stone table

Wait for some supplies!

And, on top of this stone table, there are things like this teapot. Obviously, some people live here.

Xia Ming was also a bit surprised!

Why is there such a place? Doesn't he know how much harm it would cause to live in such a place?

For a while, Xia Ming was puzzled.


Xia Mingding looked at it, but it was a figure that caught his eyes. When Xia Ming saw the figure clearly, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Dead ..."

The body of this figure turned out to be rich in death, how could this be, how could the death in a person be so rich? This is impossible. If there is no vitality, is this person still human? Xia Ming saw that the figure was wearing a black shirt, which was wrapped around the body. The figure looked a bit sturdy. At this moment, he was holding an iron pillar, which had the size of a thick arm. , Half a foot long, but underneath it is a stone, this figure is taking

The black iron pillars kept grinding.

This scene looks so strange in Xia Ming's eyes.

Is this to grind the iron pillar into a needle? Xia Ming hesitated, paused, and walked slowly along a small door left by the fence towards it. Xia Ming gradually approached this figure, the closer he got to this figure, Xia The more Ming felt the richness of this man's death, Xia Ming even wanted to stop

Come down.

Do not dare to keep approaching!

But Xia Ming hesitated, and walked towards this figure.

When Xia Ming came to this figure not far away, Xia Mington paused and said, "You're grinding like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to grind into a needle for a year."

Xia Ming saw the iron pillars clearly. Where are the iron rods, this is the special black iron.

This obsidian iron is produced in obsidian, but this obsidian iron is extremely rare, but this obsidian iron is also an important material for making weapons.

If you add some, the quality of weapons will also be improved.

There is only one kind. The black iron is extremely hard. It is impossible to grind it on the stone. Even if it is polished for a year, it is estimated that the black iron will not have much damage.

This is the black iron.

However, the person in front of him is holding a black iron to polish it. Doesn't this guy know the characteristics of this black iron?

When Xia Ming spoke this sentence, the man also stopped his movements. Under Xia Ming's eyes, the figure slowly turned his head. However, he could clearly see the teenager's uncle Then, Xia Ming's complexion suddenly fused, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated at this moment.

There was even an urge to escape. "how is this possible……"

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