The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2086: Feeling


There was a loud bang, and then there was no loud noise coming from around.

With a bang, a stone was instantly smashed, and then from outside, there were several shadows and two beeps, and it fell into the cave.

"Mother, I finally found it, mother. I didn't expect that the tomb of this punishment would be so terrible ... my brother fell a few."

"Finally I found it. It is said that there is a heart of torture here, hehe, if it can be obtained, it is worth it."

"Yeah ... if I could get torture, my strength would definitely be on a higher level."

"Hmm ..."

At this moment, a figure jumped over, and then a figure in front of him was instantly shredded into pieces. The figure appeared, and the pupils of the audience suddenly shrank.

"Tu Tianqi."

After the crowd saw the person, the person became heavy, and Tu Tianqi didn't even look at the person who had just been slapped to death, but his eyes fell on this not far away. Wait until you see Bai Bingqing in the blood pool and Xia Mingyao at the edge of the blood pool.

His complexion became a little gloomy.

"It's him ... how could he be here." Zhou Tianyuan also saw Xia Ming, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and then there was a dark shadow.

"Look, what is that pool of blood?"

"Brush ..."

Many people looked at the blood pool together, this blood pool was agitating, as if there was something to emerge from the blood pool, but it was clear that Bai Bingqing's puppet was slightly agitated.

"Don't ..."

"Is that torture?"

"Isn't it possible? Isn't Tianxing heart a heart?"

"Who told you that the heart of Tian Xing must be the heart?"

Immediately, someone could not help but yelled: "On this day, torture is just a name. Do you look at the blood pool as if it is a heart, or does it look like a heart is beating?"

"You say this ... This blood pool, it really seems like a heart is beating ... Is it really a torture heart?"

"It must be ... it must be, hurry up ..." All the people present were rushing towards the blood pool crazy, maybe because of these people, Xia Ming and Bai Bingqing were also awakened instantly, Xia Ming frowned, looking at this not far away, but met Tu Tianqi's eyes together, at this time Bai Bingqingyu stepped on,

Came on the ground steadily.

"Why did you come out?" Xia Ming asked, looking at Bai Bingqing in surprise.

"Continued cultivation has no benefit to me." Bai Bingqing nodded and said flatly.

"Then your strength ..." Xia Ming looked at this Bai Bingqing and asked curiously.

"Half aura has been transformed."

"Five Spirits ..."

When Xia Ming heard the words, Xia Ming couldn't help but took a breath and looked at Bai Bingqing in front of him, it was so incredible.

Turning to the spiritual realm ... This Bai Bingqing turned into Wucheng Aura at once. What kind of monster is this? Isn't he only congenial? How could you improve five small realms at once? You have to know that he only promoted two small realms. How could she improve so fast?

Even Xia Ming was slightly surprised, this Bai Bingqing is really too evil.

"I didn't expect them to come." Bai Bing looked at the people here indifferently, and there was no fluctuation in the beautiful eyes.

"That being the case, then let's leave here first?" Charmington paused and glanced at the people around him softly.

"Well, it would be useless to stay here." Bai Bingqing nodded lightly.

"Then let's go!" Xia Ming nodded, and the two wanted to leave.

"Want to leave ..."

At the next moment, there was a bit of violent voice from Zhou Tianyuan. When Zhou Tianyuan's figure moved, he immediately blocked Xia Ming's eyes.

Zhou Tianyuan looked directly at Xia Ming, with a bit of sharpness in his eyes. Zhou Tianyuan said coldly: "Boy, it's not so easy to want to leave, I will give you what I got here, I can spare you Not dead. "

Xia Ming looked at Tianyuan indifferently this week, this guy is really a ghost, Xia Ming said calmly, "There is nothing here, only this pool of water."

Xia Ming glanced at the pool of water not far away. The pool of water had been absorbed by the two of them for about three quarters. Now, the rest is only the last point. It really is to be said, or Both of them took advantage.


There was a killing in Zhou Tianyuan's eyes, and he said ruthlessly, "Boy, in the past you grabbed my Zhou Tianyuan's stuff. Today, I will let you eat all of it."

"Take it ..."

Zhou Tianyuan's soles slammed into the ground, and his figure turned into an afterimage. In the process, Zhou Tianyuan clenched his right hand into a fist and banged fiercely towards Xia Ming.

Xia Ming felt that Zhou Tianyuan's power seemed to be a little stronger, which made Xia Ming a little bit surprised and surprised. Xia Ming murmured: "This guy ... broke through."

Obviously, Zhou Tianyuan also has his own opportunity, but he knows that Zhou Tianyuan's strength should be in the realm of the day after tomorrow. Looking at Zhou Tianyuan's appearance, it is a clear breakthrough.

However, Xia Ming only sneered. In the same way, under these many eyes, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and a terrible force broke out. Then he severely bombarded the past with Zhou Tianyuan's fist. .

Xia Ming's punch is also direct and aggressive.

"Hmm ..."

When he got to the point where he met, Zhou Tianyuan even sneered at the corner of his mouth, seemingly mocking Xia Ming's uncontrollable power, but ...

When the two touched each other, Zhou Tianyuan's face froze, then turned pale, and in the end it was bloodless.

"Click ..."

A crisp voice resounded suddenly in the air, and Zhou Tianyuan's body was like a cannonball, and he flew out fiercely, smashing the boulder on the side instantly.

The sudden situation has attracted the attention of many people. They looked at Xia Ming together, and looked at the scene in shock.

When I saw that this had been pulled down, and Zhou Tianyuan, who had been hit hard, was there, all the people present couldn't help but take a breath ...

"Zhou Tianyuan ... was seriously injured by a punch ..."

"Brushing ..."? Then, countless eyes looked at Xia Ming with horror, and those eyes were full of horror and shock. "Who the **** is this kid? How can his strength be so terrible ..."

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