Xia Ming looked at the imprisoned voice coldly, his eyes sharp, mixed with a little coldness.

"Junior, what are you talking about?" Tian Xing said with a bit of anxiety: "If you don't let me out, I'm really too late, then the entire ancient continent will fall." Xia Ming sneered: "Senior, as the saying goes , I ca n’t eat hot tofu, I do n’t know how many years the senior was trapped, but the senior is so anxious right now, he would not hesitate to take advantage of it, but after all, the senior is still anxious. ”? Xia Ming's words suddenly caused the punishment to stop. ,

Can't help but said, "What more can you say? Why can't you eat hot tofu?"

Xia Ming smiled and said, "If my guess is good, the predecessor should be foolish, and when I just entered it, I stepped into a fantasy, that is, the scene of the fight between the predecessor and you! I saw The true content of both of you. "

"I have to say that your appearance is exactly the same as the predecessor, or even carved in a mold, which made me wonder at one time, are you the predecessor of the punishment, or even I have some thoughts, but the predecessor is still anxious "Xia Ming said coldly.

"Huh!" Suddenly a cold rebuke broke the peace here. At this moment, the voice of torture became eerie and weird. "I didn't expect that my advanced acting skills could be seen by your poor boy." Now. "

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming smiled, and his deep acting skills were obviously bad, but at the beginning Xia Ming was really fooled by the sky, after all, the sky ’s appearance and the punishment on this day were too much like it At the beginning, Xia Ming was not very sure.

However, this goddess is so anxious that he is so anxious that he cannot eat hot tofu. This goddess has been tempting Xia Ming and let him let him out!

The so-called temptation also needs to be gradual. If you are in a hurry, you will be alert. "That influence should be left by the predecessors to warn the world." Xia Ming continued to take care of himself: "The predecessors were sealed here. The reason is that the strength of their bodies has been sealed. Seniors will naturally be irritable, so before seeing someone outside

Come, so can't bear to want to come out, right? "

Xia Ming stared at the sky in front of him, looking indifferent.

"Ha ha!"

The two eyes turned into two sharp swords, suddenly looked at Xia Ming, said coldly: "I am really too anxious."

Xia Ming smiled, and the corner of his mouth said, "The predecessors are also terrific, but they are easy to look into. The appearance of the predecessors. Want to come, the predecessors have always deceived them with this picture?"


Hearing the words, He roared, and said in a cold voice: "This face is real, but it is not easy to understand. I was trapped here by the punishment. Can he really think he can trap me?"

Xia Ming heard the words, frowned, looked deeply at this foolish sky, and paused: "The seniors are seniors. In theory, the seniors shouldn't look like this." "That's because I will He made it like this. "Mingrentian gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Ming, a sudden outburst of anger suddenly broke out from this godly body, this strong violent atmosphere, even Xia Ming shuddered slightly, This violent breath is so powerful that it has to be accumulated

Years of resentment. "The old man will never forget the **** of heaven punishment. Although he is dead, I will remember his appearance stubbornly. I will not change my original appearance until I have killed all his people." He looks like he is gritting his teeth.



Xia Ming's face also changed slightly, and he couldn't help but take a step back and took a deep look at the sky. This old guy is just an old metamorphosis.

In order to remember the appearance of the enemy, he even made his face look like this. This guy is just an outrageous metamorphosis. I really don't know what he thinks.

I wanted to stay here for so long, so even some abnormalities occurred in my heart. "Boy ... now you just need to release this seat from here, then this seat can fulfill the three wishes in your heart, whether it is Gongfa, beauty and elixir, this seat can satisfy you, even if you want to To enter my Hades, I can also let you join. "

To Xia Ming, he said coldly, but this cold voice made people a little scared, fearful, because it was too cold.

"Ming!" Xia Ming frowned, and suddenly looked at Mengtian. He knew very little about the information of the Ming, and did not even know much about the Ming. "Yes, this seat is the person of the Hades. If you are willing to join the Hades, this door will definitely make you a superior. If you join my Hades, you have things you can't think of, whether rights or other things. "Mixiantian said indifferently:" I'm afraid you should know that this is just an ancient university

Lu is a favored place. There are people outside and there is sky outside. After all, here is just the moon in the mirror. If you want to be the peerless master, there is no big force as the backstage. No genius can grow up. "

Xia Ming heard a word and nodded slightly. Indeed, in order to become a peerless master, this luck and influence are indispensable, because only these great forces will retain those relatively complete heritages.

Therefore, in order to become peerless masters, these gates are springboards.

Just want to be in this door, there will always be fighting, there will always be falling! However, Xia Ming was not bewildered by the words of the goddess, but smiled with a smile, glanced at the goddesses, and said indifferently: "The gods ... I don't have much interest, but if I let you out ... but it is also impossible. When you come out, you will only disturb the entire ancient continent.

I don't know how many people will die because of you, so ... you will stay here honestly. "


Hearing the words, he was furious, and looked at Xia Ming coldly, his eyes were sharp. If he still has strength, he would be sure to kill Xia Ming immediately.

The cold sky said, "Boy, how can you put this seat out?"

"No matter what, I won't let you out. You'll stay here safely and securely." Xia Ming chuckled and glanced at the sky. "You ..." The evil spirit on Ming Lutian burst out again, and even Xia Ming couldn't help but take a step back.

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