The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2135: Gathering inside the gate


When the elder reappeared, he came to the highest mountain. On top of this highest mountain, there was a hall, the hall was brilliant and magnificent, but the hall was exuding A quaint and long-lasting taste.

It seems this hall has been around for a long time!

This is the Xuanxin Hall, and also the most magnificent one among these halls!

The Xuanxin Temple can not help but be luxurious. In the surroundings, there are ancient trees, tree-lined, and many vegetation surrounding the hall. It also looks unusually pleasing.

Yes, at this moment, in this hall, there are eight things standing upright.

These eight figures are also the elders of Xuan Xinzong, and their positions are also the highest eight.

Of these eight elders, the elder Mo Feng is the main one! But in general, they are all called by the elder, so few people call it by name, so everyone just remembers the name of elder Mo Feng.

"Did you all go in?" The elder asked blandly when he saw the return of the seven elders.

"All have entered the battlefield!" Seven Elders condensed, "Next, it depends on the strength of these little guys."


The elder nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, and then he waved casually, and there was a flash of light in this magnificent hall.


Suddenly, there were two stone pillars rising slowly from the ground, and when it was in midair, it stopped.


A ray of light flickered between these two stone pillars. Then, a picture slowly appeared on this stone pillar. If you look closely, you will definitely find that the picture on this screen is Xia Ming and they A picture of where you are.

Seeing this picture, all the elders nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that this array is well arranged."

"Yeah ..." the six elders couldn't help but said, "It's just a pity that such a master of martial arts is no longer difficult to invite."


Everyone nodded in unison, and obviously they all knew what such a master of tactics represented.

These people also sat in their seats, and then waved their hands, and some tea, fruits and other things appeared on their tables.

The eight elders watched this picture straight!



at the same time!

After Xia Ming stepped into this passage, he appeared again, but he had already come to a dense forest.

Xia Ming hastened to look here with mental energy! Through the cultivation of spiritual power, Xia Ming now knows that the original spiritual power also has such a role, which gives Xia Ming a little bit of information. The spiritual power can investigate the surrounding situation, and every move is under his control. Of course, with his current mental strength, he can only check

Look at the distance of 50 meters, no matter how far away, he can't help.

Within 50 meters of this circle, he did not notice any movement, and Xia Ming was relieved.

"Right, what about Yan Chen?"

Xia Ming stepped in here, and suddenly found that Yan Chen and Han Qianzhen beside her were gone, and Xia Ming frowned.

"Is it separated for some reason?"

Xia Ming was puzzled, but Xia Ming shook his head. In this, Yan Chen and Han Qianyi should not be in danger of life. After all, this place is specially made.

But Xia Ming was also confused. What is this place?

Xia Ming frowned, and began to walk forward, but this was just a short time out, and Xia Ming stopped suddenly.

Because in front of this, there are already two figures with arms around his chest, staring at him indifferently and compassionately.

Xia Ming's eyes paused for a moment on these two men, and then his pupils shrank slightly, because he found that the strength of the two men was the same, and they were both the peak state of the day after tomorrow. On my body, I also felt a taste of the same origin.

Xia Ming also said that taste was bad.

"Two people, it's not easy."

This is the first feeling for Xia Ming. Generally speaking, as soon as they enter this kind of place, many newcomers will join hands with the newcomers, and the old people will also join hands with each other. Only after the newcomers have been eliminated, will they start to interact with each other. The contest, this is why when they see Xia Ming, their eyes will be

Cause of compassion.

Two to one, this seems to want to kick him out.

The sun slowly fell on the three people through the sparse branches and leaves, and the three of them couldn't help squinting their eyes.

The atmosphere of the scene was slightly tense.

The two men, arms clasped in both hands, stared at Xia Ming in front of them coldly. After a moment, one of the slightly taller men walked out slowly and finally spoke. His voice was low and hoarse, which made him nervous.

"Xia Ming, I know you!" The person's faint voice spread, mixed with a little indifference: "It is a genius to be the first in the Yellow List, but the first in the Yellow List is always a miscellaneous disciple, even if The yellow list is the first in this outside door, and it is only the bottom. "

Under the man's voice, Xia Ming frowned and looked at the two men indifferently. Although he knew that this situation would be encountered, he was still a bit heavy, but Xia Ming's face did not change, and he calmly said: "I don't know two Brothers, what advice? "

"Don't dare to teach."

The two men smiled indifferently, yin and yang said strangely: "I heard that you rejected the League of Gods and hurt the people of my League of Gods. I wonder if it is true or not?"


Hear two men say that the League of Gods, even Xia Ming, has become a little bit dignified. Would n’t he know that the League of Gods, however, these two men said that the people of the League of God, obviously, these two Men are also all masters of the League of Gods.

This group of guys is really very vengeful!

Xia Ming also did not expect that the people of this League of God would have such a small belly chicken intestine, at this time, they had to deal with him.

"That's right!" Xia Ming said bluntly, "I defeated Yan Rujiang, so what?"

Xia Ming was not afraid, staring at the two men in front of him. "It's you!" One of the men said lightly, "I know you have some means, but these means are not enough for the two of us. The two of us joined forces, even the masters who succeeded the next day Both can compete. The two of us are not a simple one plus

First, if you are willing to surrender your own scores, the two of us will not hurt you and will leave you to leave. "Both men stared at Xia Ming lightly, and said slowly, there was a little pride and indifference in their looks. It seemed that they were correct that Xia Ming would leave here.

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