The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2139: United (1)

"I have twin pupils ..."

As soon as this remark came out, all of the people present were frowning and pondering, it seemed to be thinking about who this person with twin pupils was.

"Xuan Xinzong has such a master?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"It seems I have never heard of Xuan Xinzong having a person with twin pupils?"

"There are twin pupils ... Such a peculiar sign should be familiar to others, and with such great strength, it is impossible to be anonymous."

You said a few words to me, all of you were curious, who would this person with twin pupils be.

"Is she ..." Suddenly something innocent came to her mind, her complexion gradually became more dignified, she cried.

"Brother Innocent, who are you talking about?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Yan Chen ..." Tong Zhenning whispered.

"Yan Chen ..."

As soon as the name appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the people present, but all four of them were slightly confused, apparently unfamiliar with the name.

However, innocence is extremely afraid of this name.

Because he knew that in the past, when this man appeared in Xuan Xinzong, he had twin pupils, but unfortunately, this man could not control his emotions, became irritable, and even killed friends around him!

Theoretically, this kind of uncontrolled existence should not exist in Xuan Xinzong, but I don't know what the senior management thinks, and did not kick Yan Chen out of Xuan Xinzong.

Therefore, this Yan Chen has been living somewhere in Xuan Xinzong, but no one disturbs him.

Unexpectedly, Yan Chen came out, which was somewhat unexpected.

"A few of you, get ready to snip these people. Don't underestimate them, they are not weak." The innocent said seriously.

"Yes, Brother Innocent."

These people glanced at each other. Although they didn't know why innocence was so jealous, they didn't take it seriously. They were masters of the inner door and their strength was in the innate state.

"By the way, you can organize the elderly inside the door to carry out a clean-up operation. You can end early, and you can also rest early." Tongzhen said faintly.


These people looked at each other, and when they were in shape, they came to a big tree, their toes were lighter, their shape was like a cheetah, and they disappeared like lightning.

At this moment, Tong Zhen squinted his eyes and murmured, "Just start with you."


The voice fell, the childlike toes lightly tipped, and his body steadily fell on this towering tree. Childlike sat on a branch, then closed his eyes slowly, and practiced quietly. stand up.


At this time, Xia Ming was wandering in the forest. I have to say that the forest is very large. Even Xia Ming could not find a direction for a while, so he could only roam in the forest!


While Xia Ming was scrambling, a roar accompanied by the sound of anger resounded in the forest. For a time, many birds fluttered to the distance with flapping wings.

"You bully me too much."

In front of this, there are ten figures, ragged clothes, looking quite embarrassed, and even between the corners of the mouth, there is still a little dried blood, it is clear that this is an injury.

The ten figures were all three people who looked at them in anger.

The three people in front of them were smiling, with a slight disdain in their smiles, and ridiculed: "This is an unfair game in itself. Now you obediently hand over the points, we can let you go."


A girl headed by this girl had angry eyes. The girl was wearing a blue dress, but there was some dirt on the dress. Under the jade foot, she stepped on a pair of white boots. The girl held a sword and stared angrily. .

Her long hair is loose, and she still can't hide the beauty of the girl. This slender and perfect waist, a Yingying grip, this turquoise dress also perfectly shows the girl's figure, looks like that beautiful.

At this moment, in front of this girl, there are three men!

"You are shameless." A young man stood up at this time, scolding angrily.

"Huh!" Meng Jiang sneered, looked at the young boy indifferently, and said calmly, "This is originally a test. Do you still pray that we can let you go? Idiots dream."

"You are just newcomers and disciples who have just started. We will bully you as much as we want to bully you. Now hand over your tokens and quit the game yourself." Meng Jiang said coldly.

Meng Jiang's ridicule and sarcasm also angered the young girl. The girl named Liu Mengxi was a disciple of Xuanxinzong. The strength of Liu Mengxi was only the state of the day after tomorrow. In these three years, she can cultivate to such a state. Indeed, Can be regarded as the proud woman of the sky.

It's just that the girl is obviously not dewy, and in the past it was quite low-key. Therefore, it rarely attracted the attention of others. Not enough. The girl has a beautiful face. This face has attracted many people's peep.

Many people want to be favored by girls.

It's just a pity! The girls did not look at these people, so few men could approach her.

"We fight with them."

"Yes, we fight with them. We are personal and afraid of something."

"Even if you lose both, you can't make them happy."

"Yes, I did it."

For a time, the young girls were stunned with blood, all angry and staring at the people in front of them, which made them angry too.

Meng Jiang laughed absurdly, taunting: "It's just you and you who are worthy of us. We are masters in the later days. Even if you all add up, they are not our opponents."

Meng Jiang said it well. Among them, the young girl is only late in the day after tomorrow. One of them is entangled with the young girl. As for the other people, the strength is relatively weak.

Therefore, Meng Jiang's words also made them quite frightened.

"Now I'm asking you if you want to pay or not." Meng Jiang reprimanded: "Otherwise, don't blame us."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the people present changed their faces. They are not necessarily the opponents of these three individuals. If they do n’t do so now, they will fight hard. It is estimated that the final result will be the same, but if they do If they did, they were unwilling.

After all, this is also something that affects their future.

But their strength is not enough to protect this token.

"Hehe ..." While everyone was hesitating, a light laughter suddenly broke the peace here. With the sound of this light laughter, all of the people present were heavy and looked at them all at once. In all directions, because they couldn't confirm where the voice came from.

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