The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2100: Yan Rujiang

Xia Ming smiled and didn't care about this. The romantic figures in Zongmen were just a joke! He is not complacent about this. Xia Ming looked indifferently to the practice site. In the middle position, it was a black stone monument, which stood there quietly, as high as five feet! The five-meter-high stone is full of dense names, but in this highest position, it is portrayed

Two words.

Mysterious list!

Yes, it's Xuanbang!

Xuanbang is a list of this outsider disciple, but the only people on this list are only 500 people. These 500 people are all the backbone of the outside door. They almost include the entire Xuanbang. The most talented disciple on the list!

Therefore, this stele is also the envy of countless days of pride. This is a mysterious list. If they can enter the list, they can brag for a while.

"Is this mysterious?"

Xia Ming's gaze was staring at this mysterious list. At this time, Han Qiandi looked at Xia Ming. Seeing this serious look, Han Qiandi couldn't help whispering and thought secretly.

"Isn't he trying to challenge this mystery?" Han Qianyi thought. In the end, Xia Ming's gaze fell on that first position. At that position, it was portrayed with a name. The name seemed to be sparkling. It was so obvious. As long as people look at it, they will Seeing this name at first glance, because this name is really

Too dazzling.

Nangong Yu!

The name seems to be shining! At the same time, in this name, there will be a peculiar force rippling out, as if the name breaks through the sky and leads directly to the sky.

"Is this the No. 1 Xuanbang?" Xia Ming muttered to himself.

Coincidentally, the name was heard by Han Qianji. Han Qianji was a cricket, almost fell to the ground, and murmured, "This guy ... isn't it going to challenge Xuanbang No. 1?" Han Qiandi couldn't help but look at Xia Ming twice, what a joke. Although he knows that Xia Ming's strength is already the strength of the day after tomorrow, he can't challenge Xuanbang No. 1! The top of the mysterious list, that is the top existence, even if you are a master of the innate realm, you can choose

The existence of the war, Xia Ming went forward like this, it is estimated that he will be beaten up.

However, Xia Ming also clearly knows that the Xuanbang No. 1 is not something that can be contested at this time, so Xia Ming doesn't have any thoughts to challenge. At this time, Xia Ming glanced at it.

"You are Xia Ming?"

As soon as Xia Ming was about to find a place to practice, a somewhat unpleasant sound broke through. Accompanying the sound, there were countless eyes looking at the source of the sound. What caught my eye was a light figure. This figure was wearing a turquoise blue shirt, which moved with the wind. On this long hair, it was with a bun that tied the long hair. From here on, there was also a puppet, which made many people unhappy.

, But when you see the figure clearly, this disappointment gradually becomes respect.

Because they know this person!

Yan Rujiang.

Mysterious masters!

There were several figures beside Yan Rujiang, all of them were standing here with high toes and motionless.

"It's Yan Rujiang."

"Why did Yan Rujiang appear here? Seeing Yan Rujiang's appearance, it seems to be bad."

"Yeah ... is there a feud between Xia Ming and Yan Rujiang?"

"It doesn't seem right? Xia Ming doesn't seem to be in this Xuanxinzong very often, how can he conflict with Yan Rujiang?"

Many people are surprised, obviously, they are all curious about Xia Ming.

"Is Yan Rujiang?"

Xia Ming frowned slightly when he heard the name. He was not very strange to the name, but in his impression, he knew the name vaguely.

"It turned out to be him ..." Han Qianyu condensed.

"Is this person strong?" Xia Ming asked softly.

"He is the master of the Xuanbang." Han Qianxuan could not help but say.

"Xuanbang?" Xia Ming glanced at the person in front of him in amazement, and Xia Ming took a closer look. The breath of Yan Rujiang is indeed not weak, but this Yan Rujiang looks quite ordinary, except for his At a touch of it, there seems to be nothing else? Looks like an ordinary person


This person would be a master of this mysterious list, and it really surprised him.

"What's the advice," Xia Ming said calmly.

"Since you are Xia Ming, there is nothing wrong with it."

Yan Rujiang looked at Xia Ming with a smile, and said with a smile: "Come into us, I hope you join the League of God."


As soon as this remark came out, the exclamation sounds followed, and the exclamation sounded so many people were shocked, all of them looked at Yan Rujiang in astonishment.

"God ... God Union ..."

"how is this possible……"

"It is rumored that in this League of God, only olive branches will be thrown at this inner disciple, and they came to this outer gate, it is incredible."

"Damn, why isn't this person me?"

When many people heard the word "Shenmeng", they all showed envious eyes.

Obviously, they are very envious of the name of the League of Gods, and they also want to join such a force.

However, Xia Ming frowned slightly, but was thinking, but he had never heard of the name of the League of Gods. Obviously, the League of Gods was created by the disciples here.

Xia Ming suddenly remembered what he said when he left Xuanxinzong. There seemed to be many forces recruiting himself. This League of Gods should be one of them? When Xia Ming became silent, he looked at Han Qianyu, and Han Qianyu said with a look of surprise: "Xia Ming, hurry up. This League of Gods is also quite powerful. If you can really join the League of Gods, it will be very good for you.

Office. "

Seeing Han Qianji's anxious look, Xia Ming frowned, took a deep look at Han Qianji, and paused, "I'm sorry, I haven't planned to join any forces yet."

Xia Ming's words wrinkled Yan Rujiang's eyebrows. The two cold eyes turned to Xia Ming, and between the eyebrows, he was a little bad, and said lightly: "Xia Ming ... you know what you are rejecting is What forces? "

"Presumably you still don't know the benefits of joining the League of God?" Yan Rujiang said indifferently: "If you join the League of God, the elixir and exercises you have won will be double rewarded. Now you still refuse to join the League of God. ? "

Yan Rujiang is extremely confident. As long as he throws these things out, Xia Ming will never refuse, because no one can refuse these cultivation resources. Hum!

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