The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2105: Feng Bang Invitation

Chu Ruoxuan looked at Xia Ming, and smiled sweetly. This smile was like the young boy who was full of beauty, and his eyes were flushed, and his eyes were full of crazy love.


It's so beautiful!

Such a beautiful face, how can these young people stop it.

"Come here today, I'm here on behalf of Feng Bang, and invite you to join Feng Bang."


As soon as this remark was made, all the people present projected their envious eyes towards Xia Ming, and those eyes were anxious to replace them, and the people present were all excited. Xia Ming also noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the scene, but he didn't know about it, but instead looked directly at Chu Ruoxuan. Chu Ruoxuan was indeed very beautiful, but if compared with his wife When he got up, he had his own advantages. In his eyes, Lin Wanqing was more drifting.


"This guy ... in the end He Dehe can even invite Feng Bang to join him, **** ... why I have no such good luck, this fucking."

"Too lucky, shit, if I were so good."

Many people have envious eyes, and Feng Bang, I am afraid that no man is not sure what kind of power this is.

As long as the person of Xuan Xinzong and a man want to join this phoenix list, who knows, in this phoenix list, beautiful women are like clouds, the entire Xuan Xinzong, almost the majority of beautiful women, have completely joined this Feng Bang, this Feng Bang has become the sweet spot in the eyes of all teenagers. If they can join the Feng Bang, they can even brag for a while, but for so many years, there are few men in the Feng Bang, because the rules of Feng Bang are mainly girls, it can be said that there are almost no men in Feng Bang , I never expected that Feng Bang invited Xia Ming to join


If Xia Ming joins, it is equivalent to the existence of giant panda animals.

"Sorry!" Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said calmly, "I have no intention of joining any forces for the time being."


Chu Ruoxuan beauty's eyes froze and looked at Xia Ming in amazement.

"Rejected?" Wu Churuo Xuan did not expect that she was rejected. She is a big beauty, and she is also the ruler of this list. She went to the horse in person, which is enough to give Xia Ming face. Unexpectedly ... he was so rejected? This is the first time she has ever been a boy


In her opinion, as long as it was her own fault, Xia Ming should not refuse, but she refused, which made her a little unresponsive for a while.

"You know, if you join the Fengbang, how good is it?" Chu Ruoxuan said, "What's more, you offend the League of Gods. I think the people of the League of Gods will not give up. If you join the list, They dare not embarrass you. "

Xia Ming still shook his head slightly and said, "I still don't want to join."


When Xia Ming refused again, even Chu Ruoxuan couldn't help but want to know. If such a good thing falls on anyone, I'm afraid he will agree? It was powerful and harmless to him after all.

"Maybe I'm used to it alone?" Xia Ming shook his head with a smile.

"Alone? Habit?"

Chu Ruoxuan's eyes fell on Xia Ming's body, and he looked at it carefully. Why did he not expect that Xia Ming would give him such an answer. After all, Chu Ruoxuan was not an ordinary person. She was a true disciple. At this time Chu If Xuan smiled and said, "Bing Qing is also one of us."

"So is she?"

Xia Ming was slightly surprised.

"Yes!" Chu Ruoxuan said immediately.


Xia Ming nodded and said nothing!


This time, Chu Ruoxuan was speechless. Is this guy a man? Isn't he attentive at all? This is the first time she has encountered such a difficult man.

"In this case, the door of Feng Bang is open for you at any time. If you want to open one day, Feng Bang welcomes you to join at any time." Chu Ruoxuan paused, and Xia Ming didn't want to join.

However, she will not have any grudges with Xia Ming. Such a proud man of heaven cannot even see her clearly, let alone, because of Bai Bingqing's relationship, she will not stand in the team with Xia Ming. situation.

"Thank you so much." Xia Ming nodded slightly and smiled. "If one day I want to join, I will definitely choose Fengbang."

"Huh!" Chu Ruoxuan said lightly. "Then I won't bother much, so we will go back first."


Having said that, Chu Ruoxuanyu stepped on his feet, and disappeared into the void as a streamer. However, the entire martial arts field was extremely silent.

That kind of silence is almost audible!

After a long time, these people just returned to God. Many people looked at Xia Ming in shock, with deep admiration in their eyes ...

"This guy ... turned it down again?"

"Is he a fool? It would be acceptable if he rejected the League of Gods, but he refused even the Feng Bang? Doesn't he know who is in the Feng Bang?"

"Fuck, why didn't such a good thing fall on me, this bastard, you said that such a good thing fell on you, and you still refused."

"Hey ... it really has to be thrown by comparison, people are more deadly than popularity." Everyone present was anxious to be fat, Xia Ming, this guy is really abominable, where everyone is longing for, he even Blatantly rejected, the most important thing is that this **** also rejected Chu Ruoxuan, if sister Xuan, it is rare to meet once a year, especially this kind of

Places like this heavenly pride girl rarely come.

But Xia Ming refused at the first meeting, which made many people both envious and depressed.

Han Qianyi was on the side, opened his mouth, and finally resigned with a helpless grin: "This guy ... is really ..."

Even Han Qianyi didn't know what to say for a while.

"Dragon, aren't you going back?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"Go back, go back!" Han Qianji hurried to keep up with Xia Ming, and the two left here. When Xia Ming and the two left, the whole scene was full of exclamations, countless discussions, and each other. The ups and downs resounded.

However, it was only an instant that the entire Xuan Xinzong knew Xia Ming's news, and even some inner disciples began to pay attention to Xia Ming.

Xia Ming rejected this phoenix list, it was really great! Many people love and hate Xia Ming, but some people think Xia Ming is trying to die. I have offended the League of God, and Xia Ming still has a good life in this Xuanxin Sect? Who knows that the leader of this League of Gods is this Li Xuantong, and also the strongest master of the entire Xuan Xinzong! He is also the most talented disciple.

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