The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2051: Cemetery of the Strong 2

"The Cemetery of the Strong!"

Xia Ming was a little surprised. I did not expect that in this letter, the recorded place would be a place of the cemetery of the strong. According to my heart, there are some inheritances in the cemetery of the strong. Knowing, it also has great benefits for cultivation.

At the same time, it seems that the graveyard of the strong is not the tomb of the strong, but the fall of the strong.

"what happened?"

Bai Bingqing seemed to be aware of it. He looked at Xia Ming in surprise and couldn't help asking.

Xia Ming smiled, looked at this Bai Bingqing, and said softly, "I think we have somewhere to go."

Bai Bingqing heard the words, and for a moment, he did not expect that Xia Ming would say so. This made Bai Bingqing somewhat surprised. Xia Ming also seemed to notice Bai Bingqing's doubts and handed the letter to Bai Bingqing.

Bai Bingqing stretched out his slim fingers, took this heart in his hands, and after Bai Bingqing saw the content in his heart, Bai Bingqing was surprised: "It turned out to be the place where the powerful form fell."

Bai Bingqing was a little surprised, but unexpectedly, this turned out to be the place where the shape fell, Ha really was beyond her expectation.

"How? Would you like to see it?" Xia Ming thought for a while and said with a smile.

"It's okay to take a look." Bai Bingqing nodded lightly and paused. "According to the letter, this fallen land of the powerful form seems to be the fallen land of the day's punishment."

"Yeah!" Xia Ming nodded slightly.

"That day's punishment was also a generation of arrogance. The shock was brilliant. I didn't expect it to fall. It was really a pity." Bai Bingqing sighed, and seemed to feel a pity for the fall of this punishment.

However, Xia Ming didn't know much about heaven punishment. He knew all about the ancient world, let alone the people in it.

"How did he die?" Xia Mington asked for a moment, knowing from Bai Bingqing's mouth that this sentence of torture seemed extremely simple. Since it is not simple, then how did it die? This is worthy of Xia Ming's doubt .

"It is said that he fought with a master of the Ming clan at that time, and eventually ended up with the master of the Ming clan." "Ming clan?"

Xia Ming heard the words, and his heart moved. Obviously, he had heard of such a race for the first time. For a time, Xia Ming was a little curious: "What kind of race is this Hades?" Bai Bing calmed down: "These I also saw things in the classics, but the existence of the Hades does not exist, and I am not very clear. According to the classics, the people of this Hades are abnormal bloodthirsty, which is very strange. Race, but they are with us

Like the deep hatred, we will be beheaded when we see it, and the same, when we see the Hades, we are trying to kill it. "

Xia Ming's brow froze. For the first time, Xia Ming heard about this race. Xia Ming took a deep look at Bai Bingqing: "What are the characteristics of this race?"

"Nothing is said in the classics." Bai Bingqing shook his head slightly.

"That being the case, let's go and see this place!" Xia Ming's eyes revealed a little fiery, a little excited.

"Okay! Then let's hurry up, we are not far from this place, but ..."



The two moved in shape and ran towards the distance as fast as lightning. However, only the corpse of one place was left here. As the two of Xia Ming left, the corpse of this place was also eaten by some beasts and taken away. .

This is the ancient continent.

The two men hurried for fifteen days in a row. However, during these fifteen days, in other places, there were several figures sitting on the seats around them. This one that caught the eye was a noble young man with a frown on his side. Next to him was his aide, one of whom was an old man who had turbid eyes, but he It is holding a shaking fan, but on this body, it is showing a scent of wisdom


If anyone in the Daxia dynasty saw it, they would definitely exclaim.

Fu Guosheng!

Also Xia Linlang's teacher and staff! This person's status in this dynasty is extremely high, but this person is obviously not leaking, and has been unusually low-key in the past, but no one dares to look down on the old man in front of him.

Because he is Xia Linlang's teacher.

The rest were obviously Xia Linlang's, but compared to this Fu Guosheng, it was a few grades worse, but the only thing was that there were three people kneeling beside it.

The three were embarrassed, trembling slightly, and panicking.

"Do you say ... Xia Ming has broken through to the realm of the day after tomorrow?" Xia Linlang's somewhat indifferent voice sounded slowly, all three of them were shocked and said immediately.

"Yes ... yes." The three answered carefully, "His Royal Highness, there was a woman beside him at the time, this woman, who beheaded the sword with a sword."

"who is it?"

Xia Linlang's eyes showed a bit of fierce light, and the momentum of the upper body on the body also burst out at this moment. For Xia Ming, Xia Linlang also had unspeakable anger.

It was just that he did not show it, for no reason, because he was a prince. In the past, Xia Ming oppressed him with momentum and suffered minor injuries. For him, that was a great shame. It was absolutely unbearable to be bullied by a miscellaneous disciple. Moreover, Xia Ming also After killing his fifteenth brother, his father asked him to help the fifteenth son get justice.

Now, this fairness has not been recovered, and he has also lost his face, even the face of the Daxia Kingdom.

For them, this face is even more important than life. Therefore, he hides himself near Xuan Xinzong, always watching Xia Ming's movements.

Unexpectedly, this Xia Ming has such strength, he really underestimated this person.

"Bai Bingqing."

"Bai Bingqing!"

Xia Linlang murmured to himself, eyes twinkling with a strange light, Bai Bingqing's name. Of course, he knew that as the Prince of the Da Xia Dynasty, he had to know the movements around him, especially the pride of heaven He must understand it.

This Bai Bingqing is naturally within his message.

"He even came out." Xia Linlang's eyes, like sharp swords, shot two cold mans, softly.

"You have a good reason to lose, you go down first." Xia Linlang looked at the three men kneeling on the ground and whispered softly.

"Yes, His Royal Highness." The three men looked at each other, relieved with relief, and hurried away from here, only then did they realize that their backs were already wet.

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