The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2130: Newcomers are much older


Xia Ming's voice had just fallen. With Xia Ming as the center, a layer of ice appeared on the ground. The force of ice spread rapidly, and it spread out a hundred meters away in a blink of an eye. People all jumped with their eyelids rushing back.

"It's so cold."

Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

On the ground, there is a white breath, which is caused by the cold, but when the white breath passes over some flowers and trees, these colds actually directly freeze these plants into scum. This scene made all the people present to be shocked.

Even the ten people who rushed in, their hearts were pounding and their faces changed greatly.

"Not good ... be careful!"

However, this person just said, the people present were shocked to see that these ten people turned into an ice sculpture in a blink of an eye.

Some people can even see that the figure in the ice sculpture blinked, and there was a deep horror in this eye.

"Hmm ..."

A dull and loud noise resounded, and then the ice sculpture shattered in response. Looking at the people inside, it was split in an instant, and even blood did not flow out. It seemed to be frozen into ice instantly.

In just one blow, all ten people died here.

All the people present looked at the scene in shock, and their eyes were incredible.


"That's it?" All the people present said in astonishment.

"It's just a sword ... it's just a sword. These people are all dead. What the **** is this guy?"

"It's terrible. The top ten of these people have the state of the middle of the day after tomorrow. Even the masters of these states can't stop Xia Ming's blow. This means ... it is really appalling."

All the people present couldn't help but take a breath. When these ten people died, they had no trouble in their ancient wells, but they were shaking Xia Ming's strength.

In the ancient continent, such a thing happened every day, so it is not surprising that they see so much.

But a sword similar to Xia Ming is going to kill these people. Xia Ming waved at will, and the storage rings on the ground fell into Xia Ming's hands. Xia Ming looked at these people indifferently, and the cold voice spread at this moment. I said that the death of the tomb of the death penalty has nothing to do with me, not that I killed

It's not that I killed it. If the water dares to come to trouble me, don't blame me Xia Ming, the ruthless hand. "

"Hmm ..."

As soon as this remark was made, many people were shocked all around, they all looked at Xia Ming in shock, showing a little horror.

Although they did not know whether Xia Ming was true or not, they would not question Xia Ming's words.

Killing so many masters with one sword, Xia Ming does have this ability.

But they also know that the reason why Xia Ming said so was also a warning, and killing these people was also to kill chickens and tamarins.

Xia Ming gave a cold glance at the people present, stepped slowly, and walked in one direction. At this time, the people at the scene gave way and watched Xia Ming leave.

"It's too strong," some people said, taking a deep breath.

"This guy, even in Xuan Xinzong, is probably a talented disciple?"

"It's really terrible!" Some people couldn't help but said, "But ... as far as I know, this guy beheaded the ten princes of the Daxia dynasty, and forged a beam with the Daxia dynasty. I am afraid this guy is not upset. Coupled with such genius, the Daxia Dynasty may not let them go. "

"What, he also killed the ten princes of the Daxia Dynasty?" Someone exclaimed.

"It used to be beheaded at the gate of Xuanxin City. On that day, many people saw it with their own eyes." Someone couldn't help but say.


The people present took another breath and killed the ten princes. They are still at large. Are the Daxia dynasties really not going to investigate this matter?

For a while, all the people present were talking up.


Xia Ming didn't make any stops, and ran quickly towards the distance like lightning. At this time, Zhu Er couldn't help but said, "Xia brother, why don't you let me eat them? Eat them, although they are a little garbage, but At least a little energy can be restored. "

Xia Ming couldn't help cursing: "Everyone eats, are you a pig?"

"Xia brother, am I not quickly recovering strength?" Zhu Er could not help but say.

"You don't practice to restore your strength. You still watch the film every day. You are a jerk. When you go on like this, when will you recover?" Xia Ming couldn't help yelling.

Really thought he didn't know? Every day, this article is seen in the Qiankun ring to watch movies. It is simply a bastard. It is estimated that every detail is clearly remembered by this guy.

"I practice, do I rely on food ..."

Pig Er glanced at Xia Ming with a bit of depression, and said helplessly.

"Eat to eat, you know to eat, what else would you order besides eating?" Xia Ming cursed.

"I will eat again!" Said the pig.

"You still talk back."

Xia Ming went straight up and grabbed the second pig's wings, which made the second pig scream in pain, and then Xia Ming threw it away and threw the second pig directly.

"It's okay, don't bother me."

As soon as Xia Ming's figure moved, he ran towards the distance as fast as lightning, but this speed was very slow in Zhu Er's eyes. After a few breaths, Zhu Er caught up.

"Horse, when did Uncle Ben suffer this kind of anger?" Zhu Er said angrily: "Isn't it still the boss? It's too unethical, and there are still people who can't feed a pig. This is cruel to animals. . "

Despite all kinds of dissatisfaction, Zhu Er dare not speak out.

Fear of turning into a suckling pig.

Half a day later, Xia Ming returned to this Xuan Xinzong again. He returned to Xuan Xinzong, and Xia Ming began to retreat, not even Han Qianyu.

Because they had little time left, Xia Ming had to refine all the elixir into elixir during this time. Therefore, Xia Ming went directly to Yao Lao to open the furnace for alchemy.

Xia Ming opened the furnace for refining Dan, and Yao Lao naturally refused.

At the same time, Yao Lao is also pointing, hoping that Xia Ming will make more progress in the alchemy.

However, in the next 25th, Xia Ming spent all of his alchemy. In the 25th day, Xia Ming directly shocked Yao Lao. At this moment, Yao Lao has no more to add. This mood, I am afraid, only he can know. During Xia Ming's refining period, there was no failure. This means that none of Xia Ming's refining furnaces was waste Dan. Such a horrible rate of formation, even if it is his old medicine, is shocking.

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