The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2143: Respective union

"Is it the day after tomorrow ..."

Xia Ming murmured to himself, his eyes flickered, and even the young man named Huang Yan was startled and couldn't help taking a step back.

"I didn't expect ... Yan Chen's strength would be so strong." Xia Ming was also slightly surprised. Yan Chen was much younger than him, but his strength was so strong. .

"What about the others?" Asked Shammington again.

"Removing the forces headed by the top three of the Xuanbang and Yan Chen, there is another power." Huang Yan Shen said, "The leader of this power is called Huangfuyi."

"Huangfuyi?" Liu Mengxi was slightly surprised when he heard the name.

"Do you know this person?" Xia Ming looked at Liu Mengxi strangely, and asked with surprise.


Liu Mengxi bowed his head lightly and whispered, "Huangfu Yi is a disciple outside, but this disciple is obviously not exposed on weekdays, extremely low-key, but his strength is in the realm of the day after tomorrow."

"Sister Liu, how did you know?" Huang Yan looked at Liu Mengxi in surprise and asked strangely.

"Because this person has been entangled in me." Liu Mengxi blushed, biting her silver teeth, still said.

Xia Ming heard the words, and suddenly realized that it must be that the emperor wing once pursued Liu Mengxi. Liu Mengxi knew the strength of this person by accident.

Xia Ming nodded slightly and asked, "If you say so, are there only five such forces among the newcomers and disciples?"

"Yes, Brother Xia." Huang Yan nodded solemnly: "Now many people want to join these five forces, and pray to join forces to resist these old disciples together."

Xia Ming nodded slightly. If the newcomers were twisted into a ball, they should not be ignored. Even these old people must be taken seriously.

"The old man, where are they?" Xia Ming groaned slightly and asked.

"The old disciple is headed by Brother Tongzheng. Under Brother Tongzheng's hands, there are four masters of innate ranks. They are called the four generals. Their names are Zhou Huang, Tang Xiwen, Lan Luo, and Fu Qingxuan. . "

"These four?"

When Xia Ming heard the words, he was also solemn and solemn.

These four people are all inside disciples. In order to make the entire martial arts a little more fair this time, the fighting power is also relatively flat, so this internal disciple is also involved.

None of these four people were fuel-efficient lamps. Among them, Zhou Huang was the one who took him to the Xuanxinzong at that time. In this half year, he rarely saw Zhou Huang.

"Yes, they are all masters in the early days of congenital." Said here, Huang Yan gritted his teeth: "I did not expect that this big game would be so difficult, even the masters in the early days of the congenital participated in."

Indeed, the masters of the innate realm are, for them, a mountain, and this mountain is almost insurmountable, unless they are also masters of innate level.

What's more, after this innate, there is a more powerful master. This master is a late master. This strength is even greater. Facing such masters, they have hardly won hope.

But if they can win, then the benefits they get are also huge.

Especially the nine-storied pagoda made them all yearning for it. As for the supreme mentality and mysterious mystery of the door, they were all a little excited.

If they can learn that mysterious mystery, they have a good chance to become the true disciple, and even fight for the future suzerain, it may not be impossible.


Xia Ming nodded slightly. The masters of the innate realm communicated the existence of the heaven and earth bridge. Such masters can already communicate the aura initially. As long as they are aware of the aura, they can step into this aura and wait to transform all vitality For Reiki, it is the so-called spiritual gathering. It can be said that the innate state is a crucial step. If you are promoted to become a master of the innate state, you will have a chance to feel the aura. If you can feel the aura from the air, you can enter the aura. Aura feels Reiki, but it is very difficult.

It is difficult for these people to perceive the existence of this aura throughout their lives. Reiki is also another kind of energy. This kind of energy is more advanced than vitality. Even if people do n’t eat or drink, as long as there is sufficient reiki, they will not die. This is the role of reiki, which has reached a certain level. , Is equivalent to a valley, and Reiki is also between this world

Pure energy is also good for the human body. People who reach the spiritual realm will also greatly increase their life span, which is inseparable from Reiki.

Therefore, this is why it is so important to gather together.

"If you say that, the rest of the people seem to have been expelled." Xia Ming's eyes flickered. He didn't know how many new disciples were behind this Nangong Yu and others. There are tens of thousands of disciples who come in.

Being able to expel all these people so quickly shows that this child has really done a lot of work.


Huang Yan nodded slightly and said, "Now many of our newcomers and disciples have been eliminated, and the elimination rate is still increasing."

Xia Ming nodded! I don't know what I'm thinking about.

At this time Liu Mengxi couldn't help looking at Xia Ming, hesitated, and asked, "Brother Xia, what do we do next? Or find a place to hide?"

Hidden, but where else can I hide? Liu Mengxi couldn't help worrying.


Xia Ming froze, looked at Liu Mengxi, smiled and said, "Hiding, this is not my style."

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's eyes flickered a bit, and he smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then we will lead a snake out of the hole and attract a fish."

"Hook the fish?"

Liu Mengxi and others heard that they were all stunned and looked at Xia Ming. Obviously they did not understand what Xia Ming meant by this, and attracted fish.


Xia Ming nodded slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he chuckled: "These people have driven a lot of our newcomers and disciples, so we just happened to find this place back."


As soon as this sentence came out, all the people present changed their faces. Obviously, Xia Ming meant to find trouble for these old people, but with these people, can they really find trouble for these people?

"Is this too risky?" Liu Mengxi could not help reminding.

"No adventure!" Xia Ming grinned, and Xia Ming's smile made everyone in the room shiver trembling, as if Xia Ming had some idea.

"Let's make a noise now, just say we're here!" Charmington paused and said casually. "What ... still making noises?" Liu Mengxi's face changed so loudly that he was making noises. Isn't this looking for trouble?

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