The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2141: Alliance (3)

Xia Ming looked at the three people indifferently, looking calm!

"On, I don't believe it. The three of us are not his opponents yet."

Meng Jiang gritted his teeth and took the lead to step out. Under these many eyes, one palm was shot fiercely towards Xia Ming. This palm was extremely overbearing and harsh.

Even the air was buzzing, showing how terrible this palm really was.

Xia Ming is quietly far away, and the vitality in the body is quietly operating at this moment. A wave of vigorous vitality is rippling around the body. On the palm, there is a quiet concentration of power!

"Phantom Palm!"

When Xia Ming's vitality was surging, suddenly, a cold drink rang out suddenly. In front of Xia Ming, there were several phantoms. These phantoms seemed to be real in each palm, especially the powerful one. The strong wind makes people feel cold.

"Xia Ming, be careful!"

Seeing this situation, Liu Mengxi was anxious and reminded quickly.

Xia Ming snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, his feet were sloppy, and his body was like a wild goose. He flew away lightly. When he passed, he had a strong burst of vitality. Every time he shot it, he had A palm shadow was blasted.

"Hmm ..."

In the blink of an eye, these palm prints were instantly smashed, leaving only the last palm print, and the face of Meng Jiang also changed at this moment.

Seeing that the last palm print was about to be taken to Xia Ming, at this moment, Xia Ming's figure suddenly stopped, and Xia Ming slowly stretched out his finger under the eyes of Meng Jiang, but this One finger was gently pointed at the palm of Meng Jiang.

"Hmm ..."

This palm stopped suddenly, as if this finger were fixed here, this palm was still in place, motionless, and even Meng Jiang's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Hmm ..."

There was another explosion, and the palm print suddenly split into pieces, turned into vitality, and disappeared into this world. At this time, Xia Ming appeared in front of him in a step, a palm blasted out, and was printed fiercely. On Meng Jiang's chest.


A deep voice sounded, however, the face of Meng Jiang turned out to be a sudden change of face, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spit out, and the blood fluttered in the air, exuding a thick **** smell.

"Hmm ..."

Meng Jiang's body was drawn far and far on this ground. Even on the ground, a long bloodstain appeared. This long bloodstain was visible, and his eyelids could not help but beating quickly.

Solving the Meng Jiang with one palm changed the faces of the two people who flew by. They hurriedly changed their direction and withdrew from the war. They all looked at Xia Ming with a sense of fear, exuding strong Horrified.

"So strong ..."

At this moment they finally knew Xia Ming's terribleness. This guy is really too strong. This power is almost incredible.

"How can this guy be so terrible. Is he really the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow?" The other person also looked at Xia Ming with open eyes, half cold.

"Yeah ... Brother Xia is amazing."

Liu Mengxi couldn't help screaming at this moment. He was extremely shocked at Xia Ming. Just one hand hurt Meng Jiang. Such strength is really terrible.

At the same time, the rest of the people were all relieved. Xia Ming solved Meng Jiang with one stroke, proving that Xia Ming also had a chance to keep them, and they finally got a little easier.

"You ... hey!"

Meng Jiang spit blood again, staring at Xia Ming gravely, exuding a little anger, and he was defeated by Xia Ming's one move. This guy is really so powerful that he can't do it.

"Meng Jiang!" The two men screamed in a hurry.

Xia Ming calmly glanced at Meng Jiang and paused: "He has been injured now and will stay here. There is no place for you here."

Xia Ming said it well. Once injured in such a place, it will only be eliminated. Therefore, if you want to mix here, you must first ensure that you do not encounter a strong opponent, or you are not injured.

"Give you!"

Meng Jiang gritted his teeth, and now they no longer need to stay here. Therefore, as soon as they bite their teeth and waved their hands, they throw a dozen tokens to Xia Ming, Xia Ming saw it, and readily With a wave, these tokens fell into his hands one by one, missing you slightly.

At the same time, I was sighing in my heart. This robbery was indeed much stronger than one by one. This grab was a lot, and it was really happy.

Xia Ming's eyes fell on the other two men again. At this time, the two men were all staring at each other, staring at Xia Ming with anger and glaring.

"What? Didn't you pay?" Xia Ming smiled, and Xia Ming smiled, making them all shiver.

They all obviously knew that if they did n’t pay each other today, they would n’t even want to leave here. This Xia Ming is too horrible. Even Meng Jiang is not his one enemy. If you want to defeat this guy, at least you have to It is a master of later perfection and even higher realms.

Both were unwilling to take out their own tokens, and the two of them together had seventeen or eight. Compared with this Meng Jiang, they were a lot less. The two threw the tokens to Xia Ming.

Xia Ming picked up the token, then nodded with satisfaction, then took a look at the three people, and smiled: "Three brothers, offended." Meng Jiang could not help but smile bitterly. As soon as Xia Ming was better than them, they deserved to go out. Meng Jiang paused: "Xia Ming, I have to admit that you have indeed surpassed many old people, but ... it's not just us who are here, Brother Innocent is the real one this time

Goalkeeper, so we haven't lost yet, we will be waiting for you outside. "

Speaking of this, Meng Jiang also became serious.

"Ha ha!" Xia Ming chuckled: "I'm afraid I will have defeated innocence when I came out."

Meng Jiang heard the words and shook his head slightly. He obviously thought that Xia Ming was talking big. Xia Ming's strength was indeed strong, but the weaknesses defeated this childlike child. It was really a foolish dream. The gap between them was too big .

Meng Jiang took out a piece of jade charm, Meng Jiang looked at the jade charm, sighed slightly, and then directly crushed in these many eyes. "嘭 ......"? A white light fell, and Meng Jiang's figure disappeared directly into place. The other two people also crushed the jade charm unwillingly, and the figure also disappeared into this world. Obviously, they were all really eliminated.

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