The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2128: Almost

"What about my Yuan Shi?"

Xia Ming had a black face and roared. The appearance was as if it were to spit out fire.

"In this tower."

When Pig Er waved his hand, an ancient tower appeared in the hands of Pig Er. Pig Er pointed at the little tower and couldn't help saying it.


Xia Ming froze a little and looked at Pig II in a puzzling way. Some didn't understand. There was a good Yuanshi in this ancient tower, but the Yuanshi in it could not be taken out. ?

"Really ..." Pig Er hurriedly waved, and there were several Yuan Shi being taken out by Pig Er. The sudden situation, even Xia Ming was stunned on the spot.

"You can get Yuan Shi from this?" Xia Ming said inconceivably.

"It's very simple ..." Pig Er nodded slightly. "As long as my old pig waved his hand, he could take it out of it."


Xia Ming was speechless for a while, this guy, dumbfounded, still has such ability, Xia Ming could not help but said, "How did you do that?"

"Just cut through the space." Pig Er said indifferently.

"Cut the space?" Xia Ming was stunned again, could not help but look at the second and second eyes of Zhu Er, although some did not understand what Zhu Er said, but probably he could understand, probably meant that the space was opened That ’s why Zhu Er was able to take out the Yuanshi in this, that is, Zhu Er broke the ban on the ancient tower.



How difficult it was to break the ban on this ancient tower, he was clear, and did not expect that this pig II had such a skill, Xia Ming even began to wonder, where did this pig pop out? How could it be so scary?

"Hurry up and get me five thousand Zhongpin Yuanshi." Xia Ming couldn't help it.


When the pig waved his hand, there were fifty top-grade stones, saying, "Boss, here are fifty top-grade stones, which is equivalent to five thousand top-grade stones."

Xia Ming didn't listen, and he waved his hand directly. The fifty pieces of top grade Yuanshi disappeared here, and Xia Ming's thoughts returned after reading. At this time, Xia Ming said: "Here are fifty pieces of top grade Yuanshi. A little bit. "

When Xia Ming met God, Linger also noticed them, but they were just doubts! Xia Ming never expected to communicate with others, so the two did not continue to ask questions.

"Well, just right!"

Elder Chen nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, fifty yuan of stones were put away. Xia Ming was also polite, and these elixir were drawn into his Qiankun ring.

Xia Ming said: "The matter has been resolved, and we will leave first."

Xia Ming clenched his fists, Linger smiled sweetly: "Son walk slowly."

Xia Ming nodded and stepped away from this place. At this moment, Elder Chen's eyes flickered a little, but there was a kind of radiance in those murky eyes.

"Miss ... Is this person really worth this kind of token?" Elder Chen paused and asked hesitantly.

"hope so."

Linger nodded lightly, and smiled sweetly: "Even if he isn't worth it, there isn't much loss to Oriental Mall, right?"

"Miss wise!" Elder Chen nodded slightly. "But this man is mysterious. He seems to have something bad in his body. I hope he can give me a surprise." Linger gathered the weird look of the elf, and said calmly, innocently with the animal that was harmless before. It is simply judged that if they are two people, if they are seen by Xia Ming, I am afraid it will be big.



Elder Chen nodded slightly and did not interfere with what Linger was going to do. At this time, Elder Chen condensed, "Miss Linger, the ancient continent is becoming more and more chaotic. Even the goddess of heaven has been born. I am afraid that A catastrophe is coming, miss, are you leaving here now? "

Linger groaned slightly, thinking about it, and Elder Chen waited silently, without speaking.

After thinking about it for a while, Linger whispered, "It won't be long before, should it be a hundred wars?"

"Yes, Miss." Elder Chen nodded slightly. "After all, the Battle of the Hundred Sects is nothing but a place to leave this poor and remote country. Only the place outside the Tongtian River is the core of the ancient continent and a place where talented people emerge."

"That's it!"

Linger nodded lightly and paused, "I'm leaving here, but you have to take care of that guy, but you can't let this guy fall in advance."

"Yes, miss."

Elder Chen was a little surprised. Is this the first time a lady has looked like a boy? This elder Chen also sighed, this boy is a big luck.

"It's up to you to control this time." Ling'er ordered again.


Elder Chen bowed slightly. Obviously, in the presence of Linger, Elder Chen's status was not very high!

... and to say that Xia Ming who left here is going in another direction. This direction is a direction away from Xuanxin City. Xuanxin City is not allowed to fight. After all, their strength is not weak. If they fight, It ’s easy to destroy the city. The building was not destroyed.


As Xia Ming walked out towards the outside world, Xia Ming could feel that there were many eyes around him staring at himself.

"Really chasing after it."

Xia Ming's eyes were cold. He naturally knew why these people came, but it was right to think about it. With so many people, only two of them, Xuan Xinzong, escaped. Who is this? Think of yourself.

"Boss, this group of people seems to be against you. Would you like to swallow them?" Zhu Er appeared to Xia Ming's side when he didn't know when. Zhu Er flapped his wings and stood side by side with Xia Ming. While you can't help it.

"Can you come out?" Xia Ming asked in amazement.

"I could have come out!" Zhu Er said dissatisfied, "but I'm usually too lazy to get it."


Xia Ming had an urge to be a braised suckling pig. Xia Ming narrowed his eyes, and Han Man flashed: "These people have a haunting spirit, but this time there are a lot of opponents. If they don't, they will burn them."

"Boss, rest assured, this little shrimp, my old pig can swallow them, just swallowing them can also increase my cultivation." Zhu Er could not help but say. "You are not afraid to die." Xia Ming said silently, this pig is exactly the same as the pig, and said that he is a pig, but he has a bunch of wings, and he does n’t look like a pig. After all, a pig has long wings. But it ’s not a pig, but this guy has all kinds of shortcomings, even conjoined.

The grid symbol is exactly the same. "Boss, old pig, I can tell you that if you want to have more cultivation resources this year, you have to burn and rob, so that the resources will come quickly." Pig Er said indifferently.

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