The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2049: Besiege

"I really want to say that our Xuanxinzong is just a small gate in this area, and our location is also the most remote place in the ancient continent."

Bai Bingqing's voice sounded open, Xia Ming's eyelids couldn't help beating.

He knew before that there were many schools similar to Xuan Xinzong. Now when he hears Bai Bingqing again, Xia Ming still doesn't move a little.

"Where we are, there are many dynasties. These dynasties are strong and weak, and they are also accompanied by other sects. For example, around our Xuanxin sect, there is the Tianjian school, and the Turing sect ... With other martial arts. "Bai Bingqing condensed.

In the southernmost part of our Xuan Xinzong, there is a river, which is called 'Tongtian River'.


Xia Ming heard the words and said softly.

"Yes, it's Tongtianhe."

Bai Bingqing's beautiful eyes flickered and she condensed: "In the south of the Tongtianhe, it is also a prosperous place. If you go south, you can reach the most prosperous place in the ancient continent."

Xia Ming heard the words and nodded slightly.

The main purpose of his coming out is to hope to find this Chen Yuhan! Chen Yuhan has been alone in this entire ancient continent for three months, and I do n’t know what has happened to her. This is extremely worrying to Xia Ming. If something happens to Chen Yuhan, he really cannot forgive himself.

"What about the other three directions of Xuan Xinzong?"

Bai Bing cleared his mind: "The northernmost part is the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is boundless. Normal people cannot pass through, even the elders of Xuan Xinzong cannot pass."

"As for this east-west direction, no one knows where it leads. Although this area is small in size, if we walk up, it will be equivalent to half the earth."

When Xia Ming heard the words, he couldn't help but take a breath. In this case, he really didn't know where to go. For a time, Xia Ming frowned and didn't know what to do.

"Where do you want to go?" Bai Bingqing said, also telling Xia Ming a direction and let Xia Ming choose a direction by himself.

Seeing Xia Ming's hesitant look, Bai Bingqing did not continue to ask, but waited quietly.

"It's really a difficult choice ..." Xia Ming sighed slightly.

"Since it's difficult, you don't have to choose."

"Hmm ..."

With the sound of breaking through the air, a sharp breath, rippling in the air, Xia Ming's brow frowned, and then these figures, besieged Xia Ming.

With the appearance of these figures, Xia Ming and Bai Bingqing both stopped and looked sharply at these figures, deep in their eyes, mixed with a little indifference and chill.

"Who are you?" Xia Ming whispered loudly, mixed with a bit of chill. These people, just after leaving the Xuanxinzong with Bai Bingqing themselves, rushed over. Obviously, these people are all here. Those who are not good are always staring at them.

"Xia Ming ... you are really a noble person and forgetfulness."

At this time one of the middle-aged men stood out, and the middle-aged man exuded a bit of chill and sharp, cold stare at Xia Ming.

"Kill the fifteenth prince, do you think you can live?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Ming suddenly realized that he looked at the middle-aged man immediately. This sentence, Xia Ming immediately understood that this man was originally from the Daxia Kingdom.

Xia Ming smiled with a smile, but did not expect to meet people from the Daxia Kingdom here.

It seems that these people are not less prepared.

"Kill the fifteenth prince?"

Bai Bingqing suddenly looked at Xia Ming, with a little surprise in her eyes, but she knew the fifteen princes. Although the fifteen princes said that they would not be reused in the royal family, the fifteen princes were not everyone. Beheaded.

After all, the fifteenth prince also represented the royal face. I didn't expect Xia Ming to kill the fifteen princes.

It really surprised her a little.

"Is Xia Linlang asking you to come?" Xia Ming smiled lightly.

"Bold, dare to call his Highness name taboo, to death." The middle-aged man snapped sharply.

"Hehe!" Xia Ming smiled, and said indifferently: "Are you really Xia Linlang? Do you really think you are a god? You can't even mention the name, who does he think he is."


All of these people were slightly changed, and the middle-aged man said coldly, "Since you are so anxious to die, then we will complete you."

"Kill them two, one stays."

As soon as this statement was made, the ten people present were all besieged towards Xia Ming, with a little indifference and coldness in their eyes.


"Brush!" Immediately, all ten people were siege towards Xia Ming. Obviously, their main goal was Xia Ming. The strength of these ten people was not low. They all had the state of the day after tomorrow. This middle-aged man in the state has the state of the day after tomorrow. Obviously, this time they came

To kill in one hit.

Xia Ming's eyes became fierce too. Looking at these ten men rushing to death, Xia Ming didn't keep any hand, and directly struck one of them fiercely.

"Hmm ..."

This person could not dodge Xia Ming's attack, and in a hurry, he could only use his own arms to resist Xia Ming's attack.

But even so, with a dull sound, the figure of this person suddenly flew out!


This figure hit the ground fiercely, smashing the ground into a big pit. At this time, the man opened his mouth and spit out blood, and then passed out.


Xia Ming hit a master in the early days of the day after tomorrow, which surprised all the people present. However, they knew that this Xia Ming was not the level of the top of the sky. It is the state of the day after tomorrow.

how can that be? How long before this? How could it be improved so fast?

In fact, this is no surprise to them. After Xia Ming's breakthrough in the past, he rarely revealed his own strength. Therefore, few people knew his own strength, and these people's judgment errors were purely normal.

His strength was revealed when he challenged the prince and Lin Jiantian! However, this has just defeated these two people, that is, leaving Xuan Xinzong, it is difficult for them to explore the news of Xia Ming.

After all, Xuan Xinzong is still very strict, and it is not easy to touch it.

"Kill him." The middle-aged man stared at Xia Ming Ling Ling, his eyes flashed!

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