The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2148: Swipe points

With a muffled sound, Huang Yan stunned, and then suddenly stepped back.

On this ground, a long scratch was left, and Huang Yan's body hit a big tree. This big tree also broke off in response, and then stopped.


Huang Yan coughed, and some blood stains leaked from the corners of his mouth. The hands were pulled down, his hands trembling slightly, as if he had lost his own hands.

Huang Yan looked at this Lin Zhi with a dreadful look, looking dignified.

"Now, I can't eliminate you." The reason why Lin Zhi did not eliminate Huang Yan immediately was naturally to know those people behind Huang Yan. If they can catch these people, the effect will be better, they Will get more tokens.

"You ... don't you really eliminate me?" Huang Yan's eyes flickered a little, but the eyes were hidden deeply, even Lin Zhi didn't notice it.

"Nice!" Lin Zhi said coldly, "I will still deceive you."

"I ... I said!"

Huang Yan hesitated, and then carefully told Lin Zhi, the hiding place of Xia Ming and others, Lin Zhi heard the words and smiled, Lin Zhi looked at this Huang Yan.

At this time, some people couldn't help but say, "Brother Lin, it's better to let this guy lead the way. In case this guy is telling lies, shouldn't we lie to us?"


Lin Zhi nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, you can take us to the destination. If we see them, we will let you go."

Huang Yan's face changed slightly and hesitated.

Sure enough, this Lin Zhi's face sank, and he thought intently, "What? Are you lying to me?"

"I'll take you there."

Huang Yan said quickly.

"Let's lead the way."

With Lin Zhi's words falling, Huang Yan was walking towards the front. After walking for about two hours, they finally arrived at this destination.

In this distance, Xia Ming has been paying attention to every move around him.

When Huang Yan stepped into this area, Xia Ming gestured towards the people present.


Liu Mengxi also saw Xia Ming's gesture, so this heart was tight. Immediately, a pair of beautiful eyes looked around. They looked solemnly and stared tightly.

This stared for a while, and sure enough, from the front there was a figure of Huang Yan. Behind this Huang Yan, there were these figures. When Liu Mengxi saw this Lin Zhi, his face changed slightly.

"Lin Zhi! It was him ..."

Liu Mengxi's heart was tight, staring at Lin Zhi, Lin Zhi is the 450th master of the Xuanbang. Since he can enter the Xuanbang, this strength is naturally quite powerful.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yan found Lin Zhi.

Looking at the blood between the corners of Huangyan's mouth, it was clear that they had experienced a battle and Huangyan was not injured.

Xia Ming also stared directly at the people in front of him. His area of ​​formation was not small, and the distance of 300 meters was all covered by the formation.

It's not that Xia Ming can't arrange it a bit wider, but there are not so many yuan stones on his body. This arrangement method also consumes quite a lot of yuan stones. No wonder some people often say that if you arrange a large mountain guard array, you can even place one Super martial arts are exhausted.

"Why not?"

Then someone suddenly asked.

"Here, two hundred meters ahead is where they are." Huang Yan said cautiously: "You said just now, if you see them, you let me go?"

"Less nonsense, lead the way," one of the men said impatiently.

Huang Yan walked forward cautiously, and as he moved forward, he quickly stepped into this formation, and when they came to a distance of 100 meters in this formation, suddenly, Huang Yanda Drink it.

"Do it!"


With a loud scream from Huang Yan, Huang Yan's figure suddenly jumped up.

At the same time, Xia Ming didn't have nonsense, his body jumped, and he came to this place in an instant, his hands changed quickly and he shouted.

"From ..."

With a loud drink, Lin Zhi and others felt that there was an invisible force covering them instantly, and they felt a change in their eyes.

When it reappeared, it was found that the scenery around him was no longer a scenery in the forest, but in the tens of thousands of years of ice.

Here is endless ice. There are icebergs, ice trees, and some other vegetation, but these vegetation are all filled with ice caves by these ice.

The cold and chilly atmosphere was rippling, which made Lin Zhi and others all look different.

"No, it's a good idea."

They reacted, but it was too late.

At this moment, Lin Zhi looked angry at Lin Zhi in the distance!

Although Huang Yan responded quickly, he was still trapped in the formation, but Huang Yan still kept a distance from this Lin Zhi.

"Huang Yan ... you are so brave."

Lin Zhi stared angrily at Huang Yan, his eyes could not wait to kill Huang Yan, full of killing intention.

"Hehe!" The next moment, a figure also appeared in front of Lin Zhi. This figure, dressed in a black shirt, wrapped the slightly thin body. The boy had dark eyes, just like that The deep pond is general, and the bottom is not deep, especially the breath on the teenager, which makes people feel sincere


Xia Ming's sudden appearance also immediately caught the attention of Lin Zhi and others.

Lin Zhi stared at Xia Ming sternly, and said, "It's you ... Xia Ming ..."


Xia Ming looked at Lin Zhi with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, how are you?"

"Xia Ming, what the **** are you doing? Hurry up and let us out. If not, we will want you to look good." A young man beside Lin Zhi appeared sharply, scolding harshly.

"Want me to look good?"

Xia Ming heard the words, but laughed.

Xia Ming said with a smile: "It's up to you, are you qualified to make me look good now?"

Xia Ming's words also annoyed the young boy. The young boy hummed coldly: "Xia Ming, although you are good, but ... in front of me, you are a clown jumping clown. Today I will let you know the gap between new people and old people. Meet the old man and walk around for me. "

The teenager yelled, his body jumped up, and he ran towards Xia Ming as fast as lightning. The speed was also quite fast, and he came to Xia Ming in a few breaths.

However, under these countless eyes, Xia Ming slowly raised his right hand. This scene was seen by many people, all frowning. "What is this guy doing ..."

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