The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2124: Undercurrent

After the innocence of Xia Ming, many eyes fell on Xia Ming and innocence. After learning about the cause and effect, many people felt sorry for Xia Ming. Obviously, Xia Ming was suffering from no delusion! The grievances between Tongzhen and Han Qianyu made Tongzhen directly angry with Xia Ming, and even the fact that Tongzhen let other people stump Xia Ming, they were all excavated. This time, they Finally know why

Childhood is so directed against Xia Ming.

Of course, compared to Xia Ming, this thing seems to have never happened in general. If I changed it to someone else who knew Xia Ming's thought, I don't know what I would think.

Xia Ming left Xuanxinzong and headed for Xuanxincheng. Now he has been here for half a year, and he is more or less familiar with this route.

However, along the way, Xia Ming realized that several eyes had been watching himself, and Xia Ming frowned slightly, but he ignored these eyes and chased towards Xuanxin City. .

at the same time!

Somewhere in this Tu Lingzong, there are several figures gathered here!

"The kid is out." Someone said immediately: "He seems to be going to Xuanxin City."

"Huh!" Said a young man in a green robe, his eyes grim and indifferent: "Daxia Dynasty, Dashang Dynasty, Tu Lingzong, so many congenital masters entered the celestial cemetery. In the end, only this guy is alone Run out alone, there must be something happening inside. "

"Well! Don't you know if you got this kid back?"

"This kid's strength is not weak, so many people have not run out, but their Xuanxinzong people ran out. There must be something we don't know. Acting rashly, I'm afraid something is wrong." Someone said. Immediately.

"Don't just watch it like that?" Someone couldn't help saying.

"The Hundred Sects War is coming. At that time, the ancient continent will drop the messenger and come to accept the disciples. At that time, they will all need to enter this place. It is not too late to get revenge!" Someone said coldly.

"So watch it now?" Someone asked unwillingly.

"For the time being, if you can kill it, you can kill it directly. If you can't kill it, don't act rashly."

"it is good!"


However, this did not stop the people of Tu Lingzong from acting, even the Daxia dynasty.

In this golden palace hall!

There is a middle-aged man wearing a purple shirt and dragon robe, sitting on this dragon chair. The dragon chair is made of special white jade. The white jade is inlaid with a lot of gold and looks brilliant. , Extremely precious.

Of course, this gold is worthless in this ancient continent. Although this dragon chair looks brilliant, it is not worth much money. If you are driving a lot, I am afraid that only these jade inlaid on it.

Because on top of these jade stones, there is even a slight aura. This aura can even be directly absorbed by people. This is the most precious thing.

The middle-aged man was wearing a purple shirt and a robe, and all over his body revealed a nobility, especially the majestic fact, but it was shocking and terrifying!

This person is called 'Summer Emperor'.

Heavenly Emperor!

Yes, that is Emperor Xia, the monarch of the Da Xia Dynasty, and Emperor Xia!

The name Emperor Tian is a taboo relative to this day. Emperor Tian, ​​Emperor Tian, ​​this is also the meaning of the name of the summer emperor. The name of the former summer emperor is not this name, but it is called the emperor after the succession of the emperor.

What this means is that this world is under the control of his emperor. As long as the place where the sky is, it is under his jurisdiction.

Xia Di sits quietly on this dragon chair, revealing a little laziness, but the aggressive momentum is scary and scary.

"Something starts, and nothing goes back."

A somewhat sharp and harsh sound resounded from the hall.

The **** was speaking in a eunuch's uniform, and the **** held a dusty body and bowed slightly!

"In the case of Kailuan, if there is an obituary in Weichen."

This one who stood out was a minister, who was wearing an official uniform, but this eyebrow revealed a little bit of style, and it was clear that this was just a literati.

In other places, there may not be a literati who can do nothing, but unlike the Daxia dynasty, a dynasty must necessarily be controlled by these literati, and it is useless to have superpower alone.

Armed force is only the foundation, it is the foundation to defend against foreign enemies.

"What's the matter?" Emperor Summer said arrogantly.

In this big Xia dynasty, the Xia Emperor was the absolute emperor. Few people dared to disobey him, so the Xia Emperor's status here was quite high.

"Sacred King Qiu, the eleventh prince ... the eleventh prince fell to the graveyard of heaven."


As soon as this remark was made, this sentence resembled a time bomb. It resounded through the entire hall. In this hall, countless ministers were horrified, all stunned and incredible.

To say the most calm, I am afraid that only Summer Emperor.

If Xia Ming saw the summer emperor so calm, he would definitely say: "The home of the most ruthless emperor ..."

His own son is dead, and he can remain indifferent. I can imagine what the summer emperor's heart has become cold.

"Who is so brave, dare to murder the eleventh prince?"

"It must be severely punished. This kind of thing is absolutely prohibited." All kinds of discussions also rang up and down at this moment. In fact, the death of the eleventh prince did not have any connection to them, let alone, here. In the Daxia dynasty, the status of the eleventh prince is not very high. If the identity of the prince is removed, it can be said that the **** is not


But they have to stand, this is what they must do as a courtier.

For a while, the entire Jinxian Temple was noisy, and this summer emperor on the theme was frowning lightly.

"shut up!"

The indifferent voice was mixed with a bit of majesty and spread out. The sound sounded flat, but there was no doubt about it.

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence came out, all the people present were quiet and looked directly at the Emperor Xia, seemingly waiting for the answer from the Xia Emperor. "Who was killed by the eleventh prince?" Summer's eyes had nowhere to go. No one knew what he was thinking. The heart of the emperor was the most difficult to predict. Although many people were trying to figure out the divine will, this did not mean They can figure it out.

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