The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2092: Scramble

The sound of argumentation was also undulating to each other in this stone cave. The people present were discussing the matter. However, Xia Yunding heard the surrounding argumentation and his face gradually became iron blue.

This incident directly damaged his majesty.

Xia Yunding said coldly, "Since this is the case, then Xia Ming shouldn't want to leave here." Xia Yunding is also furious. If he quits today, he will inevitably carry a big Xia Kingdom inferior to this Xuanxinzong. If it is passed out, his reputation of the Daxia Dynasty is not good. If not, he will wear a hat that is not as good as that of Xuan Xinzong. After all, he is a prince. Sometimes

He also represents the face of the royal family.

Just like the true disciples of Xuan Xinzong, they all represent the face of Zong Men, but this does not mean that they can fully represent Xuan Xinzong.

"Then you can try." Bai Bing looked at Xia Yunding coldly.

"Kill." Xia Yunding was furious, and the vitality in his body was bursting out. The terrible vitality, waves of waves, as if the waves swept away, and Xia Yunding's feet suddenly slammed the ground, and he was fiercely facing. With Bai Bingqing attacking the past, with Bai Bingqing beside Xia Ming, Xia Yunding wanted to beheaded

Xia Ming, I'm afraid it's not that easy. Therefore, we can only solve this Bai Bingqing first, and we are considering solving this Xia Ming.

"Jade lady's hand."

Bai Bingqing's intentions were astonishing. This pair of jade hands suddenly became white as jade. At this moment, his hands were like jade hands, looking crystal clear and unusually beautiful, especially the slender fingers, which were sharp like a knife.


Xia Yunding also came to Bai Bingqing's body. Xia Yunding's right hand clenched into a fist, and the terrible power burst out. The vacant space was buzzing, and a strange whistling sounded in the void. .

"Hmm ..."

The two met again, and a muffled sound resounded like a thunderous sound. This loud noise sounded as if it exploded in the ears of the surrounding people, and both ears were buzzing.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, Xia Yunding's face changed suddenly. Immediately, Xia Yunding's body suddenly flew out. This speed was so fast that even the people present did not even respond.


Xia Yunding hit the surrounding stone wall fiercely, and a loud noise came. Xia Yunding's body also fell from the top down.

Xia Yunding got up embarrassed and immediately spit out blood. Xia Yunding looked at Bai Bingqing with horror. His eyes were full of shock and horror.

"Transferring ... you are transmuting."

Xia Yunding looked at Bai Bingqing in shock. Even Xia Yunding showed some jealousy. Just when he and Bai Bingqing met the palm of his hand, there was an explosion in Bai Bingqing's body. Reiki, this can't be wrong, it must be Reiki.

Only aura can erupt such a terrible explosive power. Because of this, he was defeated by Bai Bingqing, so he flew out directly and fell **** the surrounding stone wall.


All the people around looked at Bai Bingqing in shock, full of dignity and shock.

"How could Xia Yunding be injured ... what is the realm of this girl?"

"Xia Yunding is a master of congenital realm. This strength is overbearing. Even if it is a congenital master, I am afraid that I may not be able to defeat Xia Yunding so easily. It is just a palm, just a palm. Xia Yunding Injured, what is the origin of this girl? "


Even Li Tianfeng and Tu Tianqi looked to Bai Bingqing solemnly. Li Tianfeng condensed, "This woman has such a strong power ... Is it the core disciple of Xuan Xinzong?"

"Judging from the breath of this woman, it seems that she has begun to convert ..." Tu Tianqi also said in a deep voice.

"Turn to spiritual realm!"

Obviously, the vitality is beginning to transform into aura, which is already a sign of stepping into the spiritual realm. As long as all the vitality is fully converted into aura, you can break through the existing realm in one fell swoop and reach the legendary spiritual gathering.

"It's really troublesome now."

Tu Tianqi looked at Bai Bingqing diligently. Compared with this Xia Yunding, his strength is not much different. If Xia Ming has a master who turns to the spiritual realm, even if they are all three shots, I am afraid it is not too big Hope wins this Xia Ming.

What's more, the other two people don't necessarily shoot together.

Xia Yunding's face stared at Bai Bingqing with a dark face, and his breath gradually became debilitating. Obviously, he had already suffered some minor injuries.

For a moment, he was a little bit cloudy.

"Hahaha ... I broke through, I broke through." At this moment, a burst of laughter followed, immediately attracting the attention of many people present, who were looking towards the blood pool. In the past, in this blood pool, there was a figure laughing wildly. From the somewhat unstable atmosphere on the body, it is clear that this

Figures have just broken through.

"Did that blood pool ..."

At this moment, countless people are looking at the blood pool one after another. Sure enough, the blood pool is decreasing madly. At this moment, everyone is jealous.

"The blood pool is baby, the blood pool is baby."

"Brush ..."

Countless people have swarmed towards the blood pool. In itself, the blood pool is not very large, and the blood water in it is not very much. This is used by so many people, and the speed of blood water drops. It's getting faster and faster.

Even Xia Yunding and others were all dumbfounded. Obviously, they thought that the good things here were taken by Xia Ming, so they shot Xia Ming and wanted to take Xia Ming's things. Taken over, never imagined that this real treasure would be the pool of water.

For a while, their faces were not very good-looking. They had been here for so long. The pool water was absorbed by those people. For a while, they felt that their breathing had become quicker. It was so. Anxious.

It is estimated that if this is changed to anyone, I am afraid it will not be easy for anyone!

After all, the baby is right in front of them, but they do n’t know it, they are still stupid here for a long time. This is an intellectual disability ...


Tu Tianqi stepped on his feet and came to the blood pool in an instant. Tu Tianqi kicked a person next to Fei Fei, and then slaped one person directly. At this moment, Tu Tianqi came to the edge of the blood pool and snapped sharply: "If you don't want to die, just get me out."

"Brush ..." All the people in the blood pool changed slightly.

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